How to use the throws function from assert
Find comprehensive JavaScript assert.throws code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
assert.throws is a Node.js assertion method that checks if a given function throws an error or not.
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it(`when ${name}`, () => { if (setup) { setup(); } const regex = new RegExp(errorMsg); assert.throws(() => { videoTrack.removeProcessor(getParam()); }, regex); }); }); }); });
GitHub: algorand/js-algorand-sdk
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break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown error type: "${errorType}"`); } assert.throws( () => this.composer.buildGroup(), (err) => err.message === expectedMessage ); }
How does assert.throws work?
assert.throws is a method provided by the Node.js assert module that tests if a given function throws an error or not when it's called. It takes a function as its first argument and an optional error object or constructor as its second argument. If the function throws an error that matches the error object or constructor provided, the assertion passes. If not, the assertion fails.
GitHub: dependents/node-precinct
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assert.notEqual(precinct.paperwork(path.join(__dirname, '/fixtures/typescript.ts')).length, 0); assert.notEqual(precinct.paperwork(path.join(__dirname, '/fixtures/styles.css')).length, 0); }); it('throws if the file cannot be found', () => { assert.throws(() => { precinct.paperwork('foo'); }); });
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throw actual; } } // 11. Expected to throw an error: // assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt); assert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) { _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(; };
Ai Example
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const assert = require("assert"); function throwError() { throw new Error("This is an error"); } assert.throws(throwError, /error/);
In this example, we define a function throwError that always throws an error. We then use assert.throws to check if calling this function will throw an error that matches the regular expression /error/. If the function does not throw an error or if the error message does not match the regular expression, the assert function will throw an AssertionError.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32"var j = 1 ;"); equal("j + 2"), 3); }); it("rejects variable declaration without definition", () => { throws( () => {"var a"); }, (error) => validate(error, SyntaxError, "Missing definition")
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}) it('should throw an exception for an undefined date format', function() { var test_date = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 08, 10, 16, 05, 38));//'Wed Sep 10 2014 16:05:38 GMT+0100 (BST)'); assert.throws(function() { DateVal.date_with_format_array(test_date, undefined); }, Error); })
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const logErrorSpy = sinon.spy(Logger.prototype, 'error'); const declarationParser = new DeclarationParser(declaration, undefined, { id: '123-abc' }); sinon.stub(parserUtil, 'updateIds').throws(new Error('test error')); assert.throws(() => declarationParser.parse(), /test error/); assert.strictEqual(logErrorSpy.thisValues[0].metadata, 'declarationParser.js | 123-abc'); assert.strictEqual(logErrorSpy.args[0][0], 'Error parsing declaration test error'); });
GitHub: nodejs/node-addon-api
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assert.throws(() => binding.error.throwApiError('test'), function (err) { return err instanceof Error && err.message.includes('Invalid'); }); assert.throws(() => binding.error.lastExceptionErrorCode(), function (err) { return err instanceof TypeError && err.message === 'A boolean was expected'; }); assert.throws(() => binding.error.throwJSError('test'), function (err) {
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GitHub: wingbotai/wingbot
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// @ts-ignore assert(!isStringNumber({ x: '5' })); }); it('stringToNumber', () => { assert.throws(() => stringToNumber('1a')); assert.throws(() => stringToNumber('NaN')); assert(stringToNumber('123') === 123); assert(stringToNumber('123 5') === 1235); assert(stringToNumber('100,500.23') === 100500.23);
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GitHub: bonavadeur/konnichiwa
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extra bytes are added to the message. The test uses a message of 118 bytes.Together with the 11 extra bytes the encryption block needs to be at least 129 bytes long. This requires a key of 1025-bits. */ var key = PKI.publicKeyFromPem(tests[0].publicKeyPem); var message = UTIL.createBuffer().fillWithByte(0, 118); ASSERT.throws(function() { key.encrypt(message.getBytes()); }); });
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}) context('exception when receives', () => { it('an empty object', function () { const res = () => json2csv({}) assert.throws(res, Error) }) it('an empty string', () => { const res = () => json2csv('')
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}) }) describe('with verify option', function () { it('should assert value if function', function () { assert.throws(createApp.bind(null, { verify: 'lol' }), /TypeError: option verify must be function/) }) it('should error from verify', function (done) {
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}) describe('"etag"', function(){ it('should throw on bad value', function(){ var app = express(); assert.throws(app.set.bind(app, 'etag', 42), /unknown value/); }) it('should set "etag fn"', function(){ var app = express()
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}); }); describe('when "query parser" an unknown value', function () { it('should throw', function () { assert.throws(createApp.bind(null, 'bogus'), /unknown value.*query parser/) }); }); })
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const { value } =; assert.strictEqual(value.sign, '~'); assert.strictEqual(value.text, '~{x = something}'); assert.strictEqual(value.test[0](), true); assert.throws(() =>, new Error('unexpected "x > 0"')); }); it('must register new clause and repeat previous', () => { q.register({
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GitHub: mansimodiTrootech/repoC
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0.0, 0, [], {} ].forEach(function(val) { assert.throws(function() { url.parse(val); }, TypeError); }); //
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message: 'false == true' } ); assert.throws( () => assert.throws(() => {}, 'Error message', 'message'), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The "error" argument must be of type function or ' +
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function checkErr(err) { return err.stack.startsWith('test-boom-error:1'); } assert.throws(() => vm.runInContext(script, context, filename), checkErr); assert.throws(() => vm.runInNewContext(script, context, filename), checkErr); assert.throws(() => vm.runInThisContext(script, filename), checkErr); }
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assert.notDeepStrictEqual(oldServerSettings, newServerSettings); server.updateSettings(newServerSettings); const updatedServerSettings = getServerSettings(server); assert.deepStrictEqual(updatedServerSettings, { ...oldServerSettings, ...newServerSettings }); assert.throws(() => server.updateSettings(''), { message: 'The "settings" argument must be of type object. ' + 'Received type string (\'\')', code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError'
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// is a TTY. if (process.stdout.isTTY) process.env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS = '1'; // Template tag function turning an error message into a RegExp // for assert.throws() function re(literals, ...values) { let result = 'Expected values to be loosely deep-equal:\n\n'; for (const [i, value] of values.entries()) { const str = util.inspect(value, {
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assert.equal is the most popular function in assert (3580 examples)