How to use the bgGreen function from chalk
Find comprehensive JavaScript chalk.bgGreen code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chalk.bgGreen is a function in the chalk library that adds a green background to text in a command-line interface.
GitHub: esatterwhite/skyring
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, execute: , cancel: chalk.yellow.bold , fail: , success: , shutdown: chalk.bgYellow.white , ready: chalk.bgGreen.white.bold , recover: chalk.bgMagenta.bold , rebalance: chalk.bgBlue , purge: chalk.bgRed.white.bold , evict:
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## Emoji Support ```js const ansiText = chalk.bgRed('🌈') + chalk.bgYellow('🦄') + chalk.bgGreen('🐘') + chalk.bgCyan('🍄') + chalk.bgBlue('🎃') + chalk.bgMagenta('🐦') + chalk.bgRed('🖤') +
+ 5 other calls in file
How does chalk.bgGreen work?
chalk.bgGreen is a function provided by the chalk library that adds a green background to text in a command-line interface. To use chalk.bgGreen, you can call the function and pass in a string of text that you want to display with a green background. For example, if you call chalk.bgGreen('Hello, world!'), the text "Hello, world!" will be displayed with a green background. You can also chain chalk functions together to apply multiple styles to the text. For example, if you call chalk.bgGreen.white.bold('Hello, world!'), the text "Hello, world!" will be displayed with a green background, white text color, and bold text weight. Under the hood, chalk works by adding ANSI escape codes to the text output in the command-line interface. These codes are used to modify the display properties of the text, such as the background color, text color, and text weight. chalk.bgGreen is one of many functions provided by the chalk library that simplify working with colors and styles in a command-line interface.
GitHub: dchamp16/CS3380
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let sortSize = _.sortBy(statObj, (o) => o.size).reverse(); sortSize.forEach((data) => { console.log( `${} \t\t ${ data.size < 1000 ? chalk.bgGreen(data.sizeString) : chalk.bgRed(data.sizeString) }` ); });
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const mainConfig = require('./webpack.main.config') const rendererConfig = require('./webpack.renderer.config') const webConfig = require('./webpack.web.config') const doneLog = chalk.bgGreen.white(' DONE ') + ' ' const errorLog = chalk.bgRed.white(' ERROR ') + ' ' const okayLog = chalk.bgBlue.white(' OKAY ') + ' ' const isCI = process.env.CI || false
Ai Example
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const chalk = require("chalk"); console.log(chalk.bgGreen("Hello, world!"));
In this example, we first import the chalk library and then call the bgGreen function to create a string with a green background. We pass the resulting string to the console.log function to display the text with a green background in the command-line interface. When you run this code, you should see the text "Hello, world!" displayed with a green background in the command-line interface. This example demonstrates how you can use chalk.bgGreen to add color and style to text in a command-line interface.
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const result = await contacts.removeContact(id); if (!result) { return console.log(chalk.bgRed(`Contact with id ${id} not found!`)); } console.log( chalk.bgGreen( `The contact with id ${id} has been successfully deleted!` ) ); break;