How to use the any function from bluebird
Find comprehensive JavaScript bluebird.any code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
bluebird.any is a method in the Bluebird library that returns a promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in an array of promises is fulfilled.
GitHub: EpistasisLab/Aliro
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}); } // Loop over reponses Promise.any(macsP) // First machine with capacity, so use .then((availableMac) => { availableMac = JSON.parse(availableMac);
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GitHub: tvdstaaij/nocto
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if (promise.isPending()) { promise.cancel(); } }); }).catch(function(){}); return Promise.any(promises); } function fetchImage(candidate) { var customHeaders = {
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How does bluebird.any work?
bluebird.any is a method in the Bluebird library that returns a promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in an array of promises is fulfilled. When you call bluebird.any(promises), it returns a new promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in the promises array is fulfilled. The value of the fulfilled promise is the fulfillment value of the first promise that was fulfilled. If all of the promises in the promises array are rejected, the returned promise will be rejected with an AggregateError that contains all of the rejection reasons. Here's an example of how bluebird.any works: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const Promise = require('bluebird'); const promises = [ Promise.resolve('one'), Promise.reject('two'), Promise.resolve('three') ]; Promise.any(promises) .then((value) => { console.log(value); // Output: "one" }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); // Output: AggregateError: No promises were resolved }); In this example, we first import the Promise constructor from the bluebird library. We then define an array of three promises, two of which are rejected and one of which is fulfilled. We then call Promise.any(promises) to create a new promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in the promises array is fulfilled. Since the first promise is fulfilled, the returned promise is fulfilled with the value 'one'. When the code is run, the output will be the string 'one', which is the fulfillment value of the first fulfilled promise. Overall, bluebird.any is a useful method in the Bluebird library that allows you to create a promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in an array is fulfilled. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to perform multiple asynchronous tasks and use the result of the first task that completes.
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}, 100) }) var p2 = rejected('p2') var p3 = resolved('p3') Promise.any([p1, p2, p3]).then(function (result) { t.strictEqual(result, 'p3') t.strictEqual(ins.currTransaction().id, }) })
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GitHub: qimmer/Plaza
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} }); socket.on('detach', function (msg) { // Try to detach cleanly, timeout if no response Promise.any([ _this.dbg.sendDetachRequest(), Promise.delay(3000) ]).finally(function () { _this.dbg.disconnectDebugger();
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Ai Example
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const Promise = require("bluebird"); const promises = [ Promise.resolve("one"), Promise.reject("two"), Promise.resolve("three"), ]; Promise.any(promises) .then((value) => { console.log(value); // Output: "one" }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); // Output: AggregateError: No promises were resolved });
In this example, we first import the Promise constructor from the bluebird library. We then define an array of three promises, two of which are rejected and one of which is fulfilled. We then call Promise.any(promises) to create a new promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in the promises array is fulfilled. Since the first promise is fulfilled, the returned promise is fulfilled with the value 'one'. When the code is run, the output will be the string 'one', which is the fulfillment value of the first fulfilled promise. Overall, bluebird.any is a useful method in the Bluebird library that allows you to create a promise that is fulfilled as soon as any of the promises in an array is fulfilled. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to perform multiple asynchronous tasks and use the result of the first task that completes.
bluebird.reject is the most popular function in bluebird (2988 examples)