How to use the yellow function from colors
Find comprehensive JavaScript colors.yellow code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
colors.yellow is a method in the colors package that returns a string with the text formatted with yellow color.
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console.log(kv); console.log(" "); updater.checkForUpdates(function (upd, body) { if (upd != 0 && kubek_version != upd) { console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), colors.yellow(translator.translateHTML("{{consolemsg-yesupd}}", cfg['lang']))); console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), colors.yellow("" + upd)); assets = body[0].assets; downloaded = false;
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socket[1].emit("handleUpdate", { type: "backups_list", data: "failed" }); } console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), "[" + colors.yellow("Backups") + "]", "Generating " + archname + " failed. Look above for error:"); console.log(err); }); backups_processing[randuid].on('error', function (err) {
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How does colors.yellow work?
colors.yellow is a method of the colors library that returns a string with the text formatted in yellow color. Internally, colors.yellow applies ANSI escape codes to the input text, which are interpreted by most modern terminals to display the text in the desired color. It works by prepending the escape sequence \x1b[33m to the input text, and appending the reset sequence \x1b[0m. The former changes the foreground color to yellow, while the latter resets all formatting options to their default values.
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if (cfg.ftpd == true) { if (process.platform == "win32") { ftpserver = ftpd.startFTPD(); console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), "FTP", translator.translateHTML("{{consolemsg-usingport}}", cfg['lang']), 21); } else { console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), translator.translateHTML("{{consolemsg-ftpnotsup}}", cfg['lang']), colors.yellow(process.platform)); } } });
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GitHub: ofarukcaki/duckimport
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width: 50, } ); } else { console.log( colors.yellow( "File size exceeds 2GB, hence the tool won't calculate the length of the file. You won't see a progress bar but logs instead." ) ); }
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Ai Example
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const colors = require("colors"); console.log(colors.yellow("This text will be printed in yellow color!"));
In this example, we first require the colors package and then use the yellow method to create a yellow-colored string. Finally, we log this string to the console using console.log.
GitHub: MelleNooijen/MelleWS
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var reqIp = req.req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || (req.connection ? req.connection.remoteAddress : "unknown"); var reqTime = new Date; if (reqIp == "::1") { reqIp = "local"; } var logIndicator = colors.yellow("[Request]") if (req.req.rawHeaders[3].match("curl")) { var logIndicator = colors.yellow("[API Call]") } console.log(logIndicator + colors.grey(" IP: " + colors.white(reqIp) + ", Method: " + colors.white(reqMeth) + ", Resource: " + colors.white(reqReso)));
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var view = this.view; view.setModeLine('Connected as %s', colors.bold(this.vox.nick)); view.showHelp( util.format('Welcome, %s!', colors.yellow.bold(this.vox.nick)) + '\n\n' + util.format('To get started, type %s to follow someone, type %s to get help, or type %s to post a message to your stream.', colors.yellow.bold(':follow ' + colors.underline('nickname')), colors.yellow.bold(':help'), colors.yellow.bold("'"))); view.once('main.key', function() { view.hideHelp(); });
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depth: null, colors: true, }; module.exports = class Logs { constructor(appName = 'miroTalkP2P', debugOn = true) { this.appName = colors.yellow(appName); this.debugOn = debugOn; this.timeStart =; this.timeEnd = null; this.timeElapsedMs = null;
GitHub: Probablew/Zetrox-Dashboard
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console.log(" "); updater.checkForUpdates(function (upd, body) { if (upd != 0 && zetrox_version != upd) { console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), colors.yellow(translator.translateHTML("{{consolemsg-yesupd}}", cfg['lang']))); console.log(additional.getTimeFormatted(), colors.yellow("" + upd)); assets = body[0].assets; downloaded = false; assets.forEach(function (asset) {
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GitHub: JaJirapong/Order-be
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let message = '' message += `[${msToDate(received)}]` message += ' ' message += `${colors.magenta(id)}` message += ' ' message += colors.yellow(request.method.toUpperCase()) message += ' <-- ' message += request.url.path.replace('api/', '') message += '\n' if (showRequest) {
colors.yellow is the most popular function in colors (76 examples)