How to use the helpInformation function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.helpInformation code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: tidev/alloy
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if (!program.noBanner && program.args[0] !== 'info' && (program.config && program.config.indexOf('noBanner') === -1)) { banner(); } if (program.args.length === 0) { var help = program.helpInformation(); help = help.replace('Usage: alloy COMMAND [ARGS] [OPTIONS]', 'Usage: ' + 'alloy'.blue + ' COMMAND'.white + ' [ARGS] [OPTIONS]'.grey); help = logger.stripColors ? colors.stripColors(help) : help; console.log(help); process.exit(0);
+ 3 other calls in file
commander.Option is the most popular function in commander (1786 examples)