How to use the join function from bluebird
Find comprehensive JavaScript bluebird.join code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
bluebird.join is a method in the Bluebird Promise library that allows you to execute multiple promises in parallel and returns a promise that resolves with an array of their resolved values.
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.then(function (survey) { if (!survey) { // Cancel the count and bounds promises. countPromise.cancel(); boundsPromise.cancel(); return Promise.join(countPromise, boundsPromise) .then(function () { // In case the count or bounds promises resolve before we cancel them. res.send(404); })
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GitHub: owljsorg/owljs
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}); }); } function buildBrowser(sources, dir, tmpDir, depsRequireCode, minify, npmPackage, license) { return Promise.join(dir, tmpDir, npmPackage, license, function(dir, tmpDir, npmPackage, license) { return, function(source) { return { var code = source.source; var sourceFileName = source.sourceFileName;
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How does bluebird.join work?
is a method in the Bluebird library for combining the results of multiple promises into a single promise, with the results returned in the order they were passed in as an array.
The first argument of the join
method is an array of promises that need to be resolved, and the second argument is a callback function that accepts the resolved values of the promises as arguments and returns the value for the new promise. If any of the promises passed to the join
method are rejected, the resulting promise will also be rejected.
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} const reqDate = dateUtil.getRequestedDate(req); const rspDate = req.query.aggregated ? dateUtil.addDays(reqDate, -1) : reqDate; return BBPromise.join( getTopPageviews(req, util.removeTLD(req.params.domain), rspDate), si.getSiteInfo(req), (pageviewsResponse, siteinfo) => { const mainPage = siteinfo.general && siteinfo.general.mainpage;
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var p1 = resolved('p1') var p2 = resolved('p2') var p3 = resolved('p3') Promise.join(p1, p2, p3, function (a, b, c) { t.strictEqual(a, 'p1') t.strictEqual(b, 'p2') t.strictEqual(c, 'p3') t.strictEqual(ins.currTransaction().id,
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Ai Example
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const Promise = require("bluebird"); const getUserDetails = (userId) => { // simulate a database call that returns user details return Promise.delay(1000).then(() => { return { id: userId, name: "John", age: 30, city: "New York", }; }); }; const getOrders = (userId) => { // simulate a database call that returns user orders return Promise.delay(500).then(() => { return [ { id: 1, user_id: userId, amount: 10 }, { id: 2, user_id: userId, amount: 20 }, { id: 3, user_id: userId, amount: 30 }, ]; }); }; Promise.join(getUserDetails(123), getOrders(123), (userDetails, orders) => { console.log("User details:", userDetails); console.log("Orders:", orders); });
In this example, getUserDetails and getOrders are two functions that return promises. We use Promise.join to execute these functions in parallel and get their results. When both promises are resolved, the then callback is called with the results of both promises.
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const removePragmas = rollupPluginStripPragma({ pragmas: ["debug"], }); const promise = Promise.join( rollup .rollup({ input: "Specs/SpecList.js", plugins: [externalCesium],
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GitHub: nasolodar/test
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return result.toJSON().map(function(row) { return; }); }); return Promise.join(asc, desc).then(function(results) { expect(results[0].reverse()).to.eql(results[1]); }); });
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async function updateSchedule(headers, payloadData) { const lang = headers['content-language']; try { // eslint-disable-next-line const preCondition = Promise.join(checkTime(payloadData), checkSP(headers, payloadData), (checkTimeData, checkSPdata) => { if (checkTimeData) { throw Boom.rangeNotSatisfiable(configs.MessageConfiguration.get('/lang', { locale: lang, message: 'INVALID_TIME_RANGE' })); } });
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} function save (dir, pkginfo, opts, cb) { // copy the keys over in a well defined order // because javascript objects serialize arbitrarily BB.join( checkPackageFile(dir, SHRINKWRAP), checkPackageFile(dir, PKGLOCK), checkPackageFile(dir, 'package.json'), (shrinkwrap, lockfile, pkg) => {
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_.unset(module, 'keepOutputDirectory'); return expect(prepareRun()) .resolves.toBeUndefined() .then(() => BbPromise.join( expect(module.originalServicePath).toEqual(servicePath), expect(module.originalRspackOutputPath).toEqual(rspackOutputPath), expect(module.keepOutputDirectory).toBe(true), expect(serverless.config.servicePath).toEqual(
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return req.on('aborted', () => { return resolve() }) }) return Promise.join(aborted, closed) .then(() => { return done() }) }
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bluebird.reject is the most popular function in bluebird (2988 examples)