How to use the command function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.command code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
commander.command is a method in the Commander.js library that creates a new command with a specified name and optional description, arguments, and options, to be parsed from the command-line arguments.
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// Use spawn here so that we can pipe stdio from the command without buffering spawn( shell, [ '-c', program.command .replace(/\{event\}/gi, filePathContext) .replace(/\{path\}/gi, eventContext), ], {
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GitHub: alibaba/f2etest
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}); var homedir = process.env[(process.platform == 'win32') ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME']; var pidFile = path.resolve(homedir, ''); var logFile = path.resolve(homedir, 'f2etest-local.log'); var runCommand = program.command('run') .description('run local proxy') .action(function(options){ killOldProxy(function(){ function onFinish(msg){
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How does commander.command work?
commander.command is a method in the Commander.js library that creates a new command with a specified name and optional description, arguments, and options, to be parsed from the command-line arguments. When you call commander.command(name, [description], [options]), the function creates a new command with the specified name, and an optional description that will be displayed in the command-line help output. You can also specify any number of options for the command, using methods such as option, arguments, and alias, to define the options that the command accepts, the arguments it expects, and any aliases for the command or its options. Once you have defined one or more commands with commander.command, you can parse the command-line arguments using commander.parse(process.argv), which will automatically determine which command was invoked and call the appropriate callback function, passing in any specified arguments and options. In essence, commander.command provides a way to define custom commands with arguments and options, and to parse those commands from the command-line arguments, making it easy to build command-line interfaces for your Node.js applications.
GitHub: therealelyayo/saasify
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for (const command of commands) { await Promise.resolve(command(program, client)) } program.command('*', null, { noHelp: true }).action((cmd) => { console.error(`Invalid command: "${cmd}"`) console.error() program.outputHelp() suggestCommands(cmd)
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GitHub: wangjeaf/ckstyle-node
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if (!meta || !handle) { console.error(filename + ' 文件,不符合ckstyle命令文件规范') console.error('每一个命令必须包含 meta(命令描述) 和 handle(命令处理函数) 两个部分') return } var cmd = commander.command( commandNames.push( cmd.description(meta.description) if (meta.options) { meta.options.forEach(function(op) {
Ai Example
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const { Command } = require("commander"); const program = new Command(); program .command("hello [name]") .description("Say hello to a person") .option("-c, --capitalize", "Capitalize the name") .action((name, options) => { if (options.capitalize) { name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1); } console.log(`Hello, ${name || "world"}!`); }); program.parse(process.argv);
In this example, we first import the Command class from the commander module, and create a new Command object. We then define a new command using the command method: hello [name]. This command expects an optional name argument, and has a description of "Say hello to a person". We also define an option -c, --capitalize, which, if specified, will capitalize the first letter of the name. Finally, we define an action function that will be called when the hello command is invoked. This function takes the name argument and options object as its arguments, and logs a greeting message to the console, optionally capitalizing the name based on the capitalize option. We then parse the command-line arguments using program.parse(process.argv). To invoke the hello command with an optional name argument and -c option, you would run the script with the following command: node script.js hello john -c. This would output: "Hello, John!"
GitHub: linagora/
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const filePath = path.resolve(`${commandsPath}/${item}`); if (fs.statSync(filePath).isFile()) { const parsed = path.parse(filePath); const commandName =; const command = commander.command(commandName); try { require('./commands/' + commandName).createCommand(command); } catch (err) {
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// Get git branches and find matches }) .action(function () { // Checkout a `git` branch }); var remote = program.command('remote'); remote // `git remote add origin` // No possible tab completion here .command('add')
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.action((program)=>{ const options=program.opts(); const { config, ver } = options; publisherUtils.doPublish(config,ver) }) program.command('init') .usage('init [options]') .description('init config file') .usage('init [options]') .option('-f, --force', '',true)
GitHub: boltdesignsystem/bolt
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} await updateConfig(options, program); require('./tasks/task-collections').serve(); }); program.command('watch').action(async options => { = true; await updateConfig(options, program); require('./tasks/task-collections').watch(); });
GitHub: homebridge/wifi-connect
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function daemon() { program.version(pjson.version, "-v, --version", "output the current version"); program.option("-d, --debug", "turn on debug level logging", () => { log.debugging = true; }); program.command("start", { isDefault: true }) .description("start the portal service") .option("-p, --port <port>", "change the port the portal runs on") .action((command) => test(command.port, 0));
GitHub: yuandeshoulian/pm2tool
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initCmd() }) function initCmd() { program.command('start') .description('开启项目') .option('-n, --appName <string>', '服务名') .option('-c, --cwd <path>', '运行路径', './') .option('-s, --script <file>', '运行文件', 'app.js')
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GitHub: wisebed/wisebed.js-scripts
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console.log(''); }); for (var name in commands) { var cmd = commander.command(name).description(commands[name].description).action(commands[name].action); cmd.option("-c, --config <config>", "config file containing testbed configuration"); if (commands[name].nodeFilterOptions) {
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})); } try { program.version('1.0.0', '--version'); program.command('word-counter <string>').description('Count number of words in a given string').action(string => {`Your string has ${sentenceWordCounter(string)} word(s)`); }); program.parse(process.argv); } catch (error) {
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.usage('<command> [options]') .storeOptionsAsProperties(false); const defaultKeyFileName = 'dataset.key'; const init = cli.command('init'); addGlobalOptions(init); addWalletLoadOptions(init); init .option(...option.initDatasetFolders())
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commander.Option is the most popular function in commander (1786 examples)