How to use the concatSeries function from async
Find comprehensive JavaScript async.concatSeries code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
async.concatSeries is a function that takes an array, performs an asynchronous operation on each item in the array, concatenates the results in series, and returns the final result.
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} var compiledMax = [], compiledMin = []; var i = 0; async.concatSeries(files, function(file, next) { if (i++ > 0) { options.banner = ''; }
GitHub: denimandsteel/pawtucket2
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} var compiled = []; var i = 0; async.concatSeries(files, function (file, next) { if (i++ > 0) { options.banner = ''; }
How does async.concatSeries work?
async.concatSeries is an asynchronous function in the Async library for Node.js, which takes an array of functions and a callback function and executes them one after the other, passing their results to the final callback function in a concatenated array. If any of the functions in the array pass an error to their callback, the final callback is immediately called with the error value.
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opts = opts || {}; var list = [], files = opts.files || [], i; if(opts.body) list.push(opts.body); // don't use require(), we don't want them cached async.concatSeries(files, function(file, cb) { file = resolve(file); fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) { if(err) return cb(err); data = '' + data;
GitHub: cs2340-group3/moviebuzz
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// moviesBare is now an array of all movies rated by someone in // the user's major, in descending order by average score. ('bare' // means it doesn't have full details.) function(moviesBare, cb) { // for each sourceMovie from the db... async.concatSeries(moviesBare, function(srcMovieBare, concatCb) { // get the movie details... rotten.movieGet({ id: srcMovieBare._id.movieId }, function(err, srcMovie) { if (err) { concatCb(err);
+ 3 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const async = require("async"); // an array of objects with values to concatenate const arr = [ { name: "Alice", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 30 }, { name: "Charlie", age: 35 }, ]; // a function that takes an object and returns an array of values to concatenate const iteratorFn = (obj, callback) => { const result = [, obj.age]; callback(null, result); }; // the final callback that is called when all concatenation is done const finalCallback = (err, result) => { console.log(result); }; async.concatSeries(arr, iteratorFn, finalCallback);
In this example, async.concatSeries takes an array of objects arr, an iterator function iteratorFn that takes each object and returns an array of values to concatenate, and a final callback function finalCallback that is called when all concatenation is done. The iterator function is called with each object in the array, and the results of each call are concatenated in series and returned in the final callback.
GitHub: overleaf/overleaf
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const nodes = (typeof rclient.nodes === 'function' ? rclient.nodes('master') : undefined) || [rclient] const doKeyLookupForNode = (node, cb) => RedisManager._getKeysFromNode(node, pattern, cb) return async.concatSeries(nodes, doKeyLookupForNode, callback) }, _getKeysFromNode(node, pattern, callback) { let cursor = 0 // redis iterator
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if (error != null) { return callback(error) } // function to get doc_ids for each project const task = cb => async.concatSeries( allProjectIds, RedisManager.getDocIdsWithHistoryOps, cb )
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return reply(boom.badData(`unsupported source language code: ${sourceLang}`)); } // TODO merge with HTML strip-recombine work (?) async.concatSeries(request.payload.content, (line, done) => { translationImpl.translateLine(line, sourceCode, targetCode, done, request.payload.html); }, (err, translations) => { if (err) { request.log('error', err);
async.parallel is the most popular function in async (1226 examples)