How to use the history function from backbone
Find comprehensive JavaScript backbone.history code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
backbone.history is a module in the Backbone.js library that provides support for managing browser history and client-side routing in a single-page web application.
GitHub: acao/prose
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// Initialize router window.router = new Router({ user: model }); // Start responding to routes Backbone.history.start(); }, error: function(model, res, options) { var apiStatus = status.githubApi(function(res) {
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GitHub: getkaiwa/kaiwa
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app.navigate(SERVER_CONFIG.startup); cb(); } new Router(); app.history = Backbone.history; app.history.on("route", function(route, params) { app.state.pageChanged = params; });
How does backbone.history work?
backbone.history is a module in the Backbone.js library that provides support for managing browser history and client-side routing in a single-page web application. When you create a Backbone.js application, you can use backbone.history to manage the application's URL routing and browser history. The module provides methods for setting up routes that map URLs to specific actions in your application, as well as for navigating between different URLs and updating the browser history. backbone.history works by listening for changes to the browser's URL using the HTML5 History API. When the user navigates to a new URL, the module uses the defined routes to determine which action should be triggered in the application. If the URL matches a defined route, the module invokes the corresponding action, updating the view and model data as needed. One important feature of backbone.history is that it allows you to use the browser's back and forward buttons to navigate between different states of your application, while maintaining a consistent URL structure. This can improve the usability and user experience of your application. Overall, backbone.history provides a convenient and flexible way to manage client-side routing and browser history in a Backbone.js application, allowing you to create a single-page web application that behaves like a traditional multi-page application.
GitHub: Demdis/polis
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// debug convenience function for deregistering. window.deregister = function(dest) { // relying on server to clear cookies return $.post("/api/v3/auth/deregister", {}).always(function() { window.location = dest || "/about"; // Backbone.history.navigate("/", {trigger: true}); }); };
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Ai Example
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const TodoRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "": "index", "todos/:id": "show", }, index: function () { console.log("Todo index page"); }, show: function (id) { console.log("Todo #" + id); }, }); const router = new TodoRouter(); // Start tracking the browser history Backbone.history.start();
In this example, a TodoRouter is defined that maps two URLs to specific actions: the root URL maps to the index action, and a URL with the pattern todos/:id maps to the show action. The index and show actions are simple functions that log a message to the console. After defining the router, a new instance is created, and Backbone.history.start() is called to begin tracking the browser history. This enables client-side routing and allows the user to navigate between different views in the application using the browser's back and forward buttons. When the user navigates to a URL that matches one of the defined routes, the corresponding action is triggered, updating the view and model data as needed. This allows you to create a single-page web application with a traditional multi-page feel, without requiring a page refresh for each view transition.
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