How to use the ok function from assert
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert.ok code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
assert.ok is a function in Node.js that tests whether a given value is truthy, and throws an error if it is not.
GitHub: algorand/js-algorand-sdk
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const info = await algosdk.waitForConfirmation( this.v2Client, fundingResponse.txId, 1 ); assert.ok(info['confirmed-round'] > 0); } ); Given(
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GitHub: dependents/node-precinct
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assert.deepEqual(precinct.ast, ast); }); it('dangles off the parsed ast from a .js file', () => { precinct(read('amd.js')); assert.ok(precinct.ast); assert.notDeepEqual(precinct.ast, ast); }); it('dangles off the parsed ast from a scss detective', () => {
How does assert.ok work?
is a function in Node.js that tests whether a given value is truthy, and throws an error if it is not.
When called with a value, assert.ok
checks whether the value is truthy using JavaScript's built-in truthiness rules, which consider values such as undefined
, null
, 0
, and ''
(empty string) to be falsy, and all other values to be truthy.
If the value is truthy, assert.ok
does nothing and returns undefined
. If the value is falsy, assert.ok
throws an AssertionError
with a default error message or a custom error message provided as a second argument.
can be useful for validating assumptions in code and ensuring that the program is operating correctly. It is often used in automated tests to check that functions return expected values or that objects have the expected properties.
For example, suppose we have a function that calculates the sum of two numbers:
javascriptfunction sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
We can use assert.ok
to validate that the function returns the expected value for different inputs:
javascriptconst assert = require('assert');
assert.ok(sum(2, 3) === 5); // Passes
assert.ok(sum(-2, 5) === 3); // Passes
assert.ok(sum(2, 3) === 6, 'Expected sum to return 6'); // Throws an AssertionError with the provided message
In this example, the first two assertions pass because sum(2, 3)
returns 5
and sum(-2, 5)
returns 3
, which are truthy values. The third assertion fails because sum(2, 3)
returns 5
, which is not equal to the expected value of 6
, and assert.ok
throws an AssertionError
with the custom message provided as the third argument.
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$schema: '', class: 'ADC', schemaVersion: '3.0.0', id: 'declarationId' }; assert.ok(validate(data), getErrorString(validate)); }); it('should validate full controls object', () => { const data = {
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it('should match the hostname', () => { assert.ok(testHostname(body.Common, currentState)); }); it('should match the DNS', () => { assert.ok(testDns(body.Common.myDns, currentState)); }); it('should match the NTP', () => { assert.ok(testNtp(body.Common.myNtp, currentState));
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Ai Example
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const assert = require("assert"); function isPositiveNumber(value) { return typeof value === "number" && value > 0; } // Test that the function returns true for a positive number assert.ok(isPositiveNumber(42)); // Passes // Test that the function returns false for a non-positive number assert.ok(!isPositiveNumber(-10)); // Passes // Test that the function returns false for a non-number value assert.ok(!isPositiveNumber("42")); // Passes // Test that the function throws an error for an undefined value assert.throws(() => { isPositiveNumber(undefined); }, /Cannot read property 'value' of undefined/); // Passes
In this example, we have a function isPositiveNumber that takes a value and returns true if the value is a positive number, and false otherwise. We use assert.ok to test the function with different inputs and validate that it returns the expected truthy or falsy values. The first three assertions use assert.ok to check that the function returns a truthy value for a positive number, and falsy values for a non-positive number and a non-number value, respectively. The fourth assertion uses assert.throws to check that the function throws an error when called with an undefined value, using a regular expression to match the error message. All of these assertions pass, indicating that the isPositiveNumber function behaves correctly according to our assumptions.
