How to use the isNumericLiteral function from babel-types
Find comprehensive JavaScript babel-types.isNumericLiteral code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
babel-types.isNumericLiteral is a function that determines whether a given node is a numeric literal or not.
GitHub: ilanus/rax
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module.exports = function(code, existsScope = () => false, el) { const ast = babylon.parse(code); const iters = getIters(el); function isLiteral(node) { return t.isNumericLiteral(node) || t.isStringLiteral(node); } const visitor = { MemberExpression(path) {
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GitHub: yllg/Algorithms-JS
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const visitor = { BinaryExpression(path) { const node = path.node; let result; // 判断表达式两边,是否都是数字 if (t.isNumericLiteral(node.left) && t.isNumericLiteral(node.right)) { // 根据不同的操作符作运算 switch (node.operator) { case "+": result = node.left.value + node.right.value;
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How does babel-types.isNumericLiteral work?
babel-types.isNumericLiteral is a function that takes an AST node and checks if it represents a numeric literal (i.e., a literal value representing a number) in the code. It returns true if the node is a numeric literal and false otherwise. It checks for both integer and floating point numbers.
GitHub: chrmarti/immutjs
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} }, MemberExpression(path) { const node = path.node; const property =; if (!t.isCallExpression(path.parentPath.node) && t.isNumericLiteral(property)) { path.replaceWith(memberExpression({ OBJECT: node.object, PROPERTY: property }));
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GitHub: t-mart/gvd
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} }, }; } var isLiteral = (n) => t.isNumericLiteral(n) || t.isBooleanLiteral(n) || t.isNullLiteral(n) || t.isStringLiteral(n) || t.isRegExpLiteral(n);
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); const node = t.numericLiteral(42); if (t.isNumericLiteral(node)) { console.log("It's a numeric literal!"); } else { console.log("It's not a numeric literal!"); }
In this example, we use the numericLiteral() method from the @babel/types package to create a new numeric literal node with a value of 42. We then use the isNumericLiteral() method to check if the node we created is a numeric literal or not. In this case, the method will return true, so we print "It's a numeric literal!" to the console.
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