How to use the parse function from @babel/core
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/core.parse code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/core.parse is a function in the Babel.js library that parses JavaScript code into an abstract syntax tree (AST) that can be transformed and manipulated using Babel.js plugins.
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const mainCode = fs.readFileSync(mainModuleSrcFile, 'utf8'); // navigate the AST of var e = {...}. Every property is a module. // We want to separate each module into its own file. const ast = babel.parse(code); function getModulePath(moduleId) { return path.join(rootPath, "modules", moduleId + ".js"); }
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config.debug && console.log(`attempting to get ${} from source file`, path.parentPath.node.source.value); const sourceFileString = getFileSource(path.parentPath.node.source.value, relativePath); if (sourceFileString) { config.debug && console.log(`got ${} from source file`, path.parentPath.node.source.value); const ast = parse(sourceFileString, { // presets: ['@babel/preset-env', '@babel/preset-react'], // parserOpts: { // } });
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How does @babel/core.parse work?
The @babel/core.parse function is a part of the Babel.js library, which is a JavaScript compiler that can transform JavaScript code from one version to another or apply custom transformations using Babel.js plugins. When you call the @babel/core.parse function, you pass in a JavaScript code string as an argument. The function then parses the code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), which is a structured representation of the code that can be manipulated and transformed. The AST represents the code as a series of nodes, each of which represents a different element of the code, such as a function declaration, a variable declaration, or an if statement. The nodes are connected together in a tree structure that reflects the hierarchical structure of the code. You can use Babel.js plugins to transform and manipulate the AST, allowing you to modify the code in various ways. For example, you can use plugins to add new code, remove existing code, or modify the behavior of the code. Overall, the @babel/core.parse function provides a powerful way to parse JavaScript code into an abstract syntax tree (AST) in a Node.js application using the Babel.js library, which can then be transformed and manipulated using Babel.js plugins.
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function literalParser(source, opts, styles) { let ast; try { ast = parse(source, loadBabelOpts(opts)); } catch (ex) { // console.error(ex); return styles || []; }
GitHub: lionche/jitfunfuzz
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const babel = require("@babel/core"); function fixReturn(source_code) { const babel = require('@babel/core'); const ast = babel.parse(source_code, { sourceType: 'module' });
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Ai Example
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const parser = require("@babel/parser"); const code = "const x = 1 + 2;"; const ast = parser.parse(code); console.log(ast);
In this example, we first require the @babel/parser module in our Node.js application. We then define a JavaScript code string const x = 1 + 2; and use the @babel/core.parse function to parse the code string into an abstract syntax tree (AST). We store the resulting AST in a variable named ast. We then print the AST to the console using the console.log method. The resulting AST will look something like this: javascript Copy code
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o.attributes.push(t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier(bindAttr), t.jsxExpressionContainer(t.objectExpression(bindedProps)))); o.attributes.push(t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier("_ParentData"), t.jsxExpressionContainer(t.identifier("Data")))); } } function generateCode(cText) { let ast = babel.parse(cText, { presets: [["@babel/preset-env", { loose: true, modules: false, useBuiltIns: false,
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const mentionsSelect = /\s+Select\s+/.test(source); if (importsFromCore && mentionsSelect) { let ast; try { ast = babel.parse(source, { ast: true, filename:, presets: [ [require.resolve("@babel/preset-env"), { shippedProposals: true }],
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GitHub: NexusFeng/blog
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const moduleAnalyzer = (filename) => { // 获取到文件内容,'utf8'形式 const content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8') // 将拿到的文件内容解析为ast,由于我们写的代码一般使用ESModule,所以设置sourceType: 'module'以获支持,详见 const ast = babel.parse(content, { sourceType: 'module' }) // 用于储存路径映射 const dependencies = {}
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