How to use the whiteBright function from chalk
Find comprehensive JavaScript chalk.whiteBright code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chalk.whiteBright is a method in the chalk library which returns a white colored text with increased brightness.
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) ) ); console.log( whiteBright( `> Total app users: ${totalUsers.toLocaleString()}\n> Total Servers: ${client.guilds.cache.size.toLocaleString()}\n---------------------------------\n` + `> Discord Verified: ${ client.user.verified ? "Yes" : "No" }`
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break; case 'PATCH': coloredRequest = chalk.magentaBright(request); break; case 'DELETE': coloredRequest = chalk.whiteBright(request); break; default: coloredRequest = request; break;
How does chalk.whiteBright work?
chalk.whiteBright is a method in the chalk library that returns a new function that adds the "white bright" color to a string passed as an argument. It works by applying the appropriate ANSI escape code to the string to change its color when it is displayed in a terminal. This color is a brighter shade of white than the regular chalk.white color.
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} else { if (m.isGroup) { console.log('[ P U B L I C - M O D E ]')) + '\n' + chalk.whiteBright('userName ›'), + '\n' + chalk.whiteBright('groupName ›'), + '\n' + chalk.whiteBright('command ›'), } if (!m.isGroup) { console.log('[ P U B L I C - M O D E ]')) + '\n' + chalk.whiteBright('userName ›'), + '\n' + chalk.whiteBright('command ›'), } } };
+ 15 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const chalk = require("chalk"); console.log(chalk.whiteBright("This text is white and bright"));
This will output the string "This text is white and bright" in white color with a bright intensity.