How to use the bgYellow function from chalk
Find comprehensive JavaScript chalk.bgYellow code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chalk.bgYellow is a function in the chalk library that applies a yellow background color to text in a Node.js console.
GitHub: esatterwhite/skyring
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, replace: , execute: , cancel: chalk.yellow.bold , fail: , success: , shutdown: chalk.bgYellow.white , ready: chalk.bgGreen.white.bold , recover: chalk.bgMagenta.bold , rebalance: chalk.bgBlue , purge: chalk.bgRed.white.bold
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
## Emoji Support ```js const ansiText = chalk.bgRed('🌈') + chalk.bgYellow('🦄') + chalk.bgGreen('🐘') + chalk.bgCyan('🍄') + chalk.bgBlue('🎃') + chalk.bgMagenta('🐦') +
+ 5 other calls in file
How does chalk.bgYellow work?
chalk.bgYellow is a function provided by the chalk library that allows you to apply a yellow background color to text in a Node.js console. To use chalk.bgYellow, you first require the chalk library in your Node.js program. You can then call chalk.bgYellow and pass in a string as an argument to apply the yellow background color to that text. For example, if you wanted to log a message with a yellow background color to the console, you could do the following: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const chalk = require('chalk'); console.log(chalk.bgYellow('Hello, world!')); When you run this code, you should see the message "Hello, world!" printed to the console with a yellow background color. chalk.bgYellow is one of many functions provided by the chalk library that make it easy to style text in a Node.js console. It is particularly useful when you need to draw attention to specific messages or output in your console.
GitHub: petrgrishin/bunya
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
const levelFormat = { 0: chalk.bgBlackBright.white, 10: chalk.bgBlackBright.white, 20: chalk.bgBlackBright.white, 30:, 40:, 50:, 60:, };
GitHub: JY1771/node-opc
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server.on("serverRegistrationPending", () => { console.log("server registration is still pending (is Local Discovery Server up and running ?)"); }); server.on("newChannel", (channel) => { console.log( chalk.bgYellow("Client connected with address = "), channel.remoteAddress, " port = ", channel.remotePort, "timeout=",
Ai Example
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const chalk = require("chalk"); console.log(chalk.bgYellow("Warning: This operation cannot be undone!"));
In this example, we first import the chalk library and use chalk.bgYellow to apply a yellow background color to the string "Warning: This operation cannot be undone!". We then log the resulting string to the console using console.log. When you run this code, you should see the message "Warning: This operation cannot be undone!" printed to the console with a yellow background color. This example demonstrates how you can use chalk.bgYellow to apply a yellow background color to text in a Node.js console.
GitHub: xyzuniverse/xyzbot
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42, PhoneNumber( "+" + conn.decodeJid("", "") ).getNumber("international") )} ${ chalk.bgYellow( (m.messageTimestamp ? new Date(1000 * (m.messageTimestamp.low || m.messageTimestamp)) : new Date() ).toTimeString()
+ 2 other calls in file
GitHub: 51breeze/es-installer
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return (yes)=>{ const name = PATH.basename(output); if( Utils.isDir(output) ){ if( Utils.readdir( output ).length > 0 ){ if( yes ){ chalk.bgYellow(`\r\nthinkphp frameworks was not initialized, because the '${name}' directory is not empty.`) ); return false; } } }