How to use the ChimeSDKMediaPipelines function from aws-sdk
Find comprehensive JavaScript aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines is a JavaScript SDK that provides a set of APIs for building real-time communication applications using the Amazon Chime SDK Media Service, which is used for processing audio and video streams.
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} return chime; } // Create an AWS SDK Media Pipelines object. const chimeSdkMediaPipelines = new AWS.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines({ region: mediaPipelinesControlRegion }); if (useChimeSDKMediaPipelines === 'true') { chimeSdkMediaPipelines.endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(chimeSDKMediaPipelinesEndpoint); }
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GitHub: aws/amazon-chime-sdk-js
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// Create ans AWS SDK Chime object. Region 'us-east-1' is globally available.. // Use the MediaRegion property below in CreateMeeting to select the region // the meeting is hosted in. const chime = new AWS.Chime({ region: 'us-east-1' }); const chimeSDKMediaPipelinesRegional = new AWS.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines({region: 'us-east-1'}); chimeSDKMediaPipelinesRegional.endpoint = process.env.CHIME_SDK_MEDIA_PIPELINES_ENDPOINT || "" chime.endpoint = endpoint; const chimeSDKMeetings = new AWS.ChimeSDKMeetings({ region: currentRegion });
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How does aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines work?
aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines is a module in the AWS SDK for JavaScript that provides a set of APIs for building real-time communication applications using the Amazon Chime SDK Media Service. When you use aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines, you can create and manage media pipelines that process audio and video streams in real-time. You can create pipelines that encode, transcode, mux, demux, and mix streams, and you can add and remove media tracks dynamically. In order to use aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines, you will need to authenticate with AWS using your AWS access key and secret access key. Once authenticated, you can create a new ChimeSDKMedia client instance and use it to call the various APIs provided by the module. aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines also supports asynchronous operations using Promises or callbacks. This allows you to write non-blocking, event-driven code that can perform multiple operations simultaneously. By using aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines, you can build real-time communication applications that can process audio and video streams in real-time, allowing you to create powerful and immersive user experiences.
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AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.Credentials(process.env.AWSAccessKeyId, process.env.AWSSecretKey); // the AWS Chime SDK documentation states the instance of the AWS.Chime object // currently must be configured to us-east-1, however the actual region where the // meetings are hosted can be configured when invoking Chime.createMeeting const chime = new AWS.Chime({region: 'us-east-1'}); const mediaPipeLineInit = new AWS.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines({region: 'us-east-1'}); chime.endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(''); mediaPipeLineInit.endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(''); const sts = new AWS.STS({region: 'us-east-1'})
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Ai Example
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const AWS = require("aws-sdk"); // Configure the AWS SDK with your access key and secret access key AWS.config.update({ accessKeyId: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID", secretAccessKey: "YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", region: "us-east-1", }); // Create a new ChimeSDKMedia client instance const chimeSDKMedia = new AWS.ChimeSDKMedia(); // Create a new media pipeline chimeSDKMedia.createMediaPipeline({}, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { const pipelineArn = data.mediaPipeline.pipelineArn; console.log(`Media pipeline created: ${pipelineArn}`); // Add a new audio track to the media pipeline const trackConfig = { sink: { name: "audio-sink", type: "S3", bucket: "my-bucket", key: "my-audio-file.mp3", }, }; chimeSDKMedia.createMediaCapturePipeline( { mediaPipelineId: pipelineArn, sink: trackConfig.sink, }, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { const trackArn = data.mediaCapturePipeline.trackArn; console.log(`Audio track added to pipeline: ${trackArn}`); } } ); } });
In this example, we start by configuring the AWS SDK with our AWS access key and secret access key. We then create a new instance of the AWS.ChimeSDKMedia class. We create a new media pipeline using the createMediaPipeline method, which returns a pipeline ARN that we can use to add media tracks to the pipeline. We then define a new audio track that specifies a sink where the audio stream should be saved, in this case an S3 bucket. We add the audio track to the media pipeline using the createMediaCapturePipeline method, which returns a track ARN that we can use to identify the track. This example demonstrates how you can use aws-sdk.ChimeSDKMediaPipelines to create and manage media pipelines and tracks, allowing you to process audio and video streams in real-time.
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