How to use the View function from backbone
Find comprehensive JavaScript backbone.View code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
backbone.View is a constructor function in the Backbone.js library used to create and manage user interface components in a web application.
GitHub: litewrite/litewrite
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var utils = require('../utils') var lang = require('../translations') var autosize = require('autosize') var $ = require('jquery') var EditorView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: '#editor', initialize: function (options) { _.bindAll(
GitHub: jamovi/jamovi
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return null; }, }); const RibbonView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize() { if (this.model === undefined) this.model = new RibbonModel();
How does backbone.View work?
backbone.View is a constructor function provided by the Backbone.js library used to create and manage user interface components in a web application. When backbone.View is called with a set of options, it creates a new view object that is bound to a DOM element in the web page. The view object can then be used to render dynamic HTML content, handle user input events, and interact with the underlying data model. The function works by first setting up the view object with the specified options, including the element that the view should be bound to, any template or data attributes, and any event handlers or other behavior. It then binds the view object to the DOM element, allowing the view to be updated or manipulated as necessary. The view object can be used to render HTML content dynamically, using a template engine or other mechanism to insert dynamic data or content into the HTML. It can also be used to handle user input events, such as clicks or keypresses, and update the underlying data model as necessary. backbone.View is often used in web applications to create reusable user interface components that can be composed and reused across different pages or views. By providing a simple and flexible way to create and manage user interface components, backbone.View makes it easier to build robust and maintainable web applications.
GitHub: archivist/archivist
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"info": "fa-info", "progress": "fa-exchange", "success": "fa-check-circle", }; var StatusBar = Backbone.View.extend({ manage: true, initialize: function() { var self = this; this.state = self.model.get('type');
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GitHub: dclegalhackers/prose
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var Backbone = require('backbone'); var toolbar = require('../toolbar/markdown.js'); var upload = require('../upload'); var templates = require('../../dist/templates'); module.exports = Backbone.View.extend({ template: templates.toolbar, events: { 'click .group a': 'markdownSnippet',
Ai Example
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const MyView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: "#my-element", template: _.template(" Hello, <%= name %>! "), events: { "click button": "handleClick", }, initialize: function () { this.render(); }, render: function () { const data = { name: "John" }; const html = this.template(data); this.$el.html(html); }, handleClick: function (event) { console.log("Button clicked:", event); }, }); const myView = new MyView();
In this example, we first import the Backbone.js library and create a new MyView constructor function using the Backbone.View.extend method. We then define the el option, which specifies the DOM element that the view should be bound to. We also define a template option, which is an Underscore.js template used to render the dynamic HTML content. We then define an events object, which maps user input events to handler functions. In this case, we define a handleClick function to handle clicks on a button element within the view. We then define an initialize function, which is called when the view is created. This function calls the render method to render the initial HTML content. We define a render function, which uses the template option to generate dynamic HTML content based on the data object. This function updates the view's el element with the new HTML content. Finally, we create a new myView object using the MyView constructor function. This binds the view to the specified DOM element and sets up the event handlers and other behavior defined in the options object. By using backbone.View, we can create and manage reusable user interface components in a web application, making it easier to build maintainable and scalable web applications.
GitHub: chrislintott/cartodb
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remove: function () { this._destroyErrorTooltip(); this._destroyHelpTooltip(); this._destroyClipboard(); this.editor.remove();; } }, { template: require('./field.tpl'),
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out.push(links[i]); } return out; } var MatchView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', initialize: function() { this.model.on('change', this.render, this); },
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var viewId = $el.attr(Config.Attributes.ID); if (viewId && viewId !== this.getID()) { throw new Error('You cannot setElement which is used by another View.'); } else {, $el); } }, getID: function() {
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GitHub: PlantandFoodResearch/prose
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remove: function() { _.invoke(this.subviews, 'remove'); this.subviews = {}; Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); } });
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GitHub: woowabros/WoowahanJS
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this.trigger(type); }); }.bind(this), viewDidMount); }; View = Backbone.View.extend({ super(...args) { View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args); },
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GitHub: jamovi/jamovi
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Backbone.$ = $; const i18n = require('../../common/i18n'); const focusLoop = require('../../common/focusloop'); const host = require('../host'); const AppMenuButton = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize(args) { this.$el.addClass('jmv-ribbon-appmenu');
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GitHub: artsy/ezel
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listTemplate = function() { return require('./templates/list.jade').apply(null, arguments) }; Backbone.$ = $; module.exports.CommitsView = CommitsView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.collection.on('sync', this.render, this); },
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GitHub: jamovi/jamovi
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const Notify = require('../notification'); const Version = require('../utils/version'); const ProgressStream = require('../utils/progressstream'); const PageModules = Backbone.View.extend({ className: 'PageModules', initialize: function() { this.modules = this.model.modules;
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GitHub: blitzagency/rich
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_spec: null, _needsDisplay: false, _firstRender: null, // we need to own initialize, this includes marionette.View() // AND backbone.View() constructor: function(options){ options || (options = {}); this.children = new backbone.ChildViewContainer();
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},{"underscore":12}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var Backbone = require('backbone'); var controlsTemplate = require('templates/controls.jst'); var Controls = Backbone.View.extend({ template: controlsTemplate, events: {
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GitHub: thejsj/Adelle
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var Views = {}; (function( $ ){ // List of Projects in Home Page Views.ProjectHome = Backbone.View.extend({ // Object in which this Model will be rendered el: '#project-home-container', current_model: null, current_video: null,
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GitHub: wotcity/ui-moving-line
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/** * VIEWS **/ app.ContainerView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: '#container', template: _.template( $('#tmpl-data').html() ), data: [], maximum: 0,
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var Backbone = require('backbone'); require('app/peacock/vendor/jquery_ui'); var TypeaheadView = require('app/peacock/app/views/typeahead_view'); var Clipboard = require('clipboard/lib/clipboard'); var EncryptedPayloadGeneratorView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click #generate-button': 'generate', 'click .sold-to-customer .cancel-button': 'cancelSoldToCustomer',
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var _ = require('i18n'); var $ = require('jquery'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var AppDetailsService = require('lib/app_details_service'); var AppPreviewView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function (options) { Backbone.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.$el = options.$el; if (options.appIdSelector) {
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backbone.View is the most popular function in backbone (151 examples)