How to use the Argument function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.Argument code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
commander.Argument is a class used to define and parse command-line arguments in Node.js applications using the Commander.js library.
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/** * Expose classes. The FooT versions are just types, so return Commander original implementations! */ exports.Argument = commander.Argument; exports.Command = commander.Command; exports.CommanderError = commander.CommanderError; exports.Help = commander.Help; exports.InvalidArgumentError = commander.InvalidArgumentError;
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// Here we roll our own, the way Commander might in future. exports.createCommand = (name) => new commander.Command(name); exports.createOption = (flags, description) => new commander.Option(flags, description); exports.createArgument = (name, description) => new commander.Argument(name, description);
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How does commander.Argument work?
commander.Argument is a class constructor provided by the commander package in Node.js, which is used to create a new command-line argument with a given name and description. When an instance of this class is created, it defines the name and description of the argument along with its optional and required values, and also provides options to customize its behavior. The created argument can be added to a command object to parse command-line arguments provided by the user.
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#!/usr/bin/env node const { program, Argument } = require('commander'); require('colors'); program.usage("input-folder [options]") .addArgument(new Argument('[string]', `folder path or pattern of ${'glob'.green}`.grey)) .option( '-f, --format [string]', `format of spritesheet.\n`.grey + `[ json, jsonarray , phaser, cocos2d , cocos2d-v3 , pixi.js , easel.js , laya , egret , yaml , zebkit , starling , sparrow , css ]`.yellow)
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initClient(options); }); program .command('config') .addArgument(new Argument('<type>', 'config type').choices(['jwt', 'server', 'path'])) .argument('<value>', 'config value') .option('-p --profile <string>', 'setting profile name', 'default') .action((type, value, options) => { const configDir = path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.lite-http-tunnel');
Ai Example
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const { Command } = require("commander"); const program = new Command(); program.arguments(" ").action((file) => { console.log("File:", file); }); program.parse(process.argv);
In this example, commander.Argument is used internally by the .arguments() method to define a single positional argument named file. When the program is executed with a filename as the first argument, the file variable is set to the argument value and passed to the .action() callback function.
GitHub: softlimit/theme-envy
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program .command('new') .description('Create new Feature or Element from starter files') .usage('<type> <name> [include]') .addArgument(new commander.Argument('<type>', 'Define the type of scaffold to create').choices(['feature', 'element'])) .argument('<name>', 'Handleized name for the new element|feature') .argument('[include]', 'Comma-separated list of starter directories and files to include in your scaffold. Defaults to all if not provided. all,config,install,sections,snippets,schema,styles') .action((type, name, include, options, command) => { scriptMessage(
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kafkaTopicCreateGennertator.destinationRoot('.'); const topicCreateCommand = new Command(createCommandName); topicCreateCommand.description('Kafka Topic Command'); topicCreateCommand.alias('c'); topicCreateCommand.addArgument(new Argument('[name]', 'Topic name', '')); topicCreateCommand.action((name) => { kafkaTopicCreateGennertator['topicName'] = name;; });
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topicGennertator.destinationRoot('.'); const topicCommand = new Command(topicCommandName); topicCommand.description('create event topic'); topicCommand.alias('tp'); topicCommand.addArgument(new Argument('[name]', 'Topic name', '')); topicCommand.action((name) => { topicGennertator['topicName'] = name;; });
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void runOutputPackageVersion(dir); }); program.command('permissions') .description('Working with permissions in authorization microservice') .addArgument(new Argument('[action]', 'permissions action. export - dump from DB to files, sync - get microservices meta and update in schema DB').choices(['sync', 'export', 'import'])) .option('--is-prod', 'run command in production', false) .action((action, { isProd }) => { void runAuthorizationPermissions(action, isProd); });
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const cli_progress_1 = __importDefault(require("cli-progress")); const bluebird_1 = require("bluebird"); const helpers_1 = require("./helpers"); const package_json_1 = require("./package.json"); commander_1.program .addArgument(new commander_1.Argument('<input_file>', 'File containing the locations (.csv or .txt)')) .addOption(new commander_1.Option('-o, --output [string]', 'Output file to save results')) .addOption(new commander_1.Option('--api-key [string]', 'HereAPI key to make the requests') .env('HEREAPI_KEY') .makeOptionMandatory())
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commander.Option is the most popular function in commander (1786 examples)