How to use the createLogger function from bunyan
Find comprehensive JavaScript bunyan.createLogger code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
bunyan.createLogger is a function that creates a new instance of a Bunyan logger, which is used for structured logging in Node.js applications.
GitHub: snyk/broker
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Object.keys(error).forEach((key) => (result[key] = error[key])); return result; } const log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'snyk-broker', serializers: { token: sanitise, result: sanitise,
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constructor(serviceName = "polkaholic") { // Creates a Bunyan Cloud Logging client const loggingBunyan = new LoggingBunyan(); this.logger = bunyan.createLogger({ // The JSON payload of the log as it appears in Cloud Logging // will contain "name": "my-service" name: serviceName, streams: [
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How does bunyan.createLogger work?
works by returning a new instance of a Bunyan logger with the specified configuration options.
When called, bunyan.createLogger
takes an object as an argument that specifies the configuration options for the new logger instance. These options typically include the logger's name, the level of log entries to output, any streams to write logs to (such as the console or a file), and any serializers to use for custom log data.
Once a new logger instance has been created with bunyan.createLogger
, it can be used to log messages with various levels (such as "info", "debug", "error", etc.), along with any additional data to include in the log message.
The resulting logs are typically formatted as JSON objects, making them easy to parse and analyze with log processing tools like Elasticsearch, Logstash, or Kibana.
GitHub: seythi/Hecatoncheir
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const bunyan = require('bunyan') const path = require('path') const promise = require('bluebird') const cf = require('../../config.js') const util = require('../util.js') var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name:'SQL', streams:[{ level: 'info', type: 'rotating-file',
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app = loopback(); }); it('should use configured logger when loopback is initialized', function (done) { expect(app)'loopback'); var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: "myapp"}); var rootLogger = logger(log); logger(app,{}); expect('myapp'); done();
Ai Example
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const bunyan = require("bunyan"); // create a new logger instance const logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: "myapp", level: "info", streams: [ { stream: process.stdout, level: "info", }, { type: "rotating-file", path: "./logs/myapp.log", level: "error", period: "1d", count: 7, }, ], }); // log some messages"Server listening on port 3000"); logger.error("Failed to connect to database", { dbHost: "localhost", dbPort: 27017, });
In this example, we're using bunyan.createLogger to create a new instance of a Bunyan logger with the name "myapp". We're also specifying that we want to log messages with a level of "info" or higher, and we want to output logs to both the console and a rotating file. We then use the and logger.error methods to log some example messages, including additional data (such as the database host and port) for the error message. As a result, the logger will output log messages in a JSON format to the console and a file, which could look like the following: json Copy code
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const cors = require('cors'); const bunyan = require('bunyan'); const bunyanExpress = require('express-bunyan-logger'); // Setup logging logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'poap-server', serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers, streams: [ {
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const { io } = require(''); const fs = require('fs'); const readline = require('readline'); const bunyan = require('bunyan'); const timestamp = new Date().getTime(); const connectionLog = bunyan.createLogger({ name: `socket-pt`, streams: [ { level: 'info',
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GitHub: groupvine/gv-logger
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statusCode: res.statusCode }; } }; // Create logger this.bunyanLog = bunyan.createLogger(options); } // Handle logging errors this.bunyanLog.on('error', this.handleStreamError.bind(this)); };
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78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 = ( || app.settings.shortname || || app.settings.title || 'express'); opts.serializers = opts.serializers || {}; opts.serializers.req = opts.serializers.req || bunyan.stdSerializers.req; opts.serializers.res = opts.serializers.res || bunyan.stdSerializers.res; err && (opts.serializers.err = opts.serializers.err || bunyan.stdSerializers.err); logger = bunyan.createLogger(opts); } var requestId;
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]; const STACKSET_NAME_RE = /^stackset\/(?<name>.+):(?<id>.+)$/; const STATEMACHINE_NAME_RE = /^stateMachine:(?<name>.+)$/; const log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'cweventFormat.handlebars' }); /** * Read a template file and compile it with Handlebars. This turns off HTML
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t.end(); }, 1000); }); test('\n\n ** Logging utility tests - test setting an external logger based on bunyan **\n\n', function (t) { var logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'bunyanLogger' }); hfc.setLogger(logger); testLogger(t); t.end();
GitHub: jmkristian/node-vara
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const Stream = require('stream'); const DefaultLogID = 'VARA'; const KByte = 1 << 10; const LogNothing = Bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'VARA', level: Bunyan.FATAL + 100, });
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GitHub: dibidave/dijible-lib-js
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return process_logger; } process_name = new_process_name; parent_logger = bunyan.createLogger( { name: process_name, serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers, streams: [
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serviceContext : SquidObservabilityConfigs.serviceContext }); // Create a Bunyan logger that streams to Cloud Logging // Logs will be written to: "projects/YOUR_PROJECT_ID/logs/bunyan_log" loggerSingleton = bunyan.createLogger({ // The JSON payload of the log as it appears in Cloud Logging // will contain "name": "my-service" name : SquidObservabilityConfigs.serviceContext.applicationName, serializers : {
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// try to remove sensitive info by default, e.g. 'password' fields ['formData', 'formValue'].forEach(keyName => { serializers[keyName] = fd => Log.hideSensitive(fd); }); this.log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'ENiGMA½ BBS', streams: logStreams, serializers: serializers, });
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GitHub: sunny255005/qwertygw
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const port = process.env.PORT || 7000; // const timeout = require('connect-timeout') // prepare log handler const logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'via-api-gateway',src:true }); delete logger.fields.hostname; delete; delete; delete logger.level;
GitHub: AlasKuNull/botService
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const ERROR_CODE_USER_COUNT_EMPTY = 202 const app = express(); // 创建一个日志记录器 const logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: "myapp", level: "error", streams: [{ path: "./myapp.log" }, { stream: process.stdout }], });
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const pjs = require('../../package.json'); // Get some meta info from the package.json const { name, version } = pjs; const getLogger = (serviceName, serviceVersion, level) => bunyan.createLogger({ name: `${serviceName}:${serviceVersion}`, level }); module.exports = { development: { sitename: 'Roux Meetups [Development]',
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const projectName = "auth"; const projectVersion = "1.0.0"; const env = process.env.ENV; // Set up a logger const getLogger = (serviceName, serviceVersion, level) => bunyan.createLogger({ name: `${serviceName}:${serviceVersion}`, level });
GitHub: Emc002/MicroServices
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// Get some meta info from package.json const { name, version } = pjs; // Set up a logger const getLogger = (serviceName, serviceVersion, level) => bunyan.createLogger({ name: ` ${serviceName}: ${serviceVersion}`, level }); // Configuration option for different environment module.exports = { development: {
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var express=require("express"); var app=express(); var bunyan = require("bunyan"); const LOG_LEVEL = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || "info"; var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: "diagnosis-search", level: LOG_LEVEL}); var axios=require("axios"); var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
bunyan.createLogger is the most popular function in bunyan (572 examples)