How to use the MediaLive function from aws-sdk
Find comprehensive JavaScript aws-sdk.MediaLive code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
aws-sdk.MediaLive is a module in the AWS SDK for Node.js that provides a programming interface for managing AWS Elemental MediaLive resources in the AWS Cloud.
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}, } = this.$event; this.$mediastoreHost = (msUrl) ? URL.parse(msUrl).hostname : undefined; /* flagfish instance */ this.$instance = new MediaLive({ apiVersion: '2017-10-14' }); } catch (e) { throw e; } }
+ 113 other calls in file
How does aws-sdk.MediaLive work?
The aws-sdk.MediaLive module in the AWS SDK for Node.js provides a set of APIs for managing AWS Elemental MediaLive resources in the AWS Cloud. With this module, you can perform tasks such as creating, updating, and deleting input and output configurations, channels, and channel pipelines, starting and stopping channels, and retrieving information about the state and health of your resources. The APIs provided by the aws-sdk.MediaLive module are designed to be easy to use and integrate with other AWS services and tools. They follow best practices for security and reliability, and offer a high level of control over your MediaLive resources. In order to use the aws-sdk.MediaLive module, you will need to have an AWS account and credentials for accessing your resources. You can then use the AWS SDK for Node.js to interact with your resources programmatically, or use the AWS Management Console to perform tasks using a web-based interface. Overall, aws-sdk.MediaLive provides a powerful way to manage and automate your MediaLive resources in the AWS Cloud, and can help you streamline your media workflows and reduce costs.
Ai Example
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const AWS = require("aws-sdk"); const medialive = new AWS.MediaLive(); const params = { Name: "MyNewInput", Type: "RTMP_PUSH", RoleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MediaLiveRole", Sources: [ { Url: "rtmp://myencoder/stream1", }, ], InputSecurityGroups: ["sg-0123456789abcdef"], }; medialive.createInput(params, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.log(err, err.stack); } else { console.log(data); } });
In this example, we first import the aws-sdk module and create a new instance of the AWS.MediaLive class. We then define a set of parameters for creating a new input, including the input name, type, sources, and input security group. We call the medialive.createInput method with our parameters, and handle the response using a callback function that logs the output to the console. This example demonstrates how you can use the aws-sdk.MediaLive module to interact with your MediaLive resources programmatically, and automate tasks such as creating inputs, channels, and pipelines.
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