How to use the CronJob function from cron
Find comprehensive JavaScript cron.CronJob code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
cron.CronJob is a constructor function that allows you to create cron jobs in your Node.js application.
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super.registerEntity(false); } createCronjob(crontab) { const node = this.node; this.cronjob = new CronJob({ cronTime: crontab, onTick: () => { node.emit('input', {}); },
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var TWILIO_SID = 'AC4d903012a56c8cba55657d6f9520846e' var TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN var TWILIO_NUMBER = '+19073122014' var DELAY = 500 // throttle calls to Twilio var job = new cron.CronJob({ // run every day at the hour specified above cronTime: '0 ' + NOTIFICATION_TIME + ' * * *', // cronTime: '* * * * *', // every minute onTick: sendMessages,
How does cron.CronJob work?
is a constructor function that creates a new cron job instance with the specified schedule, a function to run when the job is triggered, and other optional configuration options such as timezone and starting the job immediately upon creation. When the job is created, it is added to a list of jobs that the cron scheduler keeps track of, and it runs the function whenever the specified schedule is triggered. The job can be stopped and restarted using the stop()
and start()
methods, respectively.
GitHub: jeluss/juqest-old-main
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if (!File.execute || !File.conf || !File.conf.event) return console.error(`[SYSTEM-MESSAGE] ${fileName} is not loaded.`); if (!File.conf.enabled || File.conf.enabled === false) return; Moderation.on(File.conf.event, File.execute); }); const resetStats = new CronJob('00 00 00 * * 1', async function() { const guild = Moderation.guilds.cache.first(); const newData = new Map(); await Stats.updateMany({}, { Voice: newData, Message: newData }); }, null, true, 'Europe/Istanbul');
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//use guildCommandCreate guildCommandCreate(; }) let scheduledMessage = new cron.CronJob('* 15-17 * * *', async () => { // datedata let date = new Date().getDate();
Ai Example
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const CronJob = require("cron").CronJob; const job = new CronJob("*/1 * * * *", function () { console.log("Running function every minute"); }); job.start();
In this example, a new CronJob is created with the cron expression '*/1 * * * *', which means "run every minute." The second argument to the constructor is a function that will be executed each time the job runs. Finally, the start() method is called on the job object to begin the scheduled task.
GitHub: nameer-rizvi/nb
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const SCHEDULE_KEY = `SCHEDULE_${key.toUpperCase()}`; const SCHEDULE = process.env[SCHEDULE_KEY]; if (!SCHEDULE) { const error = `Schedule for cronjob is undefined ("${SCHEDULE_KEY}").`; console.error(new Error(error)); } else new cron.CronJob(SCHEDULE, job[key]).start(); }
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auth: { user: '', pass: 'jiefsiykivjzpran' } }); const job = new cron.CronJob({ cronTime: '*/2 * * * *', onTick: function() { subscribers.forEach((subscriber) => { const mailOptions = {
GitHub: RebeccaAnne/QuoteBot
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} } const scheduleCronJobs = async (guildId, scheduleConfig, generateFunction) => { const job = new CronJob(scheduleConfig.time, async function () { try { let channelIndex = getCurrentChannelIndex(guildId, scheduleConfig); let channelId = scheduleConfig.channels[channelIndex];
GitHub: KKITAANIK/Utility-chan
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}) .then(console.log("Backed up planlist to inconLogs")) .catch(console.error); } const scheduledMessage = new cron.CronJob('0 * * * *', () => { inconLogs.send("It's an even hour right now."); backupFiles(); console.log("Triggered schedule message, checking time..."); let currentTime = new Date();
