How to use the white function from chalk
Find comprehensive JavaScript chalk.white code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chalk.white is a method of the chalk library that sets the text color to white.
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electronProcess.stdout.on('data', data => { if (data == EOL) { return; } process.stdout.write(Chalk.blueBright(`[electron] `) + Chalk.white(data.toString())) }); electronProcess.stderr.on('data', data => process.stderr.write(Chalk.blueBright(`[electron] `) + Chalk.white(data.toString()))
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GitHub: Yakashi13/Yaka-bot
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}); } if (m.message) { console.log( chalk.white(chalk.bgRed("[ MESSAGE ]")), Date())), chalk.yellow(chalk.bgGrey(budy || m.mtype)) + "\n" +"=> From"),
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How does chalk.white work?
chalk.white is a function in the chalk library that returns a new function which, when called, wraps a string in an ANSI escape code to set the text color to white. The resulting function can be used to stylize console output by printing white text.
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a: chalk.greenBright, b: chalk.cyanBright, c: chalk.redBright, d: chalk.bgRedBright, e: chalk.yellowBright, f: chalk.white } function parseMessageCodes(msg) { if (typeof msg !== "string") return msg; msg = '&f' + msg;
GitHub: arifintajul4/bot-wa-joki
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//Console logs by Tio if (m.message) { await console.log("[ CMD ]")), Date())), chalk.white(chalk.bgBlue(isCmd ? body : m.mtype || body.slice(0, 20))) + "\n" +"[ ~> from ]")),, +
Ai Example
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const chalk = require("chalk"); console.log(chalk.white("This text will be white"));
In this example, the chalk.white method is used to stylize the string 'This text will be white' with white color. When this code is run in a terminal that supports ANSI escape codes, the text will be printed in white color.
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let commandDB = await commandDataBaseQuery({ aliases: commandName }); if (!commandDB) return console.log(chalk.white("Failed to load command ") +; if ("-")) return console.log( + chalk.white(" has been disabled")); if (commandDB) console.log(chalk.bold.greenBright(commandName) + chalk.white(" successfully loaded")); switch ( { case "command": let names = "" let database = MongoDBclient.db("twitch");
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GitHub: sabeer-hussain/tags-demo
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} async function createBundle(bundle, bundleType) { const filename = getFilename(bundle, bundleType); const logKey = chalk.white.bold(filename) + chalk.dim(` (${bundleType.toLowerCase()})`); const format = getFormat(bundleType); const packageName = Packaging.getPackageName(bundle.entry); const isFBWWWBundle =
GitHub: sindeshiva/Test
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} const progessify = (task, title) => { // return higher order function return (percentComplete, remaining) => { percentComplete = chalk.white(` ${percentComplete}%`) // pluralize seconds remaining remaining = chalk.gray(`${remaining}s`)
GitHub: he2720/eye_project
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mainConfig.entry.main = [path.join(__dirname, '../src/main/')].concat(mainConfig.entry.main) mainConfig.mode = 'development' const compiler = webpack(mainConfig) compiler.hooks.watchRun.tapAsync('watch-run', (compilation, done) => { logStats('Main', chalk.white.bold('compiling...')) hotMiddleware.publish({ action: 'compiling' }) done() })
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labelWork: chalk.white.bold(" Work:"), labelSkills: chalk.white.bold(" Skills:"), labelTwitter: chalk.white.bold(" Twitter:"), labelGitHub: chalk.white.bold(" GitHub:"), labelCard: chalk.white.bold(" Card:"), }; const me = boxen( [
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