How to use the fromBase64 function from bytebuffer
Find comprehensive JavaScript bytebuffer.fromBase64 code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
bytebuffer.fromBase64 is a function provided by the ByteBuffer library that decodes a Base64-encoded string and returns a new ByteBuffer object containing the decoded data.
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} else { rawdata_caseflipped += rawdata.charAt(i); } } data_deLZd = LZString.decompressFromEncodedURIComponent(rawdata_caseflipped); databuffer = bytebuffer.fromBase64(data_deLZd); data = ISpsonpair.decode(databuffer.buffer) return data }, stateEncode: function(rawdata) {
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if (typeof buffer === 'string') { if (typeof encoding === 'undefined') encoding = "utf8"; switch (encoding) { case "base64": return ByteBuffer.fromBase64(buffer, littleEndian); case "hex": return ByteBuffer.fromHex(buffer, littleEndian); case "binary": return ByteBuffer.fromBinary(buffer, littleEndian);
+ 9 other calls in file
How does bytebuffer.fromBase64 work?
bytebuffer.fromBase64 is a function provided by the ByteBuffer library that decodes a Base64-encoded string and returns a new ByteBuffer object containing the decoded data. When you call bytebuffer.fromBase64, you provide a Base64-encoded string representing the data to decode. The function then creates a new ByteBuffer object and decodes the data from the input string, storing it in the buffer. The resulting ByteBuffer object can then be used to read or manipulate the decoded data. For example, you might use the readInt32() method to read a 32-bit integer from the buffer, or the toString() method to convert the buffer to a string. Overall, bytebuffer.fromBase64 provides a convenient way to decode Base64-encoded data and work with it using the ByteBuffer library. This can be useful in various contexts such as network programming, where data is often encoded in Base64 format for transmission over the wire.
Ai Example
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const ByteBuffer = require("bytebuffer"); // Define a Base64-encoded string const input = "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"; // Decode the string using ByteBuffer const buffer = ByteBuffer.fromBase64(input); // Convert the buffer to a string and log it const output = buffer.toString("utf8"); console.log(output); // Output: "Hello World!"
In this example, a Base64-encoded string SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh is defined. This string represents the text "Hello World!" encoded in Base64 format. bytebuffer.fromBase64 is then called on the input string to decode the data and store it in a new ByteBuffer object. The resulting buffer object can then be used to read or manipulate the decoded data. In this case, the toString() method is used to convert the buffer to a string in UTF-8 format, and the resulting string "Hello World!" is logged to the console.
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