How to use the compile function from ajv
Find comprehensive JavaScript ajv.compile code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ajv.compile compiles a JSON schema into a validation function.
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const schema = datasetUtils.jsonSchema(dataset.schema.filter(p => !p['x-calculated'] && !p['x-extension'])) schema.additionalProperties = false = { type: 'string' } // super-admins can set _updatedAt and so rewrite history if (adminMode) = { type: 'string', format: 'date-time' } return ajv.compile(schema) } async function manageAttachment (req, keepExisting) { if ('multipart/form-data')) {
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GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
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const outputs = require('../utils/outputs') const limits = require('../utils/limits') const locks = require('../utils/locks') const notifications = require('../utils/notifications') const datasetPatchSchema = require('../../contract/dataset-patch') const validatePatch = ajv.compile(datasetPatchSchema) const datasetPostSchema = require('../../contract/dataset-post') const validatePost = ajv.compile( const userNotificationSchema = require('../../contract/user-notification') const validateUserNotification = ajv.compile(userNotificationSchema)
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How does ajv.compile work?
ajv.compile is a function that takes a JSON schema and compiles it into a validation function that can be used to validate data against that schema. The resulting validation function can be called with a data object as its argument, and will return a boolean indicating whether or not the data is valid according to the schema. The compiled validation function is optimized for performance, so it can be used to efficiently validate large amounts of data.
GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
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publicationSites:, webhooks: } } const validateSettings = ajv.compile(settingSchema) const validateDepartmentSettings = ajv.compile(departmentSettingsSchema) const validate = (settings) => { if (settings.department) { validateDepartmentSettings(settings)
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const remoteServiceAPIDocs = require('../../contract/remote-service-api-docs') const mongoEscape = require('mongo-escape') const config = require('config') const ajv = require('ajv')() const createError = require('http-errors') const validate = ajv.compile(require('../../contract/remote-service')) const servicePatch = require('../../contract/remote-service-patch') const validatePatch = ajv.compile(servicePatch) const openApiSchema = require('../../contract/openapi-3.1.json') openApiSchema.$id = openApiSchema.$id + '-2' // dirty hack to handle ajv error
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Ai Example
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const Ajv = require("ajv"); const ajv = new Ajv(); const schema = { type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 30, }, age: { type: "number", minimum: 18, }, }, required: ["name", "age"], additionalProperties: false, }; const validate = ajv.compile(schema); const data1 = { name: "John", age: 25 }; const data2 = { name: "Alice", age: "twenty-five" }; console.log(validate(data1)); // true console.log(validate(data2)); // false
In this example, ajv.compile() is used to create a validation function called validate based on the JSON schema defined in the schema object. This function can then be used to validate data against the schema.
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//____________________________________________________________________________ console.log('Validating v'+status.version+' release '+status.status.release); var validate = ajv.compile(jsonSchema); validate(schema); var errors = validate.errors; if (errors) { console.warn(errors);
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return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (!payload) { reject(new error.InternalValidationError('Payload is falsy')); } else { try { let validate = ajv.compile(schema); let valid = validate(payload); if (valid && !validate.errors) { resolve(_.cloneDeep(payload));
GitHub: jovinbm/redis_wrapper
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}, required : ['key_name'], additionalProperties: false }; const validate = ajv.compile(schema); /** * Get the value of key. If the key does not exist the special value nil is returned * @param params
ajv.compile is the most popular function in ajv (104 examples)