How to use chalk.Chalk:
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// const prefix = require("loglevel-plugin-prefix"); const chalk = require("chalk"); // type LogLevelColorMapType = { // [index: string]: chalk.Chalk // } const DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG";
How to use chalk.yellowBright:
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
break; case 'POST': coloredRequest = chalk.greenBright(request); break; case 'PUT': coloredRequest = chalk.yellowBright(request); break; case 'PATCH': coloredRequest = chalk.magentaBright(request); break;
How to use chalk.bgYellowBright:
GitHub: electron/build-tools

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
return parts.join(' '); }, success:'SUCCESS'), err: chalk.bgRedBright.white('ERROR'), info: chalk.bgBlueBright.white('INFO'), warn:'WARN'), }; function fatal(e, code = 1) { if (typeof e === 'string') {
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How to use chalk.__proto__:
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// // chalk.__proto__ = function () { }; // // = function () { }; // // = function () { }; // = function () { console.log('green') } // = function () { console.log('blue') } // chalk.__proto__.bgRed = function () { console.log('bgRed inside green') } // // = function () { console.log('bgRed inside blue') }
How to use chalk.bgMagenta:
GitHub: esatterwhite/skyring

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
, cancel: chalk.yellow.bold , fail: , success: , shutdown: chalk.bgYellow.white , ready: chalk.bgGreen.white.bold , recover: chalk.bgMagenta.bold , rebalance: chalk.bgBlue , purge: chalk.bgRed.white.bold , evict: }
How to use chalk.bgCyan:
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
```js const ansiText = chalk.bgRed('🌈') + chalk.bgYellow('🦄') + chalk.bgGreen('🐘') + chalk.bgCyan('🍄') + chalk.bgBlue('🎃') + chalk.bgMagenta('🐦') + chalk.bgRed('🖤') + chalk.bgYellow('😳') +
How to use chalk.rgb:
GitHub: erdwpe/newbot-md
459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468
255, 255, 255 )(moment(" dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss "))}]:` ), chalk.rgb(255, 38, 0)(...args) ); }, warn(...args) { console.log(
How to use chalk.bgGreenBright:
GitHub: electron/build-tools

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
if (opts && opts.cwd) { parts.push('in', color.path(opts.cwd)); } return parts.join(' '); }, success:'SUCCESS'), err: chalk.bgRedBright.white('ERROR'), info: chalk.bgBlueBright.white('INFO'), warn:'WARN'), };
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How to use chalk.italic:
GitHub: mcbebu/NinjaFan
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
process.stdout.write( '\n\nOpen ' + chalk.magenta('') + ' in your browser and upload the stats.json file!' + '\n(Tip: ' + chalk.italic('CMD + double-click') + ' the link!)\n\n', ), ); }
How to use chalk.styles:
How to use chalk.magentaBright:
GitHub: ZTO-Express/zms

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
const mockRoutes = registerRoutes(app) mockRoutesLength = mockRoutes.mockRoutesLength mockStartIndex = mockRoutes.mockStartIndex console.log( chalk.magentaBright( `\n > Mock Server hot success! changed ${path}` ) ) } catch (error) {
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How to use chalk.Instance:
GitHub: andromeda/lya

137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146
### chalk.enabled Color support is automatically detected, as is the level (see `chalk.level`). However, if you'd like to simply enable/disable Chalk, you can do so via the `.enabled` property. When `chalk.enabled` is `true`, `chalk.level` must *also* be greater than `0` for colored output to be produced. Chalk is enabled by default unless explicitly disabled via `new chalk.Instance()` or `chalk.level` is `0`. If you need to change this in a reusable module, create a new instance: ```js
How to use chalk.reset:
GitHub: Keyteq/frontend-packages

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
); babelOptions.babelrc = false; const SRC_DIR = 'src'; const JS_FILES_PATTERN = '**/*.js*'; const IGNORE_PATTERN = '**/__tests__/**'; const OK =' DONE '); const adjustToTerminalWidth = str => { const columns = process.stdout.columns || 80; const width = columns - stringLength(OK) + 1;
How to use chalk.bgWhite:
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
? : chalk.yellow; const progress = phase === 'in_progress' ? + chalk.bgWhite.white( LIGHT_BLOCK_CHAR.repeat(MAX_PROGRESS_BAR_CHAR_WIDTH - filledBar), ) + chalk.bold(` ${(100 * ratio).toFixed(1)}% `) + chalk.dim(`(${transformedFileCount}/${totalFileCount})`)
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How to use chalk.bgBlueBright:
GitHub: electron/build-tools

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
} return parts.join(' '); }, success:'SUCCESS'), err: chalk.bgRedBright.white('ERROR'), info: chalk.bgBlueBright.white('INFO'), warn:'WARN'), }; function fatal(e, code = 1) {
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How to use chalk.bgBlackBright:
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
? `${label} ${line}` : line.padStart(stripAnsi(label).length) }).join('\n') } const chalkTag = msg => chalk.bgBlackBright.white.dim(` ${msg} `) exports.log = (msg = '', tag = null) => { tag ? console.log(format(chalkTag(tag), msg)) : console.log(msg) _log('log', tag, msg)
How to use chalk.level:
GitHub: kevva/chalk

129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
```js const ctx = new chalk.constructor({enabled: false}); ``` ### chalk.level Color support is automatically detected, but you can override it by setting the `level` property. You should however only do this in your own code as it applies globally to all Chalk consumers. If you need to change this in a reusable module, create a new instance:
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How to use chalk.bgRedBright:
GitHub: electron/build-tools

