How to use the cyanBright function from chalk
Find comprehensive JavaScript chalk.cyanBright code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chalk.cyanBright is a function in the chalk library that applies bright cyan color to a string.
GitHub: zeeoneofficial/Haruka-Md
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browser: ['Haruka Multi Device','Safari','1.0.0'], auth: state }) require("./command/case") nocache('./command/case', module => console.log(chalk.greenBright('[ UPDATED ] ') + new Date() + chalk.cyanBright(` "${module}" Telah diupdate!`))) if (haruka.user && haruka.user.jid = jidNormalizedUser( haruka.ev.on('connection.update', async (update) => {
+ 4 other calls in file
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title() /* Auto Update */ require('./lib/myfunc') require('./message/msg') nocache('./lib/myfunc', module => console.log(chalk.greenBright('[ WHATSAPP BOT ] ') + time + chalk.cyanBright(` "${module}" ha sido actualizado!`))) nocache('./message/msg', module => console.log(chalk.greenBright('[ WHATSAPP BOT ] ') + time + chalk.cyanBright(` "${module}" ha sido actualizado!`))) conn.multi = true conn.nopref = false
How does chalk.cyanBright work?
is a function in the chalk
library that applies bright cyan color to a string.
When chalk.cyanBright
is called with a string, it performs the following steps:
- It adds escape codes to the string that change the color of the text to bright cyan.
- It returns the modified string.
The escape codes used to apply the bright cyan color are platform-specific, but are typically ANSI escape codes that are understood by most modern terminals.
By using chalk.cyanBright
to colorize text, you can make output more readable and visually appealing, and help differentiate different types of information.
is just one of many functions in the chalk
library that can be used to apply different colors and styles to text. By using a combination of different colors and styles, you can create complex and informative output that is easy to read and understand.
GitHub: amoskaredd/botek
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} /* Auto Update */ let file = require.resolve(__filename) fs.watchFile(file, () => { fs.unwatchFile(file) console.log(chalk.greenBright('[ WHATSAPP BOT ] ') + time + chalk.cyanBright(` ${__filename} Telah diupdate!`)) delete require.cache[file] require(file) })
+ 4 other calls in file
GitHub: amoskaredd/botek
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} }) } /* Auto Update */ require('./main.js') nocache('./main.js', module => console.log(chalk.greenBright('[ WHATSAPP BOT ] ') + time + chalk.cyanBright(` "${module}" Telah diupdate!`))) const status = new Spinner(chalk.cyan(` Booting WhatsApp Bot`)) const starting = new Spinner(chalk.cyan(` Preparing After Connect`)) const reconnect = new Spinner(chalk.redBright(` Reconnecting WhatsApp Bot`))
+ 4 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const chalk = require("chalk"); const myString = "Hello, World!"; const myCyanBrightString = chalk.cyanBright(myString); console.log(myCyanBrightString);
In this example, we're using the chalk library to colorize a string with bright cyan. We're first creating a string called myString with the value "Hello, World!". This is the string that we want to colorize. We're then using chalk.cyanBright to apply the bright cyan color to myString. The function returns a new string with the escape codes necessary to display the text in bright cyan. Finally, we're using console.log to output the colored string to the console. When we run this code, we'll get output that looks something like this: Copy code
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windSpeed: } console.log("\n") console.log(` ${chalk.whiteBright("City: ")} ${}`) console.log(` ${chalk.whiteBright("Temperature: ")} ${(data.temp<15) ? chalk.cyanBright(data.temp) : chalk.redBright(data.temp)} ${chalk.bold.magentaBright("C°")}`) console.log(` ${chalk.whiteBright("Weather: ")} ${}`) console.log(` ${chalk.whiteBright("Humidity: ")} ${chalk.yellow(data.humidity)} ${chalk.bold.cyanBright("%")}`) console.log(` ${chalk.whiteBright("Wind Speed: ")} ${chalk.yellow(data.windSpeed)} ${chalk.bold.cyanBright("meter/sec")}`) console.log("\n")