How to use the convertLcovToCoveralls function from coveralls

Find comprehensive JavaScript coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls is a tool used in JavaScript to convert an lcov coverage report to the coveralls format for use with the Coveralls code coverage reporting service.

function finish(input) {
  if (!input) return done();
  coveralls.getBaseOptions(function(err, options) {
    options.filepath = ".";
    if ('repoToken' in coverallsReporter) options.repo_token = coverallsReporter.repoToken;
    coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls(input, options, function(err, postData) {
      coveralls.sendToCoveralls(postData, function(err, response, body) {"uploading...");
        send_to_coveralls(done, err, response, body);
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How does coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls work?

coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls is a function provided by the coveralls library that is used in JavaScript to convert an lcov coverage report to the coveralls format for use with the Coveralls code coverage reporting service. To use coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls, developers first import the function from the coveralls library. They can then call the function with a single argument: an lcov coverage report in string format. The lcov coverage report is a file generated by a code coverage tool that records information about the lines of code that were executed during a test run. The report is typically generated in the lcov format, which is a standardized format for code coverage reports. When coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls is called with an lcov coverage report, it converts the report to the coveralls format, which is a JSON format that can be uploaded to the Coveralls service to display code coverage data for a repository. The resulting coveralls JSON object includes information about the repository, the commit, and the code coverage data for each file in the report. coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls is a useful tool for generating code coverage reports that can be uploaded to the Coveralls service, allowing developers to track the code coverage of their repositories over time.

Ai Example

const fs = require("fs");
const coveralls = require("coveralls");

const lcov = fs.readFileSync("./coverage/", "utf-8");
const coverallsData = coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls(lcov);

console.log(JSON.stringify(coverallsData, null, 2));

In this example, we first import the fs and coveralls libraries. We then use fs.readFileSync to read the contents of an lcov coverage report file located at ./coverage/ We store the contents of the file in a variable called lcov. We then call coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls with lcov as the argument, which converts the lcov coverage report to the coveralls format. Finally, we log the resulting coveralls JSON object to the console using console.log(JSON.stringify(coverallsData, null, 2)). The JSON.stringify function is used to pretty-print the JSON object for readability. When this code runs, it will print the resulting coveralls JSON object to the console. This demonstrates how coveralls.convertLcovToCoveralls can be used to convert an lcov coverage report to the coveralls format in JavaScript.