How to use the url function from chance
Find comprehensive JavaScript chance.url code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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const ofAWebhookObject = ['id', 'url', 'secret', 'labels', 'events', 'active', 'cdate', 'mdate', '_links'] module.exports = function () { this.When(/^I create the following webhook:$/, function (attrs, callback) { const webhook = { url: chance.url() } attrs.raw().forEach(function (attr) { const prop = attr[0] const value = attr[1]
505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514
if (c.generated || c.immutable) return; chaisePage.recordEditPage.clearInput(txtInput); browser.sleep(10); var text = getRecordInput(, c.isUrl ? chance.url() : chance.sentence({ words: 5 })); txtInput.sendKeys(text); expect(txtInput.getAttribute('value')).toEqual(text, colError(, "Couldn't change the value.")); });
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
"type": _.random(1, 3), "telephoneNumber":, "picture": "assets/i/business-logo-" + _.random(1, 3) + ".png", "description": chance.paragraph({sentences: 3}), "businessHours": _.random(1, 5) + ":00-" + _.random(9, 12) + ":00", "website": chance.url({path: "/"}), "isVerified": true, "isVerificationFeePaid": true, "isSubscriptionExpired": false, "braintreeAccountId": "fake_business_" + nr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
const fs = require("fs"); const createRandomVideo = index => ({ id: index, name: chance.sentence({ words: 3 }), downloadurl: chance.url(), sha256: chance.string({ length: 64, pool: "abcdef0123456789" }), description: chance.sentence({ word: 10 }), created_at:, updated_at:
chance.word is the most popular function in chance (344 examples)