How to use the mapSeries function from bluebird
Find comprehensive JavaScript bluebird.mapSeries code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
bluebird.mapSeries is a function in the Bluebird library that maps over an array in series, resolving each item before moving on to the next.
GitHub: mergestat/mergestat
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const createSync = ` INSERT INTO mergestat.container_syncs (repo_id, image_id) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT (repo_id, image_id) DO UPDATE SET repo_id = EXCLUDED.repo_id, image_id = EXCLUDED.image_id RETURNING id`; // we iterate over each repository, creating a sync and a schedule yield bluebird.mapSeries(repos, (repo) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const { rows: syncs } = yield pg.query(createSync, [, args.image]); yield pg.query('INSERT INTO mergestat.container_sync_schedules (sync_id) VALUES ($1) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING', [syncs[0].id]); })); return true;
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async function _createComplementaryCertificationHability( { complementaryCertifications, certificationCandidateId, userId, organizationLearnerId }, databaseBuilder ) { return bluebird.mapSeries(complementaryCertifications, async (key) => { const { id: complementaryCertificationId } = await knex('complementary-certifications').where({ key }).first(); databaseBuilder.factory.buildComplementaryCertificationSubscription({ complementaryCertificationId,
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How does bluebird.mapSeries work?
bluebird.mapSeries is a function provided by the Bluebird promise library in JavaScript that takes an array and a function, then applies the function to each element in the array in series (one after another) and returns a promise that resolves to an array of the results. If any of the promises returned by the function are rejected, the resulting promise will be rejected with that reason.
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'ign-api-gestion', 'cadastre', 'ftth' ] return bluebird.mapSeries(multiSourcesInputs, async sourceName => { const data = await getSourceData(sourceName, codeCommune) return {, source: sourceName} }) }
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var p3 = resolved(3) var arr = [p2, p3, p1] var results = [2, 3, 1] var i = 0 Promise.mapSeries(arr, function (item, index, length) { var expected = results.shift() t.strictEqual(item, expected) t.strictEqual(index, i++) t.strictEqual(length, 3, 'length should be 3')
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Ai Example
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const Promise = require("bluebird"); const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; Promise.mapSeries(nums, (num) => { return Promise.delay(1000).then(() => { console.log(num); }); }).then(() => { console.log("Done!"); });
In this example, we use bluebird.mapSeries to iterate over an array of numbers and print them out one at a time with a delay of one second between each number. Once all numbers have been printed, the final message "Done!" is logged to the console.
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* @return {Promise} */ remove(callback) { const model = this._model; return Promise.mapSeries(, item => model.removeById(item._id)).asCallback(callback); } /** * Populates document references.
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* @param {function} [callback] * @return {Promise} */ insert(data, callback) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { return Promise.mapSeries(data, item => this.insertOne(item)).asCallback(callback); } return this.insertOne(data, callback); }
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GitHub: tratatun/node-learn
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
const Products = require('../models/products'); chai.use(chaiHttp); const setup = (...products) => { return BlueBird.mapSeries(products, user => { return chai.request(server) .post('/products') .send(user) .then(response => {
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function rebuildBucket (cache, bucket, stats, opts) { return fs.truncateAsync(bucket._path).then(() => { // This needs to be serialized because cacache explicitly // lets very racy bucket conflicts clobber each other. return BB.mapSeries(bucket, entry => { const content = contentPath(cache, entry.integrity) return fs.statAsync(content).then(() => { return index.insert(cache, entry.key, entry.integrity, { uid: opts.uid,
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var bluebird = require("bluebird"); bluebird.mapSeries(source, x => sink(x)); // NOT OK (for taint-tracking configs) const foo = bluebird.mapSeries(source, x => x); sink(foo); // NOT OK (for taint-tracking configs) })
bluebird.reject is the most popular function in bluebird (2988 examples)