How to use the capitalCase function from change-case
Find comprehensive JavaScript change-case.capitalCase code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
change-case.capitalCase is a function that converts a string to title case by capitalizing the first letter of each word while lowercasing all other letters.
GitHub: formewp/forme-theme
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function swapNameStrings() { let pascalName = pascalCase(; let kebabName = paramCase(; let snakeName = snakeCase(; let titleName = capitalCase(; return src(paths, { base: "./" }) .pipe(replace('ReplaceMe', pascalName)) .pipe(replace('replace-me', kebabName)) .pipe(replace('replace_me', snakeName))
+ 17 other calls in file
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const role = interaction.options.getRole('role') const url = interaction.options.getString('link') const pattern = /(\/|=)([^/=]*)$/ const match = url.match(pattern) const collectionSymbol = match ? match[2] : url const name = interaction.options.getString('name') ?? capitalCase(collectionSymbol) const selectedMarketplace = MARKET_PLACES.find((item) => === venue) await interaction.deferReply({
How does change-case.capitalCase work?
change-case.capitalCase is a function from the change-case library that takes a string as input and returns a new string with the first letter of each word capitalized and all other letters lowercase. If the input string contains non-word characters (e.g., punctuation), they are preserved in the output.
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const valuesObj = extractValues(humanInput, similarQuestion, { delimiters: ["{", "}"], }); let { topic } = valuesObj; topic = capitalCase(topic); try { const wikipediaResponse = await wiki.summary(topic); const wikipediaResponseText = wikipediaResponse.extract;
+ 8 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const changeCase = require("change-case"); console.log(changeCase.capitalCase("hello world!")); // Output: 'HelloWorld' console.log(changeCase.capitalCase("my first ionic app")); // Output: 'MyFirstIonicApp'
change-case.pascalCase is the most popular function in change-case (241 examples)