How to use the version function from commander
Find comprehensive JavaScript commander.version code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
commander.version is a method in the Commander.js package for Node.js that specifies the version number of a command-line interface (CLI) tool.
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}); } // global options addOptions( program.version(WebPageTest.version), [mapping.options.common, { 'out': { key: 'o', param: 'file',
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For larger programs which may use commander in multiple ways, including unit testing, it is better to create a local Command object to use. ```js const commander = require('commander'); const program = new commander.Command(); program.version('0.0.1'); ``` ## Options
How does commander.version work?
commander.version is a method in the Commander.js package for Node.js that specifies the version number of a command-line interface (CLI) tool. When you call commander.version, you pass in the version number of your CLI tool as a string. This version number will be displayed when users run the --version command, which is a common way for users to check the version of a CLI tool. By default, Commander.js includes a --version option that can be used to display the version number of the CLI tool. When this option is used, Commander.js will automatically print the version number specified by commander.version. In addition to specifying the version number, you can also customize the format of the version output using commander.versionOption. This method allows you to specify a custom version flag (e.g. -V instead of --version) and a custom version description. By using commander.version, you can make it easy for users to check the version of your CLI tool, ensuring that they are using the correct version and avoiding any potential compatibility issues.
GitHub: didi/chameleon
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cml.log.notice(`current running chameleon(${cml.root})`) version(); } else { let extCommand = require('../commanders/ext/index.js').name; commander.usage('[command] [options]') commander.version(`${}@${cmlpackage.version}`) let cmdList = ['init', 'dev', 'build', 'server', 'web', 'weex', 'wx', 'baidu', 'alipay', 'qq', 'tt','info']; if (typeof extCommand === 'string') { cmdList.push('ext'); }
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GitHub: springernature/boomcatch
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parseCommandLine(); runServer(); function parseCommandLine () { cli.version(packageInfo.version) .option('-n, --host <name>', 'host name to accept connections on, default is (INADDR_ANY)') .option('-p, --port <port>', 'port to accept connections on, default is 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS', parseInt) .option('-t, --https', 'start the server in HTTPS mode') .option('-x, --httpsPfx <string>', 'PFX/PKCX12 string containing private key, certificate and CA certs (HTTPS only)')
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Ai Example
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const program = require("commander"); // Specify the version number of the CLI tool program.version("1.0.0"); // Define commands and options for the CLI tool // ... // Parse command-line arguments program.parse(process.argv);
In this example, we start by requiring the commander module and creating a new Commander.js program instance. We then call program.version to specify the version number of the CLI tool. In this case, we're using the version number 1.0.0. We can then define commands and options for our CLI tool using other methods in the program instance. Finally, we call program.parse to parse the command-line arguments and execute the appropriate commands and options. When a user runs the --version command, Commander.js will automatically display the version number specified by program.version. For example: css Copy code
GitHub: claudioc/jingo
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http.createServer(app).listen(config.get('server').port, listenAddr, function () { console.log( new Date() + ' - Jingo%sserver v%s listening on port %s', config.get('server').localOnly ? ' (local) ' : ' ', program.version(), config.get('server').port ) })
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GitHub: ProofSuite/togen-cli
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const Togen = require('../lib/togen') class Cmd { constructor() { program.version('0.1') this.togen = new Togen() } process(args) {
GitHub: ngx-metaui/rules
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const devMode = process.argv.length > 0 && process.argv[1].indexOf('libs/rules/src/lib/resources/bin/oss.js') > 0; if (!devMode) { program.version(require('../../package').version); } program.option('-i, --in <oss-dir>', 'Input OSS file to be wrapped into .ts')
GitHub: DzyubSpirit/metatests
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}); }; const getConfig = () => { const version = parseFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../package.json')).version; program.version(version).usage('[options] -- <file ...>'); cliOptions.forEach(option => program.option(...option)); program.parse(process.argv); const config = program.config ? parseFile(program.config) : {};
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GitHub: thefeds/thundermole
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configureProgram(program); runProgram(program); function configureProgram (program) { program.version(pkg.version) .option('-c, --config <path>', 'the directory to look for config files in') .option('-C, --cluster', 'create a cluster of workers for handling requests') .option('-p, --port <port>', 'the port to run on') .option('-w, --workers <num>', 'the number of workers to add to the cluster')
GitHub: duanewood/cloudli
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* cloudli:traverseBatch * cloudli:elasticsearch */ function runCommands(commands) { program.version('1.4.4') const logger = getLogger() try {
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GitHub: clerie/jingo
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}, get proxyPath () { return config.getProxyPath() }, get jingoVersion () { return program.version() }, get authentication () { return config.get('authentication') },
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const program = require('commander'); module.exports = _ => { console.log(chalk.redBright('Prepare...')); console.time("Prepared"); program.version('1.2.64'); program.option('-f, --features [path]', 'location of features/[path]'); program.option('-s, --specs [files]', 'location pattern files'); program.option('-t, --tags [tags]', 'run features filtered by tags'); program.option('-r, --remote [host]', 'remote server []');
GitHub: homebridge/wifi-connect
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}, 1000); } } function daemon() { program.version(pjson.version, "-v, --version", "output the current version"); program.option("-d, --debug", "turn on debug level logging", () => { log.debugging = true; }); program.command("start", { isDefault: true }) .description("start the portal service")
GitHub: Jaliborc/upmod
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.catch(error) }) .catch(error) }) commander.version('2.0').parse(process.argv) } async function configuration() { answer = await inquirer.prompt([{
GitHub: kallioaleksi/slackstatus
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} }, 100); }); function parseArgs(args) { program.version("1.0.0", "-v, --version"); program .command("token [token]") .description("Saves your token")
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GitHub: rafaapcode/cli
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const Commander = require("commander"); const Database = require("./database"); const Heroi = require("./heroi"); async function main() { Commander.version("1.0.0") .option("-n, --nome [value]", "Nome do Heroi") .option("-p, --poder [value]", " Poder do Heroi") .option("-i, --id [value]", "ID do Heroi")
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const Logger = require('../Logger'); const utils = require('../utils'); const SIZES = new Set(['stat', 'parsed', 'gzip']); const program = commander.version(require('../../package.json').version).usage(`<bundleStatsFile> [bundleDir] [options] Arguments: bundleStatsFile Path to Webpack Stats JSON file.
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var viewer = require('../viewer'); var Logger = require('../Logger'); var SIZES = new Set(['stat', 'parsed', 'gzip']); var program = commander.version(require('../../package.json').version).usage(`<bundleStatsFile> [bundleDir] [options] Arguments: bundleStatsFile Path to Webpack Stats JSON file.
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format: myFormat })); } try { program.version('1.0.0', '--version'); program.command('word-counter <string>').description('Count number of words in a given string').action(string => {`Your string has ${sentenceWordCounter(string)} word(s)`); }); program.parse(process.argv);
commander.Option is the most popular function in commander (1786 examples)