How to use the info function from cli
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const build = options => { settings = options if (options.display) {`Path: ${path.resolve(options.cwd, options.src)}`)`Pattern: ${options.filePattern}`)`Ignored: ${options.ignore}`)`Metadata: ${options.metadata}`) } const distFolder = path.resolve(
+ 23 other calls in file
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
files = cli.args.reduce(function(files, pattern) { return files.concat(cli.glob.sync(path.join(cli.options.cwd, pattern))) }, []) } if (!files.length) return'No files to convert found. Aborted!') files.forEach(function(file) { fs.stat(file, function(err, stats) { if (stats.isFile()) {
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: Pross/

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
app(config, function(err, info, ok) { if (err) { cli.error(err); } else if (info) {; } else if (ok) { cli.ok(ok); } });
GitHub: simontabor/serenity

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if (self.freeWorkers.length !== Object.keys(cluster.workers).length) {'Not all workers are free - waiting to regenerate'); setTimeout(, files, cb), 1000); }'Generating site'); var _cb = function() { _cb = function(){}; cb.apply(this, arguments);
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: jokeyrhyme/cdn-sync

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if (options.force) { cli.fatal('`init` not implemented yet') } else { fs.access(target, function (err) { if (!err) {'remove existing file or use --force') cli.fatal(target + ' already exists') } else { cli.fatal('`init` not implemented yet') }
+ 13 other calls in file
GitHub: JoeBartelmo/goddard

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var defer = q.defer(); getSerialIDForCamera(camera).then(function startStream(cameraInfo) { //console.log(cameraInfo); if(cameraInfo && { var port = (parseInt(options.port) + cameraInfo.port_increment * 10); + ' recognized with serial ' + + '.\n\tOpened on Port: ' + port); var cmd = 'splitter. v4l2src device=' + camera + ' ! \'video/x-raw, width='+options.width+', height='+options.height+', framerate=' + options.fps + '/1\' ! tee name=' + cameraInfo.gst_tee + ' ! queue '; cmd += '! omxvp8enc bitrate=' + options.bitrate + ' ! rtpvp8pay pt=96 ! queue ! udpsink host=' + options.ip + ' bind-port=' + port + ' port=' + port + ' loop=false '+ cameraInfo.gst_tee + '. '; cmd += '! queue ! omxh264enc bitrate=' + options.bitrate + ' ! mp4mux ! queue ! filesink location=' + options.filename + '-' + /g, '') + '.mp4';
+ 23 other calls in file
GitHub: rutaihwa/babu

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Cli.exec(Cmd, callback, callback); }; Internals.updateProject = function (name, destination) {'Updating project ...'); // Update app package.json var Package = Fs.readJsonSync(Path.join(destination, 'package.json'));
+ 9 other calls in file
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return cb(); }); } }, function(err) { if (dry) { + ' words in (' + matched + ' of ' + count + ') revisions will be replaced!'); } else { cli.ok(matchedWords + ' words in (' + matched + ' of ' + count + ') revisions replaced!'); } return next();
GitHub: deadratfink/jy-transform
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// transform with options return transformer.transform(options) .then(function (msg) {; }) .catch(function (err) { error(err); });
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cli.fatal(err.stack ? err.stack : err); } } function runCommand(cli, command, params, ignoreFail) {"running command %s %s", command, util.inspect(params))); var proc = child_process.spawn(command, params, {stdio: 'inherit'}); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { proc.on('exit', function (code, signal) { cli.debug(command + ' process exit code ' + code + " signal " + signal);
+ 31 other calls in file
GitHub: danilo-valente/chang

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// Functions function chang(options) { options = _.extend({}, require('./defaults.js'), options); if (!options.release)'Missing release version'); if (!options.github_repo)'Missing Github repository'); cli.ok('Language chosen: ' + options.language); if (options.tag) { return getTag(options.tag).then(cb);
+ 5 other calls in file
GitHub: meeech/kidcut

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var film_name =; var time_codes = details.times; emitter.addListener(MERGE_EVENT, function() {'Beginning merge process...'); merge(film_name, output_directory, time_codes); }); emitter.addListener(CLEANUP_EVENT, function() {
+ 15 other calls in file
GitHub: zachary95/brozer-api

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cli.error('Mongoose default connection error: ' + err); }); process.on('SIGINT', function() { mongoose.connection.close(function () {'Mongoose default connection disconnected through app termination'); process.exit(0); }); });