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
parts.push('in', color.path(opts.cwd)); } return parts.join(' '); }, success:'SUCCESS'), err: chalk.bgRedBright.white('ERROR'), info: chalk.bgBlueBright.white('INFO'), warn:'WARN'), };
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How to use chalk.supportsColor:
GitHub: kevva/chalk

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
0. All colors disabled 1. Basic color support (16 colors) 2. 256 color support 3. Truecolor support (16 million colors) ### chalk.supportsColor Detect whether the terminal [supports color]( Used internally and handled for you, but exposed for convenience. Can be overridden by the user with the flags `--color` and `--no-color`. For situations where using `--color` is not possible, add the environment variable `FORCE_COLOR=1` to forcefully enable color or `FORCE_COLOR=0` to forcefully disable. The use of `FORCE_COLOR` overrides all other color support checks.
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How to use chalk.bgYellow:
GitHub: esatterwhite/skyring

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
, replace: , execute: , cancel: chalk.yellow.bold , fail: , success: , shutdown: chalk.bgYellow.white , ready: chalk.bgGreen.white.bold , recover: chalk.bgMagenta.bold , rebalance: chalk.bgBlue , purge: chalk.bgRed.white.bold
How to use chalk.bgGreen:
GitHub: esatterwhite/skyring

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
, execute: , cancel: chalk.yellow.bold , fail: , success: , shutdown: chalk.bgYellow.white , ready: chalk.bgGreen.white.bold , recover: chalk.bgMagenta.bold , rebalance: chalk.bgBlue , purge: chalk.bgRed.white.bold , evict:
How to use chalk.whiteBright:
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
) ) ); console.log( whiteBright( `> Total app users: ${totalUsers.toLocaleString()}\n> Total Servers: ${client.guilds.cache.size.toLocaleString()}\n---------------------------------\n` + `> Discord Verified: ${ client.user.verified ? "Yes" : "No" }`
How to use chalk.inverse:
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punctuator: chalk.grey, keyword: chalk.cyan, number: chalk.magenta, regex: chalk.magenta, comment: chalk.grey.bold, invalid: chalk.inverse }, codeFrame: asIs,
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How to use chalk.enabled:
GitHub: kevva/chalk

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Chain [styles](#styles) and call the last one as a method with a string argument. Order doesn't matter, and later styles take precedent in case of a conflict. This simply means that `` is equivalent to ``. Multiple arguments will be separated by space. ### chalk.enabled Color support is automatically detected, as is the level (see `chalk.level`). However, if you'd like to simply enable/disable Chalk, you can do so via the `.enabled` property. Chalk is enabled by default unless expicitly disabled via the constructor or `chalk.level` is `0`.
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How to use chalk.bgBlue:
GitHub: klassijs/klassi-js
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global.DELAY_5m = 300000; // 5 minutes delay function consoleInfo() { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params const args = []; const output = chalk.bgBlue.white(`\n>>>>> \n${args}\n<<<<<\n`); console.log(output); } /**
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How to use chalk.redBright:
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async function warnMessage(message) { return console.log(`[${await getCurrentTime()}] Warning >`) + ' ' + chalk.yellow(message)); } async function errorMessage(message) { return console.log(`[${await getCurrentTime()}] Error >`) + ' ' + chalk.redBright(message)); } async function broadcastMessage(message, location) { return console.log(chalk.inverse(`[${await getCurrentTime()}] ${location} Broadcast >`) + ' ' + message);
How to use chalk.constructor:
GitHub: kevva/chalk

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Chalk is enabled by default unless expicitly disabled via the constructor or `chalk.level` is `0`. If you need to change this in a reusable module, create a new instance: ```js const ctx = new chalk.constructor({enabled: false}); ``` ### chalk.level
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How to use chalk.white:
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electronProcess.stdout.on('data', data => { if (data == EOL) { return; } process.stdout.write(Chalk.blueBright(`[electron] `) + Chalk.white(data.toString())) }); electronProcess.stderr.on('data', data => process.stderr.write(Chalk.blueBright(`[electron] `) + Chalk.white(data.toString()))
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How to use chalk.keyword:
GitHub: kevva/chalk

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```js const chalk = require('chalk'); const error =; const warning = chalk.keyword('orange'); console.log(error('Error!')); console.log(warning('Warning!')); ```
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