How to use the addHelpText function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.addHelpText code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
commander.addHelpText is a method in the Commander.js library that allows adding custom help text to the CLI help output.
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``, ` $ pwa-kit-dev push --help` ].join('\n') ) program.addHelpText( 'after', [ ``, `Usage inside NPM scripts:`,
+ 3 other calls in file
How does commander.addHelpText work?
The commander.addHelpText() method in the Commander.js library allows you to add additional help text to the command-line interface that is displayed when the --help option is used, or when an invalid command or argument is provided. The method takes two arguments: a positional argument indicating where to place the help text (either 'beforeAll', 'before', 'after', or 'afterAll'), and the actual help text to be displayed. The added help text can be used to provide additional guidance, instructions, or examples to users of the command-line interface.
Ai Example
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const { Command } = require("commander"); const program = new Command(); program .version("0.1.0") .addHelpText("beforeAll", "Welcome to my program!") .addHelpText("after", "Thank you for using my program!"); program.parse(process.argv);
In this example, addHelpText is used to add custom text to the help output of a Commander.js program. The first argument to addHelpText specifies when the text should be added (in this case, "beforeAll" and "after" the normal help output), and the second argument is the text to be added. When this program is run with the --help flag, the added text will be displayed alongside the normal help output.
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