How to use the optionalObject function from assert-plus
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert-plus.optionalObject code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
assert-plus.optionalObject is a function provided by the assert-plus library that validates that an argument is an object, or null or undefined.
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function InvalidDirectoryError(dir, ent) {; assert.string(dir, 'dir'); assert.optionalObject(ent, 'ent'); = 'InvalidDirectoryError'; this.message = dir + ' is an invalid manta directory'; = ent;
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GitHub: TritonDataCenter/node-manta
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function jobWait(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'options'); assert.object(opts.client, 'options.client'); assert.string(, ''); assert.object(opts.opts, 'options.opts'); assert.optionalObject(opts.baropts, 'options.baropts'); assert.optionalBool(opts.catOutputOnError, 'options.catOutputOnError'); assert.optionalFunc(cb, 'callback'); if (! && !opts.opts.cat_outputs) {
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How does assert-plus.optionalObject work?
assert-plus.optionalObject is a function provided by the assert-plus library that validates that an argument is an object, or null or undefined. When you call assert-plus.optionalObject, you pass in the value to be validated, as well as an optional error message and options object. The function then checks that the value is an object, or null or undefined, and throws an error with the specified message if it is not. If the value is valid, the function simply returns without throwing an error. The behavior of assert-plus.optionalObject can be customized using the options object. For example, you can specify a custom error message, disable coercion of non-object values to objects, or allow empty objects. Overall, assert-plus.optionalObject provides a convenient way to validate that an argument is an object or null or undefined, which can be useful for ensuring that your functions are called with the correct arguments.
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assert.string(options.url, 'options.url'); assert.string(options.account, 'options.account'); assert.optionalArrayOfString(options.roles, 'options.roles'); assert.optionalString(options.version, 'options.version'); assert.optionalObject(options.log, 'options.log'); assert.optionalObject(options.principal, 'options.principal'); this.principal = options.principal; if (options.principal === undefined) {
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// ---- support stuff function objCopy(obj, target) { assert.object(obj, 'obj'); assert.optionalObject(obj, 'target'); if (target === undefined) { target = {}; }
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Ai Example
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const assert = require("assert-plus"); function processObject(obj) { assert.optionalObject(obj, "obj"); console.log(`Processing object with properties: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`); } // Call the function with a valid object argument processObject({ prop1: "value1", prop2: "value2" }); // Call the function with a null argument processObject(null); // Call the function with an undefined argument processObject(undefined); // Call the function with an invalid argument processObject("not an object");
In this example, assert-plus.optionalObject is used to validate an object argument passed to a function called processObject. The function expects an object argument, but it is not required. First, we call the function with a valid object argument. The assert.optionalObject call does not throw an error, so the function proceeds to process the object and logs its properties to the console. Next, we call the function with a null argument. Again, the assert.optionalObject call does not throw an error, so the function proceeds to log a message indicating that it is processing an object with no properties. We repeat this process with an undefined argument, and again, the function proceeds without throwing an error. Finally, we call the function with an invalid argument that is not an object. In this case, assert.optionalObject throws an error with the message 'obj' must be an object or null/undefined because the value is not an object, null, or undefined. Note that assert-plus.optionalObject can be customized using the options object, which can be used to modify its behavior. For example, you can specify a custom error message, disable coercion of non-object values to objects, or allow empty objects.
