How to use the object function from assert-plus
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert-plus.object code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
assert-plus.object is a method provided by the assert-plus module in Node.js that can be used to validate if a given value is a plain object.
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* 'networks' so that it only contains networks or network pools which have the * account UUID in their owner_uuids. */ function filterListNetworks(api, cfg) { assert.object(api, 'api'); assert.object(api.log, 'api.log'); assert.object(cfg, 'cfg'); assert.arrayOfUuid(cfg.accounts, 'cfg.accounts'); var log = api.log;
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function createOptions(opts, userOpts) { assert.object(opts, 'options'); assert.string(opts.path, 'options.path'); assert.object(userOpts, 'userOptions'); var id = opts.req_id || libuuid.v4(); var options = { headers: normalizeHeaders(userOpts.headers),
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How does assert-plus.object work?
assert-plus.object is a function provided by the assert-plus module in Node.js that checks if a value is an object or not, and if it's not, it throws an error with a customizable error message. If the value is an object, the function does nothing and returns undefined. It can also check if the object is empty or not and throw an error if it is empty.
GitHub: TritonDataCenter/node-manta
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// GetJob(Errors|Failures|Inputs|Outputs) all have the same logic // So this is just a generic handler for those function jobDataCommon(opts, callback) { assert.object(opts, 'options'); assert.arrayOfString(opts.args, 'options.args'); assert.object(opts.client, 'options.client'); assert.string(opts.func, 'options.func'); assert.finite(opts.parallel, 'options.parallel'); assert.string(opts.type, 'options.type'); assert.string(opts.user, 'options.user');
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} assert.func(options.sign, 'options.sign'); this.principal.sign = options.sign; } else { assert.string(this.principal.account, 'principal.account'); assert.object(this.principal.keyPair, 'principal.keyPair'); assert.optionalString(this.principal.user, 'principal.user'); } this.url = options.url;
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Ai Example
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const assert = require("assert"); function validateUser(user) { assert(typeof user === "object", "User must be an object"); assert(typeof === "string", "Name must be a string"); assert(typeof user.age === "number", "Age must be a number"); } const validUser = { name: "John Doe", age: 30 }; validateUser(validUser); // passes assertions const invalidUser = { name: 123, age: "thirty" }; validateUser(invalidUser); // throws assertion error with specific message
GitHub: TritonDataCenter/moray
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function PGPool(options) { assert.object(options, 'options'); assert.number(options.checkInterval, 'options.checkInterval'); assert.number(options.connectTimeout, 'options.connectTimeout'); assert.object(options.log, 'options.log'); assert.object(options.resolver, 'options.resolver'); assert.number(options.maxConnections, 'options.maxConnections'); assert.number(options.minSpareConnections, 'options.minSpareConnections'); assert.number(options.targetClaimDelay, 'options.targetClaimDelay'); assert.number(options.queryTimeout, 'options.queryTimeout');
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// ---- support stuff function objCopy(obj, target) { assert.object(obj, 'obj'); assert.optionalObject(obj, 'target'); if (target === undefined) { target = {};
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GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdcadm
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* "size" GBs. Calls "callback" when done with an error object and the newly * created package as parameters. */ function addSharedVolumePackage(cli, packageSettings, callback) { assert.object(cli, 'cli'); assert.object(packageSettings, 'packageSettings'); assert.number(packageSettings.size, 'size'); assert.arrayOfUuid(packageSettings.owner_uuids, 'packageSettings.owner_uuids'); assert.func(callback, 'callback');
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return (log); } function mantaClientFromAccountInfo(accountInfo) { assert.object(accountInfo, 'accountInfo'); assert.string(accountInfo.login, 'accountInfo.login'); assert.string(accountInfo.fp, 'accountInfo.fp'); assert.string(accountInfo.privKey, 'accountInfo.privKey'); assert.string(process.env.MANTA_URL, 'process.env.MANTA_URL');
