How to use the pickone function from chance
Find comprehensive JavaScript chance.pickone code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chance.pickone is a function that returns a randomly chosen element from an array provided as input.
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setTimeout(() => { active = false; if (!data.args[0].includes(`stop`)) { if (entrees.length > 0) { const winner = chance.pickone(entrees); client.sendMessage(Bot.translate("plugins.giveaway.winner", { user: winner })); } else {
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/** * Generate a random first name. * @param {boolean} cn */ firstName(cn = false) { return cn ? chance.pickone(chinese.firstNames) : chance.firstName(); }, /** * Generate a random last name.
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How does chance.pickone work?
is a function in the Chance.js library that takes an array of elements and returns a randomly selected element from that array. It uses the built-in Math.random()
method to generate a random index within the range of the input array and returns the element at that index.
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lastName: chance.last(), isAdmin: false, email: emails.pop(), gender: chance.gender(), dob: chance.birthday({ string: true }), occupation: chance.pickone(['Sales', 'Hospitality', 'Healthcare', 'Custodial', 'Accounting', 'Teaching', 'Law-Enforcement', 'Law', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Administration', 'Student', 'Other']), incomeLevel: chance.weighted(['Under-$15,000', '$15,000-to-$24,999', '$25,000-to-$34,999', '$35,000-to-$49,999', '$50,000-to-$74,999', '$75,000-to-$99,999', '$100,000-to-$149,999', '$150,000-to-$199,999', '$200,000-and-over'], [11.6, 10.5, 10, 12.7, 16.7, 12.1, 14.1, 6.2, 6.1]), ethnicity: chance.weighted(['White', 'Black', 'Hispanic', 'Asian', 'American-Indian/Alaska-Native', 'Hawaiian/Other-Pacific-Islander', 'Other'], [61, 12, 18, 6, 1, 0, 2]), religion: chance.weighted(['Protestant', 'Catholic', 'Mormon', 'Judaism', 'Islam', 'Buddhism', 'Hinduism', 'Other', 'Unaffiliated'], [46.5, 20.8, 1.6, 1.9, 0.9, 0.7, 0.7, 3.5, 23.4]), education: chance.weighted(['High-School', 'Some-College', 'Associate-Degree', 'Bachelor-Degree', 'Advanced-Degree'], [70, 15, 10, 4, 1]),
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const jobs = await Job .create(jobsArray); const notesArray = [...Array(noteCount)].map(() => { const job = chance.pickone(jobs); return { title:, job: job._id, body: chance.sentence(),
Ai Example
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const Chance = require("chance"); const chance = new Chance(); const options = ["red", "green", "blue"]; const picked = chance.pickone(options); console.log(picked); // outputs: 'blue' (for example)
In this example, an array options is defined with three possible colors. chance.pickone is then called with options as the argument, and a randomly selected color from the array is returned and assigned to picked. Finally, picked is logged to the console.
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expect(actualDuration).toBe(expectedDuration); }); it('should only count the time a ticket has been in a production department/departmentStatus', () => { const nonProductionDepartment = getNonProductionDepartments()[0]; const productionDepartment = chance.pickone(Object.keys(productionDepartmentsAndDepartmentStatuses)); const durationSpentWithNonProductionDepartmentStatus = chance.floating({min: 0}); const durationSpentWithProductionDepartmentStatus = chance.floating({min: 0}); const workflowStepLedger = { [nonProductionDepartment]: {
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ticketAttributes = { TicketNumber: String(chance.integer({min: 0})), Ship_by_Date:{string: true}), OrderDate:{string: true}), CustPONum: chance.string(), Priority: chance.pickone(getAllPriorities()), BillZip: chance.string(), BillCity: chance.string(), BillAddr1: chance.string(), BillAddr2: chance.string(),
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totalFramesRan: chance.d12(), jobComment: chance.string() }; ticket = { destination: { department: chance.pickone(departmentsToPickFrom) }, frameSize: chance.floating({min: 1, fixed: 2}), departmentToJobComment: {} };
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const chance = require('chance').Chance(); describe('helperService.js', () => { describe('getEmptyObjectIfUndefined()', () => { it('should return an empty object if an undefined value is passed in', () => { const undefinedValue = chance.pickone([undefined, null]); const expectedValue = {}; const actualValue = helperService.getEmptyObjectIfUndefined(undefinedValue);
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}, {}) } function makeEvent() { const name = c.pickone(eventNames); return { name: name, segmentation: getSegmentation(name), meta: {
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if (is.plainObject(collection)) { return collection[chance.pickone(Object.keys(collection))] } if (is.string(collection)) { return chance.pickone(collection.split(separator)) } return undefined }
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} lameResponse = async (word) => { const quote = await getQuote() const start = ['No thine is ', 'Thee call me ', 'How dare thee say ', 'Ha! '] const exception = ['. Nonetheless, ', '. However, ', ', but ', '. Regardless ', ', yet ', ', even so ']; return chance.pickone(start) + word + chance.pickone(exception) + quote; } getGoodbye = (text) => { if (!text) return const byeMatchRegex = text.match(/(goodbye|see ya|later|bye|adios|farewell|toodles|adieu|so long)/i)
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chance.word is the most popular function in chance (344 examples)