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}; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const restWorker = new RestWorker(); const success = () => { assert.ok(loadStateCalled); resolve(); }; const error = (err) => { reject(new Error(`Should have called success, but got error: ${err}`));
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if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (offset >= buffer.length) return;
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try { await quotaProxy.methods.upgradeTo(quotaDelegate._address).send({ from: accounts[0], gas: 10000000 }); assert(false, 'Should never get here'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(e.message.match(/revert/)); } try { await quotaProxy.methods.upgradeTo("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000").send({ from: accounts[0], gas: 10000000 });
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mock.restore(); }); describe('Monitor class', function() { it('should have default instance', async () => { assert.ok(monitor instanceof monitor.Monitor); }); it('should create new instances', async () => { assert.ok(tester instanceof monitor.Monitor); });
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let document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(path.join(vscode.workspace.rootPath, 'tests', 'SampleTest.php')); await vscode.window.showTextDocument(document); await vscode.commands.executeCommand(''); await timeout(waitToAssertInSeconds, () => { assert.ok(extension.getGlobalCommandInstance().method === undefined); }); }); it("Run file", async () => {
GitHub: porterhq/porter
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describe('.browserslistrc', function() { it('should transpile with correct targets setting', async function() { const mod = porter.packet.files['utils/index.js']; const { code } = await mod.obtain(); assert.ok(code.includes('async function')); }); }); describe('', function() {
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GitHub: porterhq/porter
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}); describe('packet.resolve()', function() { it('resolve object-inspect', async function() { const inspect = porter.packet.find({ name: 'object-inspect' }); assert.ok(inspect); // ./util.inspect is neglected in browser field of object-inspect assert.ok(!inspect.files.hasOwnProperty('util.inspect.js')); });
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GitHub: nodejs/node-addon-api
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}); const p = require('./napi_child').spawnSync( process.execPath, [__filename, 'fatal', bindingPath]); assert.ifError(p.error); assert.ok(p.stderr.toString().includes( 'FATAL ERROR: Error::ThrowFatalError This is a fatal error')); assert.throws(() => binding.error.throwDefaultError(false), /Cannot convert undefined or null to object/);
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assert.ifError(err); request(nconf.get('url'), (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert.ok(body); assert.ok(body.indexOf('<main id="panel"')); assert.ok(body.includes(message)); done();
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GitHub: bonavadeur/konnichiwa
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// sign and verify var md = MD.sha1.create(); md.update('0123456789abcdef'); var signature = pair.privateKey.sign(md); ASSERT.ok(pair.publicKey.verify(md.digest().getBytes(), signature)); } // compare pairs function _pairCmp(pair1, pair2) {
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GitHub: bonavadeur/konnichiwa
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ASSERT.equal(eb64(publicKey), b64PublicKey); }); it('should generate a random key pair', function() { var kp = ED25519.generateKeyPair(); ASSERT.ok(kp.privateKey); ASSERT.ok(kp.publicKey); }); it('should sign a SHA-256 digest of an UTF-8 message', function() {
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]; arr[1].$timestamps(false); await Movie.insertMany(arr); const docs = await Movie.find().sort({ name: 1 }); assert.ok(docs[0].createdAt.valueOf() >= start); assert.ok(!docs[1].createdAt); }); it('insertMany() with nested timestamps (gh-12060)', async function() {
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GitHub: Automattic/mongoose
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assert.ok('last_name' in doc); assert.ok('_id' in doc); assert.ok('first_name' in doc._id); assert.equal(doc._id.first_name, 'Daniel'); assert.ok('age' in doc._id); assert.equal(doc._id.age, 21); assert.ok('doc_embed' in doc); assert.ok('some' in doc.doc_embed);
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storage: {}, config: {}, urlUtils: {} }); assert.ok(contentFileImporter); assert.equal(contentFileImporter.type, 'media'); }); it('returns configured extensions', function () {
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} } function shouldContainInBody (str) { return function (res) { assert.ok(res.text.indexOf(str) !== -1, 'expected \'' + res.text + '\' to contain \'' + str + '\'') } }
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assert.strictEqual(flat[0], 'one') assert.strictEqual(flat[1], 'two') assert.strictEqual(flat[2], 'three') assert.strictEqual(flat[3], 'four') assert.strictEqual(flat[4], 'five') assert.ok(flat.every(function (v) { return typeof v === 'string' })) }) })
assert.equal is the most popular function in assert (3580 examples)