How to use the load function from cheerio
Find comprehensive JavaScript cheerio.load code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
cheerio.load is a method that creates a jQuery-style DOM manipulator for a given HTML string or DOM.
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if ('development' === wpMode) { // Locate all E2E cases const caseFiles = []; fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/html/')).forEach(file => { const absPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/html/', file); const caseHtml = cheerio.load(fs.readFileSync(absPath)); const publicName = file.replace('.tpl', ''); plugins.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/html/', file),
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GitHub: teadocs/teadocs
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}) return liParents.reverse() } _buildErrorPage(errorFrameHtml) { let $ = cheerio.load(errorFrameHtml, { decodeEntities: false }) let p404 = { title: "页面未找到 - " +, path: this.buildDir + "/teadocs_error_pages/404.html", description: "404错误!该页面未找到,试试从左边菜单栏访问别的页面,或者从左上角搜索你想要的内容。"
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How does cheerio.load work?
cheerio.load() is a function in the Cheerio library that loads an HTML string into a jQuery-like DOM representation, allowing users to manipulate and traverse the DOM using familiar jQuery syntax. When invoked, it returns a Cheerio instance which can be used to perform various operations on the HTML, such as selecting and manipulating DOM elements, querying for attributes or content, and more.
GitHub: ahkimkoo/neocrawler
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extractor.prototype.extract = function(crawl_info){ if(crawl_info['origin']['format']=='binary')return crawl_info; var extract_rule = this.spiderCore.spider.getDrillerRule(crawl_info['origin']['urllib'],'extract_rule'); if(crawl_info['origin']['drill_rules']||extract_rule['rule']){ var $ = cheerio.load(crawl_info['content']); } if(crawl_info['origin']['drill_rules']){ if(crawl_info['drill_link']){
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htmlFiles.forEach(processFile); } function processFile(path) { const originalText = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); let $ = cheerio.load(originalText); hideExternals($); if (process.env.CDN_ROOT) { addCdnPrefix($, process.env.CDN_ROOT);
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Ai Example
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const cheerio = require("cheerio"); const html = " Hello, world! "; const $ = cheerio.load(html); console.log($("h1").text()); // Output: "Hello, world!"
In this example, we require the cheerio library and create a string variable html containing some HTML content. We then use cheerio.load(html) to create a Cheerio object, $, from the HTML string. Finally, we use $ to select the h1 element and log its text content to the console.
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} async start() { request(this.url, async (error, res, body) => { if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) { const $ = cheerio.load(body) const $cardBlock = $('.panel') for (let i = 0; i < $cardBlock.length; i++) { const secondCategoryName = $('.panel-title.card').eq(i).text().trim()
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GitHub: matthewmueller/x-ray
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} } function load (html, url) { html = html || '' var $ = html.html ? html : cheerio.load(html, { decodeEntities: false }) if (url) $ = absolutes(url, $) return $ }
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GitHub: tamagui/tamagui
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fs.writeFileSync(path.join(rootDir, 'src', 'index.ts'), '', 'utf-8') icons.forEach((i) => { const svg = fs.readFileSync(i, 'utf-8') const id = path.basename(i, '.svg') const $ = cheerio.load(svg, { xmlMode: true, }) const fileName = path.basename(i).replace('.svg', '.tsx') const location = path.join(rootDir, 'src/icons', fileName)
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} return html; } function start(bookIns, page) { var $ = cheerio.load(page.content); var modifyHeader = !/<!--[ \t]*ex_nolevel[ \t]*-->/.test(page.content) // 处理toc相关,同时处理标题和id var tocs = handlerTocs($, page, modifyHeader);
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GitHub: mashirozx/RSSHub
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const response = await got({ method: 'get', url: currentUrl, }); const $ = cheerio.load(; let items = $('a.question-title') .slice(0, ctx.query.limit ? parseInt(ctx.query.limit) : 25) .toArray()
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output: "HTML", }; var sn = truecallerjs.searchNumber(searchData); sn.then(async function (response) { //console.log(response); const $ = cheerio.load(response); let name = ""; $("td").each(function (i, el) { if ($(this).text() === "name") { if ($(this).next().text() !== "") {
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html = html.replace('objectDefaultFiles/envelope.js', level + 'objectDefaultFiles/envelope.js'); html = html.replace('objectDefaultFiles/envelopeContents.js', level + 'objectDefaultFiles/envelopeContents.js'); html = html.replace('objectDefaultFiles/gl-worker.js', level + 'objectDefaultFiles/gl-worker.js'); var loadedHtml = cheerio.load(html); var scriptNode = '<script src="' + level + 'objectDefaultFiles/object.js"></script>'; scriptNode += '<script src="' + level + 'objectDefaultFiles/pep.min.js"></script>'; // inject the server IP address, but don't inject the objectKey and frameKey, as those come from the editor
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if (error) { return console.error(error); } if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) { const $ = cheerio.load(body); $(".results-name").each(function (i, plugin) { if (typeof (plugin.parent.parent.children[1].children[1].children[1]) !== "undefined") { var pluginn = { name: plugin.children[1].children[0].data,
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GitHub: mrvautin/squido
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return file; }; const builtToc = (html) => { const toc = {}; const $ = cheerio.load(html); $('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').map((_, element) => { if(!toc[]){ toc[] = []; }
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return input.replace(/\s{2,}/g, "").replace(/\'/g, '"') } module.exports = async (value, outputPath) => { if (outputPath && outputPath.endsWith(".html")) { const $ = cheerio.load(value) // We have to process headings from table of contents before adding // the permalink to them later, or the links will include the text of // the permalink.
GitHub: butaca/
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dataTotalTests += (todayData.tests || todayData.positives); } return request(reportURL).then(reportData => { const html = cheerio.load(reportData.replace(/[\n]/g, '')); const text = html('.Page-document p').text(); function parseReportNumber(text, regExp) {
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GitHub: BCIT-LTC/dewordify
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function putIntoTemplate(page, templatePath) { if (!templateHTML) { templateHTML = loadTemplate(templatePath); } var $template = cheerio.load(templateHTML, cheerioOptions); var $ = cheerioLoader.load(page); var title = $("h1").text(); var $primaryTarget = $template("content"); var $secondaryTarget = $template(".container");
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const hasBody = /<\s*body(\w|\s|=|"|-)*>/gm; return hasBody.test(content); } async function replaceSpecialLinks(content, options) { const $ = cheerio.load(content); // TODO: only block links const replace = ['bookmark', 'embed','textTweet']; let links = $("a").filter((i, el) => { const text = $(el).text();
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removeScriptTypeAttributes: true }, parsers: { get_kids: (html, callback = () => {}) => { html = minify(html, this.Parsing_Interface.minify_options); let cheerio2 = cheerio.load(html); let kids = []; cheerio2('.pupil-selector .form-group .form-control').each((i, elem) => { kids.push({ name: cheerio2(elem).text(), id: cheerio2(elem).val() }); });
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GitHub: cnshsliu/smp.nvim
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try { const options = { timeout: 5000, }; const { payload } = await Wreck.get(url, options); const $ = Cheerio.load(payload.toString()); const title = $('title').text(); return title; } catch (err) { if (err.isBoom && err.output.statusCode === 504) {
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GitHub: NEXUSAT12/Xiao-MD-2
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}) } async function mediafire(url) { let query = await axios.get(url) let cher = cheerio.load( let hasil = [] let link = cher('a#downloadButton').attr('href') let size = cher('a#downloadButton').text().replace('Download', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') let seplit = link.split('/')
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cheerio.load is the most popular function in cheerio (6167 examples)