How to use the execFile function from child_process
Find comprehensive JavaScript child_process.execFile code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The child_process.execFile method in Node.js is used to asynchronously spawn a shell command in a new process and execute it.
GitHub: lamassu/lamassu-machine
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} Brain.prototype._powerOff = function _powerOff () { this._setState('powerOff') console.log('powering off') cp.execFile('poweroff', ['-d', '2'], {}, function () { process.exit(0) }) }
+ 3 other calls in file
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return res.status(404).send("Error: Route protected") } res.send('done'); execFile('bash', ['/home/revo/nodeutils', '-forcereboot'], (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { res.status(404).send(err); } else { (stdout);
+ 84 other calls in file
How does child_process.execFile work?
The child_process.execFile() method is used to asynchronously run an executable file and returns a buffer with the stdout and stderr output of the command. It takes the path of the executable as the first argument, and an array of string arguments as the second argument, along with optional options such as environment variables and working directory.
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if(userIsCreated && !authResult){ return res.status(404).send("Error: Route protected") } execFile('bash', ['/home/revo/nodeutils', '-clearbanned'], (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { res.send("Error: Node already added"); } else { res.send("ok");
+ 19 other calls in file
GitHub: Hemrayev/kitap-django
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return '{}' } } Chart.prototype.screenshot = function(savePath, callback) { child_process.execFile(screenshot, [ this.url(), savePath, this.width, this.height
Ai Example
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const { execFile } = require("child_process"); const directoryPath = "/usr"; const options = { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }; execFile("ls", [directoryPath], options, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`execFile error: ${error}`); return; } console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); });
In this example, we're executing the ls command on the /usr directory and passing in a maxBuffer option to limit the amount of data that can be returned in stdout. The callback function receives the command's output (if any) as the stdout parameter.
child_process.execSync is the most popular function in child_process (240 examples)