How to use the default function from chalk
Find comprehensive JavaScript chalk.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chalk.default is a module that provides a way to apply colors and styles to text output in the terminal.
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{ aAnnotation, aColor: _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR, bAnnotation, bColor: _jestMatcherUtils.RECEIVED_COLOR, changeLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow, commonLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow, emptyFirstOrLastLinePlaceholder: '↵', // U+21B5 expand,
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aColor:, aIndicator: '-', bAnnotation: 'Received', bColor:, bIndicator: '+', changeColor: _chalk.default.inverse, changeLineTrailingSpaceColor: noColor, commonColor: _chalk.default.dim, commonIndicator: ' ', commonLineTrailingSpaceColor: noColor,
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How does chalk.default work?
is a module that provides a way to apply colors and styles to text output in the terminal.
When chalk.default
is used, it returns a function that can be used to wrap a string in ANSI escape codes that specify the desired color or style. The function can be called with one or more strings, and the resulting output will have the specified color or style applied.
The available colors include standard colors such as red, green, and blue, as well as brighter and darker variants of these colors. The available styles include bold, underline, italic, and inverse.
By default, chalk.default
applies the specified color or style only to the text that follows it, until another color or style is specified. However, the chalk.default
function also provides a reset
method that can be used to reset the color and style back to their defaults.
Overall, chalk.default
provides a simple and flexible way to add colors and styles to text output in the terminal, making it easier to distinguish and highlight different parts of the output.
GitHub: DefExtra/devLOG-903-
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83` "${node.options.identifier}"`) + ` is not connected (${error.message})...`, }); this.emit("SystemLog", { type: "connection", text:"[ + ]") + " Music System is not Connected...", }); }); (0, events_2.default)(this.client, this.manager, this, config, db); }
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const TITLE_INDENT = ' '; const MESSAGE_INDENT = ' '; const STACK_INDENT = ' '; const ANCESTRY_SEPARATOR = ' \u203A '; const TITLE_BULLET = _chalk.default.bold('\u25cf '); const STACK_TRACE_COLOR = _chalk.default.dim; const STACK_PATH_REGEXP = /\s*at.*\(?(\:\d*\:\d*|native)\)?/; const EXEC_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Test suite failed to run';
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Ai Example
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const chalk = require("chalk"); // Apply different colors and styles to text output console.log("This text is red")); console.log("This text is bold and green")); console.log(chalk.yellow.underline("This text is underlined and yellow")); // Combine multiple colors and styles using a chain console.log( "This text has a blue background, white text, and is bold" ) ); // Use the `reset` method to reset the color and style back to their defaults console.log("This text is red") + chalk.reset(" This text is the default color") );
In this example, we use chalk.default to add colors and styles to text output in the terminal. We call various methods such as red, green.bold, and yellow.underline to apply different colors and styles to the output. We use a chain of methods such as blue.bgWhite.bold to apply multiple colors and styles to the output. We use the reset method to reset the color and style back to their defaults. This example shows how chalk.default can be used to enhance the appearance of text output in the terminal, making it easier to read and distinguish different parts of the output.
GitHub: jackcannon/swiss-node
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return runLoop(input, message.split("\n").length); } }; return runLoop(); }; var imitateHighlight = import_chalk12.default.cyanBright.bold.underline; var getImitateResultText = (result, isChild = false) => { if (result instanceof Array) { if (result.length > 3) return `${result.length} selected`;
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GitHub: mayconwallas/Estudos
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]; const EXPECTED_COLOR =; exports.EXPECTED_COLOR = EXPECTED_COLOR; const RECEIVED_COLOR =; exports.RECEIVED_COLOR = RECEIVED_COLOR; const INVERTED_COLOR = _chalk.default.inverse; exports.INVERTED_COLOR = INVERTED_COLOR; const BOLD_WEIGHT = _chalk.default.bold; exports.BOLD_WEIGHT = BOLD_WEIGHT; const DIM_COLOR = _chalk.default.dim;
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