How to use the program function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.program code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
commander.program is a Node.js library that allows you to build command-line interfaces for your applications.
GitHub: consbio/mbgl-renderer
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return null; }; // Provide the CLI _commander.program.version(_package.version).description('Start a server to render Mapbox GL map requests to images.').option('-p, --port <n>', 'Server port', parseInt).option('-t, --tiles <mbtiles_path>', 'Directory containing local mbtiles files to render').option('-v, --verbose', 'Enable request logging').parse(process.argv); var _program$opts = _commander.program.opts(), _program$opts$port = _program$opts.port, port = _program$opts$port === void 0 ? 8000 : _program$opts$port, _program$opts$tiles = _program$opts.tiles, tilePath = _program$opts$tiles === void 0 ? null : _program$opts$tiles,
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GitHub: wh0/snail-cli
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${SCRIPT_CREATE_SSHD_CONFIG} ${SCRIPT_GEN_HOST_KEY} exec /tmp/.snail/unpack/usr/sbin/sshd -f /tmp/.snail/ssh/sshd_config -i -e`; await commander.program.parseAsync(['pipe', '-p', projectDomain, '--', script], {from: 'user'}); } async function doLogs(opts) { const WebSocket = require('ws');
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How does commander.program work?
is a utility in the Commander.js library that allows developers to create a command-line interface (CLI) with custom commands, options, and arguments. It provides a fluent API for constructing the CLI and parsing user input.
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return app; } exports.createProxyServer = createProxyServer; // parse arguments from command line if (require.main === module) { commander_1.program .addOption(new commander_1.Option('-p, --port [port]', 'Port to start the proxy server') .argParser(Number) .default(3000) .env('PORT'))
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GitHub: seanyujc/sgv-cli
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.name("init") .usage("<project name>") .option("-t,--template [template name]", "use custom template") .option("-a,--add [add child project]", "add the child project in project") .parse(process.argv); const projectName = commander_1.program.args[0]; inquirer_1.default .prompt([ { type: "list",
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Ai Example
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const { program } = require("commander"); program .version("1.0.0") .description("A command-line tool for managing files.") .option("-d, --delete", "Delete files") .option("-r, --rename ", "Rename files") .parse(process.argv); if (program.delete) { console.log("Deleting files..."); // Code to delete files } if (program.rename) { console.log(`Renaming files to ${program.rename}...`); // Code to rename files }
In this example, we create a new program instance using the commander module and set its version and description. We also define two options using the option method: --delete and --rename. Finally, we parse the command-line arguments using the parse method and use if statements to execute different code based on the options passed in.
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/* step 15 */ build_kustomize.build_kustomize(options); /* step 16 */ build_kustomize.check_kustomize(options); }); commander_1.program.parse(process.argv); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore } catch (e) {
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.name("bratiska-cli") .version(version) .description("Simple Bratiska-cli utility for managing Bratislava Innovation apps") .action(() => { console.log("Please choose from selected commands based on yur needs. My favourite command is `deploy`."));; }); commander_1.program .command("tag") .argument("[env]", "environment", "")
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.addOption(new commander_1.Option('--shuffle', 'Shuffle location entries before execution')) .version(package_json_1.version) .action((inputFile) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { const options = commander_1.program.opts(); if (!options.key && !options.keys) commander_1.program.error('You must provide a HereAPI key (--key) or a keys file (--keys).'); const keys = options.keys ? yield (0, files_1.readLines)(options.keys) : options.key ? [options.key] : []; consola_1.default.debug(`Reading csv file (${inputFile}) ...`); const readFn = inputFile.endsWith('.csv') ? files_1.readCSV : files_1.readTXT; return readFn(path_1.default.resolve(__dirname, inputFile))
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commander.Option is the most popular function in commander (1786 examples)