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function _buildStorageVMPayload(version, volumeParams, storageVmUuid, billingPackage, affinity) { assert.number(version, 'version'); assert.object(volumeParams, 'volumeParams'); assert.uuid(storageVmUuid, 'storageVmUuid'); assert.object(billingPackage, 'billingPackage'); assert.string(billingPackage.uuid, 'billingPackage.uuid'); assert.optionalArray(affinity, 'affinity'); assert.uuid(CONFIG.nfsServerImageUuid, 'CONFIG.nfsServerImageUuid'); assert.uuid(CONFIG.nfsServerImageUuid2, 'CONFIG.nfsServerImageUuid2');
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return err; } function validateFabricNetworkOwnership(napiClient, volumeParams, callback) { assert.object(napiClient, 'napiClient'); assert.object(volumeParams, 'volumeParams'); assert.arrayOfUuid(volumeParams.networks, 'volumeParams.networks'); assert.uuid(volumeParams.owner_uuid, 'volumeParams.owner_uuid'); assert.func(callback, 'callback');
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GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdc-manta
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if (remove instanceof Function) { callback = remove; remove = {}; } assertplus.object(add, 'add'); assertplus.object(remove, 'remove'); assertplus.func(callback, 'callback'); var self = this;
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GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdc-fwapi
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* Get a VM's firewall status from firewaller on a CN */ function getFwStatus(t, opts, callback) { assert.object(t, 't'); assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.vm, 'opts.vm'); assert.string(opts.vm.uuid, 'opts.vm.uuid'); assert.string(opts.vm.server_uuid, 'opts.vm.server_uuid'); assert.optionalBool(opts.exp, 'opts.exp'); assert.optionalObject(opts.expErr, 'opts.expErr');
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name: 'vms-updater', level: 'info', stream: process.stderr }); mod_assert.object(options.vmapiClient, 'options.vmapiClient'); this._vmapiClient = options.vmapiClient; mod_assert.string(options.changefeedPublisherUrl, 'options.changefeedPublisherUrl');
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var JSON_FILENAME = 'plugin.json'; function PluginDirLoader(opts) { var self = this; mod_assert.object(opts, 'opts'); mod_assert.number(opts.defaultTimeout, 'opts.defaultTimeout'); mod_assert.number(opts.defaultTTL, 'opts.defaultTTL'); mod_assert.optionalBool(opts.enforceRoot, 'opts.enforceRoot'); mod_assert.object(opts.log, 'opts.log');
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* - `val` {Object} : keys to update in the object * @param cb {Function} `function (err, new RecoveryConfigurationTransition())` */ function updateRecoveryConfigurationTransition(opts, callback) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.val, 'opts.val'); assert.optionalBool(opts.remove, 'opts.remove'); assert.func(callback, 'callback'); // None of the initially required properties of the object
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assert.object(spanCtx, 'spanCtx'); assert.uuid(spanCtx._spanId, 'spanCtx._spanId'); assert.uuid(spanCtx._traceId, 'spanCtx._traceId'); assert.equal(format, opentracing.FORMAT_TEXT_MAP, 'Unsupported format'); assert.object(carrier, 'carrier'); // We only support "TextMap" format which we assume for now is a restify // opts.headers object.
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assert.object(config, 'config'); assert.optionalBool( config.handleUncaughtExceptions, 'config.handleUncaughtExceptions' ); assert.object(config.log, 'config.log'); assert.object(config.restify, 'config.restify'); assert.object(config.staticLabels, 'config.staticLabels'); assert.string( config.staticLabels.datacenter,
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*/ function groupedCommits(commits) { const grouped = _.reduce( commits, function (acc, commit) { assert.object(commit, 'commit'); if (!acc.hasOwnProperty(commit.type)) { acc[commit.type] = []; }
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* e.g. passing console.log is legal. * @param cb {Function} `function (err)` */ IMGADM.prototype.importImage = function importImage(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.importInfo, 'opts.importInfo'); assert.object(opts.importInfo.source, 'opts.importInfo.source'); assert.string(opts.zpool, 'opts.zpool'); assert.optionalBool(opts.zstream, 'opts.zstream'); assert.optionalBool(opts.quiet, 'opts.quiet');
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// ---- internal support stuff function _rbacStateBasics(ctx, cb) { assert.object(ctx.cloudapi, 'ctx.cloudapi'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); vasync.parallel({funcs: [ function listUsers(next) {
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assert-plus.object is the most popular function in assert-plus (2295 examples)