How to use the parse function from @babel/parser
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/parser.parse code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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const fileCasePath = this.resourcePath .replace(/([\\/])(src)([\\/])/, (...args) => args[1] + 'test' + args[3]) .replace(/\.\w{2,5}$/, '.js') const astBase = parser.parse(script.content, { sourceType: 'module', plugins: ['jsx', 'dynamicImport'] // xvm中可以编译jsx语法;增加动态引入js的语法。这里注意。 })
GitHub: facebook/metro
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file: JSFile, {config, options, projectRoot}: TransformationContext, ): Promise<TransformResponse> { // Transformers can output null ASTs (if they ignore the file). In that case // we need to parse the module source code to get their AST. let ast = file.ast ?? babylon.parse(file.code, {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}); const {importDefault, importAll} = generateImportNames(ast); // Add "use strict" if the file was parsed as a module, and the directive did
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linesBelow: 0, }); } function astFromCode(code: string): BabelNodeFile { return babylon.parse(code, { plugins: ['dynamicImport', 'flow'], sourceType: 'module', }); }
GitHub: qooxdoo/qooxdoo
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) ]); let inject = [tmp]; if (hasLoadDeps) { tmp = babylon.parse( "qx.Bootstrap.executePendingDefers($$dbClassInfo);" ).program.body; inject.push(tmp[0]); }
GitHub: gluestack/dank-style
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if (!fileData) { return {}; } fileData = fileData?.replace(/as const/g, ''); const ast = babel.parse(fileData, { presets: [babelPresetTypeScript], plugins: ['typescript'], sourceType: 'module', comments: false,
GitHub: lb0905/webpack
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} for (let i = loaders.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const loader = loaders[i]; originSourceCode = require(loader)(originSourceCode); } const astTree = parse(originSourceCode); traverse(astTree, { CallExpression({ node }) { if ( === 'require') { const moduleName = node.arguments[0].value;
+ 3 other calls in file
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// 创建一个模块ID,就是相对于根目录的相对路径 dependencies就是此模块依赖的模块 // name是模块所属的代码块的名称,如果一个模块属于多个代码块,那么name就是一个数组 let module = { id: moduleId, dependencies: [], names: [name] } // 必须这里就push返回就解决 // 解析源码生成ast抽象语法树,分析模块依赖 let ast = parser.parse(sourceCode, { sourceType: 'module' }) // visitor是babel对ast的遍历器或者访问器 // ast可视化 traverse(ast, { CallExpression: ({ node }) => {
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: randibrahim/AST-Pruning
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var fileSrc = fs.readFileSync('C:\\Users\\Tec\\React Native Applications\\Upload-main\\backend\\uploadedFiles\\' + file); console.log(file); // The readFileSync() function returns a Buffer. //we can use the toString() method on the Buffer object to get the contents as String. // 4- parse the file content using the babel parser ast = babelParser.parse(fileSrc.toString(), { sourceType: "module", plugins: [ // enable jsx and js syntax "jsx",
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
'hello' != 'world' 0 == 0 true == true `; const ast = parser.parse(sourceCode, { sourceType: "unambiguous", // comments: true, });
+ 3 other calls in file
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namesFile = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "../names") + "/index.js", "utf-8" ); names = require("../names/index.js"); namesFileBabelObject = babel.parse(namesFile, configuration); } catch (error) {} }); it(":::NJSCPUSJFR_TEST_1:::A file should be created in 'name' directory as 'index.js'", () => {
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moduleFile = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "../utilities") + "/ratioFactorial/index.js", "utf-8" ); ratioAndFactorial = require("../utilities/ratioFactorial/index.js"); moduleFileBabelObject = babel.parse(moduleFile, configuration); } catch (error) { console.log(error, "error"); } });
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// 3. Function arguments (v-for, v-slot): place in a function argument position const source = asRawStatements ? ` ${rawExp} ` : `(${rawExp})${asParams ? `=>{}` : ``}`; try { ast = parser.parse(source, { plugins: context.expressionPlugins }).program; } catch (e) {
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} if (filename.endsWith('x')) { plugins.push('jsx'); } } const ast = parser.parse(src, { sourceType: 'module', plugins }); const s = new MagicString(src);
GitHub: DouLu/webpack
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}, sourceCode); //通过loader翻译后的内容一定得是js内容,因为最后得走我们babel-parse,只有js才能成编译AST //第七步:找出此模块所依赖的模块,再对依赖模块进行编译 //7.1:先把源代码编译成 [AST]( let ast = parser.parse(sourceCode, { sourceType: 'module' }); traverse(ast, { CallExpression: (nodePath) => { const { node } = nodePath; //7.2:在 `AST` 中查找 `require` 语句,找出依赖的模块名称和绝对路径
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// webpack最核心的几个概念:module,module中有模块ID、模块依赖数组 let module = { id: moduleId, dependencies: [], name } // 现在我们已经得到了转换后的代码:babel-loader es6=>es5 // 7. 再找出该模块依赖的模块,再递归本步骤直到所有入口依赖的文件都经过了本步骤的处理 // { sourceType: 'module' }表示原代码是一个模块。模块就是里面有module.exports、 exports let astTree = parser.parse(targetSourceCode, { sourceType: 'module' }); // 遍历语法树,并找出require节点 traverse(astTree, { CallExpression: ({ node }) => { // node 节点 if ( === 'require') { // 是require
+ 2 other calls in file
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'use strict'; const evalToString = require('../evalToString'); const parser = require('@babel/parser'); const parse = source => parser.parse(`(${source});`).program.body[0].expression; // quick way to get an exp node const parseAndEval = source => evalToString(parse(source)); describe('evalToString', () => {
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default\\b|delete\\b|do\\b|else\\b|export\\b|extends\\b|finally\\b|in\\b|instanceof\\b|let\\b|return\\b|super\\b|switch\\b|throw\\b|try\\b|show\\b|tid\\b)$`, 'g') try { if (reservedKeyWords.test(expression)) { throw Error("A data binding parsing error occurred. Do not use the reserved:" + expression).message } let expAst = isEventFunc ? parser.parse('(' + expression + ')') : parser.parse(expression) traverse(expAst, { enter(path) { if (path.parent && path.node.type === "Identifier") { let flag = false
@babel/parser.parse is the most popular function in @babel/parser (46 examples)