How to use change-case.g:
GitHub: Pacharoth/node-smis
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console.error(message); process.exit(1); } /** * JSON does not support regexes, so, e.g., JSON.parse() will not create * a RegExp from the JSON value `[ "/matchString/" ]`, which is * technically just an array containing a string that begins and end with * a forward slash. To get a RegExp from a JSON string, it must be * constructed explicitly in JavaScript.
How to use change-case.pascal:
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const { param, pascal } = require('change-case'); const { toString } = require('@carbon/icon-helpers'); const classCase = str => { const pascalled = pascal(str); if (Number.isNaN(Number(pascalled[0]))) { return pascalled; } // append a _ if the string starts with a number
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How to use change-case.kebab:
GitHub: uropek8/vite-blog
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name: 'componentName', message: 'Type component name (without prefix). Example: remote-select or RemoteSelect', validate(value, { componentType }) { const nameLength = value.length; const minLength = 3; const fileName = kebab(value); const forbiddenPrefixes = Object.values(PREFIX_TYPES); if (!nameLength) { return 'Components should have a name!!!'; }
How to use change-case.lowerCaseFirst:
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} class ChangeCase extends TransformString { static command = false getNewText (text) { const functionName = this.functionName || changeCase.lowerCaseFirst( // HACK: Pure Vim's `~` is too aggressive(e.g. remove punctuation, remove white spaces...). // Here intentionally making changeCase less aggressive by narrowing target charset. const charset = '[\u00C0-\u02AF\u0386-\u0587\\w]' const regex = new RegExp(`${charset}+(:?[-./]?${charset}+)*`, 'g')
How to use change-case.capitalCase:
GitHub: formewp/forme-theme
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
function swapNameStrings() { let pascalName = pascalCase(; let kebabName = paramCase(; let snakeName = snakeCase(; let titleName = capitalCase(; return src(paths, { base: "./" }) .pipe(replace('ReplaceMe', pascalName)) .pipe(replace('replace-me', kebabName)) .pipe(replace('replace_me', snakeName))
How to use change-case.default:
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snakeCase: _changeCase.default.snake, dotCase:, pathCase: _changeCase.default.path, lowerCase: _changeCase.default.lower, upperCase: _changeCase.default.upper, sentenceCase: _changeCase.default.sentence, constantCase: _changeCase.default.constant, titleCase: _changeCase.default.title, dashCase: _changeCase.default.param, kabobCase: _changeCase.default.param,
How to use change-case.constantCase:
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.then((answers) => { const tokens = { 'WP Emerge Starter Theme':, 'WP Emerge Starter Plugin':, 'MyApp': pascalCase(answers.namespace), 'MY_APP': constantCase(answers.namespace), 'my_app': snakeCase(answers.namespace), }; log('');
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How to use change-case.camelCase:
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const nameSingle = changeCase.pascalCase(pluralize.singular(name)) return `${lowercaseFirstLetter(nameSingle)}.schema` } const getStubsName = (name) => { const camelCase = changeCase.camelCase(name) return `${camelCase}.stubs` } //
How to use change-case.snakeCase:
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const tokens = { 'WP Emerge Starter Theme':, 'WP Emerge Starter Plugin':, 'MyApp': pascalCase(answers.namespace), 'MY_APP': constantCase(answers.namespace), 'my_app': snakeCase(answers.namespace), }; log(''); log('The following changes will be applied:');
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How to use change-case.paramCase:
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})); // Aliases module.exports.push({ name: 'dashCase', process: changeCase.paramCase });
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How to use change-case.pascalCase:
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const replace = require('@rollup/plugin-replace'); const pkg = require('./package.json'); ='js', ''); const name = changeCase.pascalCase(; const banner = createBanner({ data: { name: `${name}.js`, year: '2018-present',
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