How to use the rejects function from assert
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert.rejects code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
assert.rejects verifies that a function call promise is rejected and rejects it if not.
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let deferred = new tester.Thenable(); let value = {}; deferred.reject(value); deferred.resolve(123); deferred.reject(12345); await assert.rejects(async () => { await deferred; }, err => { assert.strictEqual(err, value); return true;
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}); }); it('should require valid region size', async () => { subject = new iiif.Processor(`${base}/0,0,0,0/full/0/default.png`, streamResolver); assert.rejects(() => subject.execute(), iiif.IIIFError); }); }); describe('size', () => {
+ 7 other calls in file
How does assert.rejects work?
assert.rejects is a function in Node.js that verifies if a given Promise rejects (throws an error), and if it does not, it throws an AssertionError. When passed a function that returns a Promise, assert.rejects waits for the Promise to reject, and if it does not, the assertion fails. It also allows you to assert on the error message, type or other properties of the rejected error.
GitHub: rosano/launchlet
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}); describe('LCHAPIExecuteComposition', function test_LCHAPIExecuteComposition() { it('rejects if param1 not LCHComposition', async function() { await rejects(mod.LCHAPIExecuteComposition({}, kTesting.StubAPIObjectValid()), /LCHErrorInputNotValid/); }); it('rejects if param2 not API object', async function() { await rejects(mod.LCHAPIExecuteComposition(kTesting.StubCompositionObjectValid(), {}), /LCHErrorInputNotValid/);
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GitHub: rosano/launchlet
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const LCHDocument = require('../LCHDocument/main.js').default; describe('LCHTransportImport', function test_LCHTransportImport() { it('rejects if not object', async function () { await rejects(ZDRTestingWrap.App.LCHTransport.LCHTransportImport(null), /LCHErrorInputNotValid/); }); it('returns object', async function () { deepEqual(await ZDRTestingWrap.App.LCHTransport.LCHTransportImport({}), {});
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Ai Example
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const assert = require("assert"); async function asyncFn() { throw new Error("Async function error"); } assert.rejects( asyncFn(), { name: "Error", message: "Async function error" }, "The function should throw the expected error" );
In this example, assert.rejects is used to test whether an async function asyncFn throws an expected error. The method takes three arguments: the async function being tested, the expected error object (with the error's name and message properties), and an optional error message to include if the assertion fails.
GitHub: Automattic/mongoose
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{ name: 'test-1' }, { name: 'test-2' } ]; await Model.create(arr); await assert.rejects(() => Model.deleteOne([]), /must be an object/); const docs = await Model.find({}); assert.equal(docs.length, 2); });
GitHub: kzar/ddg2dnr
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{ cnames: {}, domains: {}, entities: {} }, { cnames: 1, domains: 2, entities: 3, trackers: 4 } ] for (const blockList of invalidBlockLists) { await assert.rejects(() => generateTdsRuleset( blockList, supportedSurrogateScripts, '', () => { } ) )
+ 13 other calls in file
GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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done(); }); }); it('should not deactivate a plugin if active plugins are set in configuration', (done) => { assert.rejects(plugins.toggleActive(activePlugins[0]), Error).then(() => { plugins.isActive(activePlugins[0], (err, isActive) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(isActive); done();
assert.equal is the most popular function in assert (3580 examples)