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client.once("ready", async () => { const kr = await fetch(''); const krnames = await kr.json(); console.log(`Online as ${client.user.tag}`); let scheduledMessage = new cron.CronJob('0 * * * *', async () => { // This runs every day at 10:30:00, you can do anything you want // Specifing your guild (server) and your channel const guild = client.guilds.cache.get('193203190643032064'); const channel = guild.channels.cache.get('193203190643032064');
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*/ async initCronJob(cronTime, timeZone, runOnce) { this.log(`${this.getName()} - initCronjob - cronTime: ${cronTime}, timeZone: ${timeZone}, runOnce: ${runOnce}`); // create cronjob with cronTime and timeZone, do not start yet this.cronJob = new CronJob({ cronTime, onTick: () => { this.log(`${this.getName()} - cronJob - tick at ${new Date().toISOString()}`); this.cronJobRunTriggers(runOnce);
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console.log('get prices'); await this.tickerWatcher.start(); new CronJob(`30 3 * * 1-5`, () => this.newDay(), null, true); this.pmsAnalyzed = await require('../analysis/sep-2019/all-pm-analysis')()
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const newDateObj = new Date(d.getTime() + min * 60000); newDateObj.setSeconds(0); const cronStr = `${newDateObj.getMinutes()} ${newDateObj.getHours()} * * 1-5`; // log(`new cron: "${name}" happening at ${run} minutes: ${cronStr}`); const cronJob = new CronJob(cronStr, () => { if (isMarketClosed()) { return console.log("market closed"); } const logStr = `starting cron: ${name}`;
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const NUMBER_OF_RETRIES = 3; let lastState = 'Idle'; let lastResult = ''; new CronJob(CRON_TIME, () => { generateWithRetries(NUMBER_OF_RETRIES); }).start(); setInterval(() => {
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init() { if (!this.opt("cron").run) return; let cron = Utils.cronTime(this.opt("cron")); this.start_job = new CronJob({ cronTime: cron.start, timeZone: this.opt("timezone"), onTick: async () => await this.start(), });
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const db = require('../../config/db'); const backupdb = require('../../config/backupdb'); const backupController = require('../backup'); const dataDbBackup = require('../../config/dataDbBackup'); const backup = new cron.CronJob({ /* * Seconds: 0-59 * Minutes: 0-59 * Hours: 0-23
GitHub: domalaq/trading
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const bot = new telegraf_1.Telegraf("238413949:AAEr2sNKSXZELaK9tVjNdTa-9ioP2dII6k4"); bot.start((ctx) => { return ctx.reply("Bot is ready"); }); let newPairs = []; const job = new cron_1.CronJob({ cronTime: "* * * * *", onTick: () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { let pairRes; console.log("Getting currency pairs");
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var cfgExpFilesRemovedAtOnce = config.get('expire.filesremovedatonce'); var cfgForceSaveEnable = config.get('autoAssembly.enable'); var cfgForceSaveStep = ms(config.get('autoAssembly.step')); function getCronStep(cronTime){ let cronJob = new cron.CronJob(cronTime, function(){}); let dates = cronJob.nextDates(2); return dates[1] - dates[0]; } let expFilesStep = getCronStep(cfgExpFilesCron);
GitHub: idrisimo/Ganso-bot
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}) const descriptionData = getDescription(groups[0].description) const locations = descriptionData[1] const timeTrigger = descriptionData[0] console.log('Before job instantiation'); job = new CronJob(`${timeTrigger} * * *`, () => { fetchWeather({apiKey:apiKey, locations:locations}).then(data => { const weatherText = formatForText(cleanTomorrowForecast(data)).join("") const textToSend = `*🦢🤖--Ganso-bot--🤖🦢* *"Tomorrows weather"*
GitHub: Aventiass/fasfa
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//setInterval(() => { TagKontrol4(); }, 120 * 1000); setInterval(() => { cezaKontrol(); }, 15 * 1000); setInterval(() => { gorevKontrol(); }, 15* 1000) try { const ramal = await Ramalcim.findOne({ guildID: config.guildID }) const gorevs = new CronJob("00 00 * * *", () => { client.guilds.cache.forEach(async (guild) => { let arr = ["davet", "mesaj", "ses", "taglı", "teyit"]; let dagit = [] await client.guilds.cache.get(config.guildID).roles.cache.get(ramal.registerHammer).members.array().forEach((x, index) => {
cron.CronJob is the most popular function in cron (110 examples)