How to use the reject function from bluebird
Find comprehensive JavaScript bluebird.reject code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
bluebird.reject creates a new promise that is rejected with a given reason.
GitHub: gemini-testing/hermione
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describe("on fail", () => { it("should extend error with hermioneCtx object passed to execution thread", async () => { ExecutionThread.create.callsFake(({ hermioneCtx }) => { => { = "bar"; return Promise.reject(new Error()); }); return Object.create(ExecutionThread.prototype); });
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this.log(`has cached browser ${browser.fullId}`); return browser .reset() .catch(e => { const reject = Promise.reject.bind(null, e); return this.underlyingPool.freeBrowser(browser).then(reject, reject); }) .then(() => browser); }
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How does bluebird.reject work?
bluebird.reject is a method provided by the Bluebird library that returns a rejected promise with the specified error or reason. When you call bluebird.reject with an error or reason, it immediately creates a new promise object that is rejected with that error or reason. This is useful for creating a promise that is immediately rejected, without needing to wait for any asynchronous work to complete. The rejected promise can then be used in a catch block to handle the error or reason that caused the rejection.
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.withArgs("first") .returns(Promise.resolve(stubBrowser())) .withArgs("second") .returns(Promise.resolve(expectedBrowser)); underlyingPool.freeBrowser.callsFake(() => Promise.reject()); return pool .getBrowser("first") .then(browser => {
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if (injectAllowed) { return this._inject().then(() => this._callCommand(command, false)); } return Promise.reject(new ClientBridgeError("Unable to inject client script")); }) .catch(e => Promise.reject(new ClientBridgeError(e.message))); }
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Ai Example
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const Promise = require("bluebird"); const someError = new Error("Something went wrong"); Promise.reject(someError).catch((error) => console.error(error));
In this example, Promise.reject is used to create a rejected promise with an Error object as the rejection reason. The rejection is then caught and the error message is logged to the console using console.error.
GitHub: gemini-testing/hermione
742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751
const assertViewResults = AssertViewResults.create([new Error()]); ExecutionThread.create.callsFake(({hermioneCtx}) => { => { hermioneCtx.assertViewResults = assertViewResults; return Promise.reject(new Error('runtime error')); }); return Object.create(ExecutionThread.prototype); });
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} return gitCmds .safeUnstashAll() .then(function() { return Promise.reject(e); }); }) .then(function() { console.log(
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GitHub: hollaex/hollaex-kit
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}); }; const createUserOrderByNetworkId = (networkId, symbol, side, size, type, price = 0, opts = { stop: null, meta: null, additionalHeaders: null }) => { if (!networkId) { return reject(new Error(USER_NOT_REGISTERED_ON_NETWORK)); } if (symbol && !subscribedToPair(symbol)) { return reject(new Error(INVALID_SYMBOL(symbol))); }
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it('should reject the queued call when underlying pool rejects the request', () => { const pool = makePool_({limit: 1}); const error = new Error('You shall not pass'); underlyingPool.getBrowser .onSecondCall().callsFake(() => Promise.reject(error)); return pool.getBrowser('bro') .then((browser) => { const secondRequest = pool.getBrowser('bro');
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.then(() => this._callCommand(command, false)); } return Promise.reject(new ClientBridgeError('Unable to inject client script')); }) .catch((e) => Promise.reject(new ClientBridgeError(e.message))); } _clientMethodCommand(name, args) { const params =', ');
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GitHub: Nexus-Mods/vortex-games
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async function getOfficialModType(api, discovery = undefined) { const discoveryPath = (discovery?.path !== undefined) ? discovery.path : getDiscoveryPath(api); if (discoveryPath === undefined) { return Promise.reject(new GameNotDiscoveredException()); } let gameVersion; try { gameVersion = await getGameVersion(discoveryPath, BAS_EXEC);
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GitHub: terascope/teraslice
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]) .spread((_count) => { docCount = _count; return _clientRequest('reindex', reindexQuery); }) .catch((err) => Promise.reject( new TSError(err, { reason: `could not reindex for query ${JSON.stringify(reindexQuery)}`, context: { connection,
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GitHub: TruenoDB/trueno
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traceParent._pushContext(); var result = tryCatch(yieldHandlers[i])(value); traceParent._popContext(); if (result === errorObj) { traceParent._pushContext(); var ret = Promise.reject(errorObj.e); traceParent._popContext(); return ret; } var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(result, traceParent);
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GitHub: bvschwartz/nock-step
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function inspectionMapper(inspections) { var len = inspections.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var inspection = inspections[i]; if (inspection.isRejected()) { return Promise.reject(inspection.error()); } inspections[i] = inspection._settledValue; } return inspections;
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var then = getThen(obj); if (then === errorObj) { if (originalPromise !== void 0 && canAttach(then.e)) { originalPromise._attachExtraTrace(then.e); } return Promise.reject(then.e); } else if (typeof then === "function") { return Promise$_doThenable(obj, then, originalPromise); } }
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GitHub: KTH/kth-node-redis
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note: 'deprecated function?!', }) const client = Global.clients[clientName] if (!client) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`kth-node-redis: No such client: ${clientName}`)) } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (client.connected) {
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GitHub: amoxuk/stf-dev
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return Promise.delay(delay) .then(function() { return tryConnect(times - 1, delay * 2) }) } return Promise.reject(err) }) }'Connecting to minitouch service') // SH-03G can be very slow to start sometimes. Make sure we try long
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GitHub: amoxuk/stf-dev
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var pid = function kill(signal) { if (pid <= 0) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Minicap service pid is unknown')) } var signum = { SIGTERM: -15
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ops.push(models.Tag.findOne({name:}, {transacting: transaction}).then(function (_tag) { if (!_tag) { return models.Tag.add(tag, _.extend(internal, {transacting: transaction})) .catch(function (error) { return Promise.reject({raw: error, model: 'tag', data: tag}); }); } return _tag;
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handleErrors = function handleErrors(errorList) { var processedErrors = []; if (!_.isArray(errorList)) { return Promise.reject(errorList); } _.each(errorList, function (error) { if (!error.raw) {
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users.owner = user.toJSON(); } }); if (!users.owner) { return Promise.reject('Unable to find an owner'); } return users; });
bluebird.reject is the most popular function in bluebird (2988 examples)