How to use the arrayOfObject function from assert-plus
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert-plus.arrayOfObject code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
assert-plus.arrayOfObject is a function that verifies whether the given argument is an array of objects or not, throwing an error if the condition is not met.
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var log = api.log; return function filterOwnerListNetworks(opts, networks) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.account, 'opts.account'); assert.arrayOfObject(networks, 'networks'); log.debug('Running ' +; var accountUuid = opts.account.uuid;
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assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.type, 'opts.type'); assert.optionalString(opts.desc, 'opts.desc'); assert.string(opts.idField, 'opts.idField'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.have, 'opts.have'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.want, 'opts.want'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.crudChangesForCreate, 'opts.crudChangesForCreate'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.crudChangesForDelete, 'opts.crudChangesForDelete'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.normThing, 'opts.normThing'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.crudChangesForUpdate, 'opts.crudChangesForUpdate');
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How does assert-plus.arrayOfObject work?
is a function provided by the assert-plus library in Node.js that checks if a given value is an array of objects, throwing an error if the value fails this check. It takes in a value as its argument, and checks whether the value is an array containing only objects, throwing an AssertionError if the check fails. If the check passes, it simply returns without any errors.
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CloudApi.prototype.waitForDiskCreate = function waitForDiskCreate(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.uuid(, ''); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.disks, 'opts.disks'); assert.ok(opts.size, 'opts.size'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.waitTimeout, 'opts.waitTimeout'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.interval, 'opts.interval'); assert.func(cb, 'cb');
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// Ensure the RBAC settings (subusers, policies, roles) on the given account // are set as given. function _ensureRbacSettings(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts.t, 'opts.t'); assert.object(opts.account, 'opts.account'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.subusers, 'opts.subusers'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.policies, 'opts.policies'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.roles, 'opts.roles'); assert.func(cb, 'cb');
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Ai Example
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const assert = require("assert-plus"); function printNames(names) { assert.arrayOfObject(names, "names"); names.forEach((name) => { console.log(name.first + " " + name.last); }); } const people = [ { first: "John", last: "Doe" }, { first: "Jane", last: "Doe" }, { first: "Bob", last: "Smith" }, ]; printNames(people);
In this example, we define a printNames function that expects an array of objects representing people's names. We use assert-plus.arrayOfObject to ensure that the names parameter is an array of objects, and throw an error if it isn't.
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return pkgSizeGiB + ' GiB'; } function formatVolumeSizes(volumePkgs) { assert.arrayOfObject(volumePkgs, 'volumePkgs'); // // return an array of: //
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} catch (parseErr) { next(parseErr); return; } mod_assert.arrayOfObject(parsedVmVolumesInternalMetadata, 'parsedVmVolumesInternalMetadiata'); volumeNames = function getVolNames(volume) {
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} util.inherits(VolumeInUseError, restify.RestError); function ValidationError(causes) { assert.arrayOfObject(causes, 'causes');, { restCode: 'ValidationError', statusCode: 409,
GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdc-manta
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args.columnsSelected, 'args.columnsSelected' ); assertplus.arrayOfString(args.columnsDefault, 'args.columnsDefault'); assertplus.object(args.columnMetadata, 'args.columnMetadata'); assertplus.arrayOfObject(args.rows, 'args.rows'); assertplus.optionalBool(args.omitHeader, 'args.omitHeader'); colnames = args.columnsSelected || args.columnsDefault; columns = {
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assert.object(vmobj, 'vmobj'); assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.func(handler, 'handler'); if (evtName === 'modify') { assert.arrayOfObject(opts.changes, 'opts.changes'); } var handlerObj;
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* a list of changes of the form `{type: <type>, url: <url>}` where * `type` is one of 'reorder', 'add', 'del'. */ IMGADM.prototype.updateSources = function updateSources( sourcesInfo, skipPingCheck, callback) { assert.arrayOfObject(sourcesInfo, 'sourcesInfo'); assert.bool(skipPingCheck, 'skipPingCheck'); assert.func(callback, 'callback'); var self = this; var i, j;
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function runValidTestCase(t, testCase, callback) { assert.object(t, 't'); assert.object(testCase, 'testCase'); assert.arrayOfString(testCase.queryStrings, 'testCase.queryStrings'); assert.arrayOfObject(testCase.vmsToCreate, 'testCase.vmsToCreate'); assert.func(callback, 'callback'); var createdVmUuids = []; var vmsToCreate = testCase.vmsToCreate;
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* filters. An empty list is returned if a filter is not required for the * corresponding marker and sortOptions. */ function _buildFiltersFromMarker(marker, sortOptions) { assert.object(marker, 'marker must be an object'); assert.arrayOfObject(sortOptions, 'sortOptions must be an array of objects'); var markerFilters = [];
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*/ function channelInfoFromConfig(config) { if (!config.channels) { return null; } assert.arrayOfObject(config.channels, 'config.channels'); if (config.channels.length === 0) { assert.ok(false, 'empty "config.channels" array'); } var channelFromName = {};
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'options.contentDisposition'); assert.number(options.contentLength, 'options.contentLength'); assert.string(options.contentMD5, 'options.contentMD5'); assert.string(options.contentType, 'options.contentType'); assert.string(options.objectId, 'options.objectId'); assert.arrayOfObject(options.sharks, 'options.sharks'); if (!process.env.NODE_NDEBUG) { options.sharks.forEach(function validateShark(s) { assert.string(s.manta_storage_id,
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* the presence of '--' will stop option parsing, as all good * option parsers should. */ function Parser(config) { assert.object(config, 'config'); assert.arrayOfObject(config.options, 'config.options'); assert.optionalBool(config.interspersed, 'config.interspersed'); var self = this; // Allow interspersed arguments (true by default).
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assert-plus.object is the most popular function in assert-plus (2295 examples)