How to use the connect function from amqplib
Find comprehensive JavaScript amqplib.connect code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
amqplib.connect is a function in the amqplib library that establishes a connection to an AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) server.
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if (connection) { return connection; } try { connection = await amqp.connect(Configuration.get('RABBITMQ_URI')); connection.on('close', () => { logger.warning('RabbitMQ connection was closed.'); connection = undefined; });
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await channel.assertQueue(queue, { durable: true }); return channel; } async openConnection({ amqpUrl = "" }) { this.connection = await amqplib.connect(amqpUrl, "heartbeat=60"); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars async openConsumer({ queue = "", onMessage = async (msg = "") => { } }) {
How does amqplib.connect work?
amqplib.connect is a function in the amqplib library that establishes a connection to an AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) server. When you call amqplib.connect(), you pass in an object that contains connection parameters, such as the hostname and port of the AMQP server. The function then performs the following steps to establish a connection to the server: Create a new Connection object: amqplib.connect() creates a new Connection object that represents the connection to the AMQP server. Create a new Socket object: amqplib.connect() creates a new Socket object that represents the underlying TCP/IP socket connection to the server. Connect the Socket to the server: amqplib.connect() connects the Socket to the AMQP server using the specified hostname and port. Authenticate the connection: If authentication is required, amqplib.connect() sends the appropriate credentials to the server to authenticate the connection. Open a new Channel: Once the connection is established, amqplib.connect() opens a new Channel object that represents a logical connection to the server, through which messages can be sent and received. Return the Connection object: Finally, amqplib.connect() returns the Connection object to the caller, which can then be used to interact with the AMQP server. This function is useful for tasks that involve sending and receiving messages over an AMQP connection in Node.js, such as building messaging systems or integrating with other services that use the AMQP protocol. Overall, amqplib.connect provides a simple way to establish a connection to an AMQP server in Node.js using the amqplib library.
GitHub: toa-io/comq
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/** * @type {toa.generic.retry.Task} */ #open = async (retry) => { try { this.#connection = await amqp.connect(this.#url) } catch (exception) { if (transient(exception)) return retry() else throw exception }
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GitHub: ichavee/rmq
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RMQ.prototype.do_connect = function() { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { that.connecting = true; AMQP.connect(that.config.connection.uri).then(function(conn) { that.amqp.conn = conn; conn.createChannel().then(function(ch) { = ch;
Ai Example
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const amqp = require("amqplib"); async function connectToRabbitMQ() { try { // Define connection parameters const connectionParams = { hostname: "localhost", port: 5672, username: "guest", password: "guest", }; // Establish a connection to the AMQP server const connection = await amqp.connect(connectionParams); // Log a message to the console indicating that the connection was successful console.log("Connected to RabbitMQ!"); // Return the connection object to the caller return connection; } catch (error) { console.error("Error connecting to RabbitMQ:", error); } } // Call the connectToRabbitMQ function to establish a connection to the server connectToRabbitMQ();
In this example, we define a function called connectToRabbitMQ that uses amqplib.connect() to establish a connection to an AMQP server. We pass in an object called connectionParams that specifies the hostname, port, username, and password of the server. We then use await amqp.connect(connectionParams) to establish the connection and store the Connection object that's returned in a variable called connection. Finally, we log a message to the console indicating that the connection was successful, and return the Connection object to the caller. Overall, amqplib.connect provides a simple way to establish a connection to an AMQP server in Node.js using the amqplib library.
GitHub: NeriRos/autest
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return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const host = process.env.RABBITMQ_HOST; const username = process.env.RABBITMQ_USERNAME; const password = process.env.RABBITMQ_PASSWORD; const url = `amqp://${username}:${password}@${host}`; const connection = yield amqp.connect(url); const channel = yield connection.createChannel(); return { connection, channel
GitHub: johnktaylor/FilePump
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let queuename = getParameter(true, 'FILEPUMP_QUEUE_NAME', 'q', undefined); let queueserver = getParameter(true, 'FILEPUMP_QUEUE_SERVER', 's', undefined); let inputdir = getParameter(true, 'FILEPUMP_INPUT_DIR', 'i', '//inputfiles'); (() => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { const queue = queuename; const conn = yield amqplib.connect('amqp://' + queueuser + ':' + queuepassword + '@' + queueserver); const ch1 = yield conn.createChannel(); yield ch1.assertQueue(queue); let filesscanned = []; setInterval(() => {
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return resultList; } main().then(async (responses) => { const connect = await amqp.connect(MQ_URL); await utils.connectToChannelAndPublish(connect, responses); await connect.close();
GitHub: OnilBlanco26/rabbit-app
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for (let u of array) { try { // Conexión a RabbitMQ if (connection === undefined) { connection = await amqp.connect(u); channel = await connection.createChannel(); await channel.assertQueue(queue); } // ...
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if (!exchangeName && !queueName) throw new Error('trying to bind an anonymous queue to the default exchange is pointless. You must define either an exchange or a queue'); debug('Server connecting...'); let connection = rabbitURI; if ( === '[object String]') { connection = await amqplib.connect(rabbitURI); } this.conn = connection; const channel = await connection.createChannel(); this.chan = channel;
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let conn; const getRabbitConn = async () => { if (conn) { return conn; } else if (!conn) { conn = await amqplib.connect(process.env.RABBIT_CONNECTION); return conn; } };
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amqplib.connect is the most popular function in amqplib (40 examples)