How to use the strictEqual function from assert
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert.strictEqual code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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dirMode: this._dirMode, async validator() { await input.task if (expectedSize !== undefined) { // check that we read all the stream strictEqual( container.size, expectedSize, `transferred size ${container.size}, expected file size : ${expectedSize}` )
GitHub: algorand/js-algorand-sdk
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if (this.expectedMockResponseCode === 200) { // assert.deepStrictEqual considers a Buffer and Uint8Array with the same contents as unequal. // These types are fairly interchangable in different parts of the SDK, so we need to normalize // them before comparing, which is why we chain encoding/decoding below. if (responseFormat === 'json') { assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(expectedMockResponse)), JSON.stringify(this.actualMockResponse) ); } else {
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Common: { class: 'Tenant', optimisticLockKey: 'theOptimisticKeyOfLocking' } }; assert.strictEqual(validate(data), true, 'optimisticLockKey must be set'); }); it('should validate additional properties that are applications', () => { const data = {
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const data = { "class": "License", "licenseType": "regKey", "regKey": "ABCD-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXYZZ" }; assert.strictEqual(validate(data), false, 'bad reg keys should not be valid'); assert(getErrorString().includes('should match pattern')); }); it('should invalidate bad addOnKeys', () => {
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it('should return value when the value is present', function() { var my_validator = new FieldVal({ "my_value": 13 }) assert.equal(13, my_validator.get("my_value", bval.integer(true))); assert.strictEqual(null, my_validator.end()); }) it('should not continue if required=false and the value is missing', function(){ var my_validator = new FieldVal({
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var validator_one = new FieldVal({ 'my_unrecognized_key': 42 },{ ignore_unrecognized: true }); assert.strictEqual(validator_one.end(),null); var validator_two = new FieldVal({ 'my_unrecognized_key': 42 });
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it('should convert hours into ms', async () => { assert.strictEqual(tester.hours(1), 3600000); assert.strictEqual(tester.hours(10), 36000000); }); it('should convert days into ms', async () => { assert.strictEqual(tester.days(1), 86400000); assert.strictEqual(tester.days(2), 172800000); }); it('should fail if not a number', async () => { assert.throws(() => {
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GitHub: wingbotai/wingbot
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bar: false } } }); assert.strictEqual(ret, false); }); it('works with objects', () => { const resolver = customCondition([[{
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GitHub: thylacine/websub-hub
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const _queryFile = db._queryFileHelper(pgpStub); try { _queryFile();; } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e, err); } }); }); // _queryFileHelper
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GitHub: nodejs/node-addon-api
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}); const err = binding.error.catchError( () => { throw new TypeError('test'); }); assert(err instanceof TypeError); assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'test'); const msg = binding.error.catchErrorMessage( () => { throw new TypeError('test'); }); assert.strictEqual(msg, 'test');
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{ I.say('And x coordinate of panels should be equal due to limitation of moving panel through the border'); const panel1HeaderBbox = await AtOutlinerPanel.grabHeaderBbox(); const panel2HeaderBbox = await AtOutlinerPanel.grabHeaderBbox(); assert.strictEqual(panel1HeaderBbox.x, panel2HeaderBbox.x); } { I.say('Drag panel somewhere to the center of the screen');
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headers: { Cookie: `sRefreshToken=${res.refreshToken}`, "anti-csrf": res.antiCsrf, }, }); assert.strictEqual(res3.result.success, true); let cookies = extractInfoFromResponse(res3); assert.strictEqual(cookies.antiCsrf, undefined); assert.strictEqual(cookies.accessToken, "");
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if (!fullOptions.checkForFail) { const tenant = result.results.find((r) => r.tenant === partition); const message = (tenant) ? tenant.message : `Unable to find tenant ${partition}` + `\n${JSON.stringify(result.results, null, 2)}`; assert.strictEqual(message, 'success', 'declaration did not delete successfully'); } }) .catch((newError) => { if (error) throw error;
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if (params.abort) { // The tail should be stopped when we match a line and abort, but if // something didn't work we need to make sure the tail is stopped tail.unwatch(); // Assert that the process was aborted as expected assert.strictEqual(signal, 'SIGTERM', `The backup should have terminated with SIGTERM, but was ${signal}.`); } else if (params.expectedBackupError) { assert.strictEqual(code, params.expectedBackupError.code, `The backup exited with unexpected code ${code}.`); } else { assert.strictEqual(code, 0, `The backup should exit normally, got exit code ${code} and signal ${signal}.`);
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// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined // by !!guard. // assert.ok(guard, message_opt); // This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, guard, // message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use // assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);. function ok(value, message) { if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok); }
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const parsed = declarationParser.parse(); const parsedDeclaration = parsed.parsedDeclaration; const tenants = parsed.tenants; // tenants assert.strictEqual(tenants.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(tenants[0], 'Common'); assert.deepStrictEqual( parsedDeclaration.Common, {
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it('should match dns resolver', () => { assert.ok(testDnsResolver(body.Common.myResolver, currentState)); }); it('should match ip mirroring', () => { assert.strictEqual(currentState.MirrorIp.mirrorIp, '::ffff:'); assert.strictEqual(currentState.MirrorIp.mirrorSecondaryIp, 'any6'); }); it('should match RoutingAccessList', () => assert.deepStrictEqual(
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it('should set dependencies', () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { restWorker.restHelper.makeRestjavadUri = () => 'https://path/to/deviceInfo'; const success = () => { assert.strictEqual(restWorker.dependencies[0], 'https://path/to/deviceInfo'); resolve(); }; const error = (err) => { reject(new Error(`Should have called success, but got error: ${err}`));
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describe('info.json', () => { it('produces a valid info.json', async () => { subject = new iiif.Processor(`${base}/info.json`, streamResolver, { pathPrefix: 'iiif/2/ab/cd/ef/gh' }); const result = await subject.execute(); const info = JSON.parse(result.body); assert.strictEqual(info['@id'], ''); assert.strictEqual(info.profile[1].maxWidth, undefined); assert.strictEqual(info.width, 621); assert.strictEqual(info.height, 327); });
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'user-agent': 'yandex', }, }, (err, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); assert.strictEqual(body.csrf_token, false); assert.strictEqual(body.uid, -1); assert.strictEqual(body.loggedIn, false); done(); });
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assert.equal is the most popular function in assert (3580 examples)