How to use the last function from chance
Find comprehensive JavaScript chance.last code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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*/ = function () { var opts = helpers.mix(arguments); var g = opts.gender ? {gender: opts.gender} : {}; if (opts.first) return chance.first(g); if (opts.last) return chance.last(g); var m = {}, p = {}, prefix = '', name; if (opts.middle) m = opts.middle === 'full' ? {middle: true} : {middle_initial: true}; if (opts.prefix) {
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const person = { names: [{ givenName: Chance.first({ gender, }), familyName: Chance.last({ gender, }), }], gender: gender.charAt(0),
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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
} function randUser () { return{ firstName: chance.first(), lastName: chance.last(), isAdmin: false, email: emails.pop(), gender: chance.gender(), dob: chance.birthday({ string: true }),
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min: -999999, max: 999999 }); break; case 'last': s += chance.last().toCsv(CSV.delimiter); break; case 'latitude': s += chance.latitude();
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
exports.random = function(options) { return ch.pick(options) } exports.pick = exports.random exports.firstName = function () { return ch.first() } exports.lastName = function () { return ch.last() } exports.gender = function () { return ch.gender() } = function () { return ch.capitalize(ch.word({syllables: 3})) } = function () { return } = function () { return }
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166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
}, function (cb) { async.forEach(_.range(1, userCount + 1), function (nr, cb) { models.User.create({ "firstName": chance.first(), "lastName": chance.last(), "email": "user" + nr + "", "email_lowered": "user" + nr + "", "passwordHash": defaultPasswordHash, "userRoles": [{
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16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
const person = { type: spec.label, prefix: chance.prefix({gender: gender }), first: chance.first({gender: gender}), last: chance.last(), age: chance.age(), birthday: chance.birthday({string: true, american: true}), gender: gender, zip:{plusfour: true}),
GitHub: ARRiera96/AutherDADA1
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
return '' + g + '/' + n + '.jpg' } function randUser () { return{ name: [chance.first(), chance.last()].join(' '), photo: randPhoto(), phone:, email: emails.pop(), password: chance.word(),
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39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
}) }) describe('Create a user with existing email', () => { let res before(async () => { res = await register(chance.first(), chance.last(), process.env.EMAIL, process.env.PASSWORD) }) it('check response status code', () => { expect(res.statusCode).to.eq(409)
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const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({region: 'us-east-1'}); const userpoolId = process.env.cognito_user_pool_id; const clientId = process.env.cognito_server_client_id; const firstName = chance.first({nationality: 'en'}); const lastName = chance.last({nationality: 'en'}); const suffix = chance.string({length: 4, pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'}); const username = `test-${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}`; const password = randomPassword(); const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}`;
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const userpoolId = process.env.cognito_user_pool_id const clientId = process.env.CognitoUserPoolServerClientId const firstName = chance.first({ nationality: 'en' }) const lastName = chance.last({ nationality: 'en' }) const suffix = chance.string( { length: 8, pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' }) const username = `test-${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}` const password = random_password()
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describe('Space trimming test', ()=> { let testEmail = ' james' + + ' ' let res before(async () => { await register(chance.first(), chance.last(), testEmail, process.env.PASSWORD) res = await login(testEmail.trim(), process.env.PASSWORD) }) it('check if spaces are trimmed', () => {
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const userpoolId = process.env.cognito_user_pool_id const clientId = process.env.cognito_server_client_id const firstName = chance.first({ nationality: "en" }) const lastName = chance.last({ nationality: "en" }) const suffix = chance.string({length: 8, pool: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}) const username = `test-${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}` const password = random_password() const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}`
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return chance.floating(options) } // last export function last (options) { return chance.last(options) } // sentence export function n (options) {
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} var gender = chance.pick(['Male', 'Female', 'Other']); var first = chance.first({gender: genderToBinary(gender)}); var middle = chance.pick(['', chance.first({gender: genderToBinary(gender)})]); var last = chance.last(); var degree_goal = chance.pick(['', 'D', 'M', 'H', 'S']); var major;
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const generate = () => { return { name: { givenName: chance.first(), familyName: chance.last() }, emailAddress:, emailType: 'Home', phoneNumber:,
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chance.word is the most popular function in chance (344 examples)