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function _releaseTicketAndSendResponse(ticket, req, res, next, error) { assert.object(ticket, 'ticket'); assert.object(req, 'req'); assert.object(res, 'res'); assert.func(next, 'next'); assert.optionalObject(error, 'error'); if (ticket !== undefined) { _releaseVolumeTicket(ticket, { cnapiClient: req._cnapiClient,
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function VolumesUpdater(options) { this._changefeedListener = null; mod_assert.object(options, 'options'); mod_assert.optionalObject(options.log, 'options.log'); this._log = options.log || mod_bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'vms-updater', level: 'info', stream: process.stderr
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GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdc-manta
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assertplus.strictEqual(this.ma_maint_windows, null); assertplus.optionalBool(args.sources.configBasic); assertplus.optionalBool(args.sources.configFull); assertplus.optionalBool(; assertplus.optionalObject(args.sources.alarms); if (args.sources.alarms) { assertplus.optionalString(args.sources.alarms.state); if (typeof args.sources.alarms.state === 'string') { if (
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} else if (typeof (options) === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } assert.optionalObject(params, 'params'); assert.optionalObject(options, 'options'); assert.func(callback, 'callback'); var reqOpts = { path: '/volumes', query: params };
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function UFDS(opts) { assert.object(opts, 'options'); assert.string(opts.bindDN, 'options.bindDN'); assert.string(opts.bindPassword, 'options.bindPassword'); assert.ok(!opts.bindCredentials, 'options.bindCredentials not supported'); assert.optionalObject(opts.log, 'options.log'); assert.string(opts.url, 'options.url'); var self = this;;
GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdc-fwapi
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assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.vm, 'opts.vm'); assert.string(opts.vm.uuid, 'opts.vm.uuid'); assert.string(opts.vm.server_uuid, 'opts.vm.server_uuid'); assert.optionalBool(opts.exp, 'opts.exp'); assert.optionalObject(opts.expErr, 'opts.expErr'); var desc = fmt(' (server %s, rule uuid=%s)', opts.vm.server_uuid, opts.vm.uuid); var checkOpts = {
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* } * } */ VMCache.prototype.addTags = function addTags(owner, tags) { assert.optionalUuid(owner, 'owner'); assert.optionalObject(tags, 'tags'); if (!tags || prim.isEmpty(tags)) { return; }
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assert.optionalObject(opts.expErr, 'opts.expErr'); assert.optionalObject(opts.partialExp, 'opts.partialExp'); assert.ok(opts.exp || opts.partialExp || opts.expErr, 'one of exp, expErr, partialExp required'); assert.optionalString(opts.etag, 'opts.etag'); assert.optionalObject(opts.params, 'opts.params'); assert.optionalObject(opts.state, 'opts.state'); assert.optionalFunc(callback, 'callback'); }
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*/ function DummyVmadm(opts) { assert.object(opts); assert.object(opts.log, 'opts.log'); assert.string(opts.serverRoot, 'opts.serverRoot'); assert.optionalObject(opts.sysinfo, 'opts.sysinfo'); var self = this; self.log = opts.log;
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IMGADM.prototype._downloadImageFile = function _downloadImageFile(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.func(cb, 'cb'); assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.source, 'opts.source'); assert.optionalObject(, ''); assert.optionalBool(opts.zstream, 'opts.zstream'); assert.func(opts.logCb, 'opts.logCb'); // As from `source.getImportInfo`. assert.object(opts.importInfo, 'opts.importInfo');
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* @param {Function} cb - `function (err, client)` */ /* END JSSTYLED */ function createClient(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.optionalObject(opts.profile, 'opts.profile'); assert.optionalString(opts.profileName, 'opts.profileName'); assert.optionalObject(opts.config, 'opts.config'); assert.optionalString(opts.configDir, 'opts.configDir'); assert.optionalObject(opts.log, 'opts.log');
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// --- internal support functions function _createLogger(log) { assert.optionalObject(log, 'log'); if (log) { // TODO avoid this .child if already have the serializers, e.g. for // recursive call.
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GitHub: restify/clients
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function cloneRetryOptions(options, defaults) { if (options === false) { return (false); } assert.optionalObject(options, 'options.retry'); var r = options || {}; assert.optionalNumber(r.minTimeout, 'options.retry.minTimeout'); assert.optionalNumber(r.maxTimeout, 'options.retry.maxTimeout'); assert.optionalNumber(r.retries, 'options.retry.retries');
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function auditLogger(opts) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.log, 'opts.log'); assert.string(opts.event, 'opts.event'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.context, 'opts.context'); assert.optionalObject(opts.server, 'opts.server'); assert.optionalBool(opts.printLog, 'opts.printLog'); assert.optionalObject(opts.serializers, 'opts.serializers'); if (
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*/ function _trySetupBucket(bucketName, bucketConfig, cb) { assert.string(bucketName, 'bucketName'); assert.object(bucketConfig, 'bucketConfig'); assert.object(bucketConfig.schema, 'bucketConfig.schema'); assert.optionalObject(bucketConfig.schema.options, 'bucketConfig.schema.options'); if (bucketConfig.schema.options) { assert.optionalNumber(bucketConfig.schema.options.version, 'bucketConfig.schema.options.version');
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]; function validateMigrationBegin(vm, ctx, callback) { assert.object(vm, 'vm'); assert.optionalObject(vm.tags, 'vm.tags'); assert.object(ctx, 'ctx'); assert.object(, ''); assert.object(, ''); assert.optionalBool(,
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assert-plus.object is the most popular function in assert-plus (2295 examples)