How to use the string function from chance
Find comprehensive JavaScript chance.string code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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deferred.then(() => { console.log(); // eslint-disable-line no-console for (let i = 0; i < numPatients; i++) { const gender = Chance.gender(); const omrsId = Chance.string({ pool: REFAPP_OPENMRS_ID_CHARS, }); const bday = Chance.birthday();
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* @param {number} min * @param {number} max * @param {string} pool */ string(min = 5, max = 20, pool = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_') { return chance.string({ length: rand(min, max), pool }); }, /** * Return a random floating point number. By default it will return a fixed number of at most 2 digits after the decimal.
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s += chance.age(); break; case 'alpha': //alpha or alpha(n) n = hdr[k].arg; if (n != "") { s += chance.string({ pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', length: n }); } else {
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} = require('../../test-helpers/queries-and-mutations') const chance = require('chance').Chance() describe('e2e test for tweet', () => { let token, tweetAResp, userAId, userBId, userBsReply, userBToken const text = chance.string({length: 16}) before(() => { cy.task('signInUser').then(({username, accessToken}) => { userAId = username
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GitHub: eduardo3g/pethost
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const suffix = chance.string({ length: 4, pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', }); const name = `${firstName} ${lastName} ${suffix}`; const password = chance.string({ length: 8 }); const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}`; const address = chance.address(); const phone_number = '+15555555555'; const latitude = '-23.6298482';
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userAttributes = { email:, password: chance.string({min: 8}) }; jwtToken = chance.string(); jwtSecret = chance.string(); }); beforeAll(async () => { await databaseService.connectToTestMongoDatabase();
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const catchErrors = require('../Utils/catchErrors') const customError = require('../Utils/customError') const sendMail = require('../Utils/Email') const generateRandomStr = (length) => { return chance.string({ length }) } // Creates Token, Used internally const createToken = (email) => {
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const AWS = require('aws-sdk') const velocityUtil = require('amplify-appsync-simulator/lib/velocity/util') const a_random_user = () => { const firstName = chance.first({ nationality: 'en' }) const lastName = chance.first({ nationality: 'en' }) const suffix = chance.string({ length: 4, pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' }) const name = `${firstName} ${lastName} ${suffix}` const password = chance.string({ length: 8 }) const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}`
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const userpoolId = process.env.cognito_user_pool_id; const clientId = process.env.cognito_server_client_id; const firstName = chance.first({nationality: 'en'}); const lastName = chance.last({nationality: 'en'}); const suffix = chance.string({length: 4, pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'}); const username = `test-${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}`; const password = randomPassword(); const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}`;
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const userpoolId = process.env.cognito_user_pool_id const clientId = process.env.CognitoUserPoolServerClientId const firstName = chance.first({ nationality: 'en' }) const lastName = chance.last({ nationality: 'en' }) const suffix = chance.string( { length: 8, pool: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' }) const username = `test-${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}` const password = random_password() const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}`
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const userpoolId = process.env.cognito_user_pool_id const clientId = process.env.cognito_server_client_id const firstName = chance.first({ nationality: "en" }) const lastName = chance.last({ nationality: "en" }) const suffix = chance.string({length: 8, pool: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}) const username = `test-${firstName}-${lastName}-${suffix}` const password = random_password() const email = `${firstName}-${lastName}`
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const { dateselection } = require("../library/Login_fn"); const assert = require("chai").assert; const should = require("chai").should(); const chance = require("chance").Chance(); const nameofuser ={ length: 5 }); const password = chance.string({ alpha: true, symbols: true, length: 8, numeric: true,
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beforeEach(() => { ticketAttributes = { TicketNumber: String(chance.integer({min: 0})), Ship_by_Date:{string: true}), OrderDate:{string: true}), CustPONum: chance.string(), Priority: chance.pickone(getAllPriorities()), BillZip: chance.string(), BillCity: chance.string(), BillAddr1: chance.string(),
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beforeEach(() => { ticket = { [TICKET_ITEM_KEY]: [ { 'attribute1': chance.string(), 'attribute2': undefined, 'attribute3': '', 'attribute4': {}, 'attribute5': [{}, {}],
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expect(actualValue).toEqual(expectedValue); }); it ('should return the value passed in if value is defined', () => { const value = chance.string(); const expectedValue = value; const actualValue = helperService.getEmptyObjectIfUndefined(value);
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const createRandomVideo = index => ({ id: index, name: chance.sentence({ words: 3 }), downloadurl: chance.url(), sha256: chance.string({ length: 64, pool: "abcdef0123456789" }), description: chance.sentence({ word: 10 }), created_at:, updated_at: });
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function gen_phone() { var digits = '0123456789'; function maybeHyphen() { return chance.pick(['', '-']); } return chance.string({pool: digits, length: 3}) + maybeHyphen() + chance.string({pool: digits, length: 3}) + maybeHyphen() + chance.string({pool: digits, length: 4}); }
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chance.word is the most popular function in chance (344 examples)