How to use the backupDir function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.backupDir code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: raucao/rs-backup
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.option('-c, --category <category>', 'category (base directory) to back up') .option('-p, --include-public', 'when backing up a single category, include the public folder of that category') .option('-r, --rate-limit <time>', 'time interval for network requests in ms (default is 20)') .parse(process.argv); const backupDir = program.backupDir; const category = program.category || ''; const includePublic = program.includePublic || false; const authScope = category.length > 0 ? category+':rw' : '*:rw'; const rateLimit = program.rateLimit || 20;
+ 5 other calls in file
commander.Option is the most popular function in commander (1786 examples)