How to use the Gauge function from clui
Find comprehensive JavaScript clui.Gauge code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
clui.Gauge is a Node.js module that creates a command-line progress bar.
GitHub: lukepearson/passwords
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const clc = require('cli-color'); const CLI = require('clui'); const Line = CLI.Line; const LineBuffer = CLI.LineBuffer; const Gauge = CLI.Gauge; let max_count = 7671364; const c1 = 20; const c2 = 10;
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var clui = require('clui'); var rpc = process.argv[2]; var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpc)); var Gauge = clui.Gauge; var filter = web3.eth.filter('latest'); var BLOCK_GENERATION_FREQ_IN_SEC = 2; var BLOCK_SAMPLE_AMOUNT = 50;
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How does clui.Gauge work?
clui.Gauge is a progress bar component that can be used in command-line interfaces (CLI) to visually display the progress of a task. It allows users to define the progress bar's dimensions, fill and empty characters, label text, and other properties. When the progress bar is updated, the component redraws the CLI output to reflect the new state of the progress.
GitHub: k04an/duco-miner
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// Определеяем сообщение на вывод let cpuStatus if (os.cpus().length == 0) cpuStatus ='Unknown') else if (!avgCpuUsage) cpuStatus ='Loading...') else cpuStatus = clui.Gauge(avgCpuUsage, 100, 40, 80, chalk.cyan(`${avgCpuUsage}%`)) new clui.Line(buffer) .column(chalk.cyan('CPU usage: ')) .column(cpuStatus)
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GitHub: Hsouna20/boilerplate
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let clui = require("clui"); let pretty = require("pretty-bytes"); let logger = require("../core/logger"); module.exports = function() { let Gauge = clui.Gauge; let total = os.totalmem(); let free = os.freemem(); let used = total - free; let human = pretty(free);
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Ai Example
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const clui = require("clui"); // create a new progress gauge with a width of 20 characters const gauge = new clui.Gauge(20); // update the progress gauge.update(0.25); // render the progress to the console console.log(gauge.toString());
In this example, we create a new instance of clui.Gauge with a width of 20 characters. We then update the progress to 25% by calling the update() method with a value of 0.25. Finally, we render the progress to the console by calling the toString() method and logging the result.
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const maxValue = 100 const numberOfRows = 50 const alarmThreshold = maxValue * 0.8 const gauge = Gauge( currentValue, maxValue, numberOfRows, alarmThreshold
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const os = require('os'); const clui = require('clui'); import logger from './../logger.js'; export default function () { const Gauge = clui.Gauge; const total = os.totalmem(); const free = os.freemem(); const used = total - free;
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.store(); } var os = require('os') var Gauge = CLI.Gauge; var total = os.totalmem(); var free = os.freemem(); var used = total - free;
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const clear = clui.Clear const Line = clui.Line const LineBuffer = clui.LineBuffer const Progress = clui.Progress const Gauge = clui.Gauge function getIPAddress () { var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces() for (var devName in interfaces) {
clui.Spinner is the most popular function in clui (428 examples)